MovieChat Forums > John Adams (2008) Discussion > Other Figures in history that ought to g...

Other Figures in history that ought to get the 'John Adams Treatment'

There are so many, but I truly believe there should be a miniseries, such as in the style of John Adams, made about Boss Tweed.

Boss Tweed encompassed a dramatic portion of American History during the civil war and reconstruction era. Also, Tweed and his connection with Tammany Hall is a major part of history, detailing political corruption at its worst.

Also the supporting list of characters would detail a large portion of history that is commonly forgotten by most. These would be people like:

Samuel Tilden
Thomas Nast
Oakley Hall
Peter Sweeney
Richard Connolly
Horatio Seymour
George Jones
Jimmy O'Brien

Who else do you think deserves the "John Adams Treatment" and why? I am curious to see what others think.


Ronald Reagan. Something that illustrates how truly great he was. He dissolved the politburo which resulted in the collapse of the Soviet Union. He personally chiseled down the Berlin wall. Even more amazingly, he dramatically lowered taxes while at the same time substantially increasing tax revenue. It's like ... Magic!
After Reagan, then W.

"Mediocre Marx Brothers is better than no Marx Brothers!"


I heard that, in order to save money at NASA, Ronnie would personally go out to the Cape and throw the rockets into orbit with his bare hands.


I have no doubt of that. If he had still smoked, he would have lit his cigarette in the exhaust flame.

"Mediocre Marx Brothers is better than no Marx Brothers!"


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Aaron Burr.


Henry Kissinger

Fun Words to Say: Balzac, Schwumpleton, Kwosion, Clavicle.


Teddy Roosevelt.


The two off the top of my head I would like to see, are two already mentioned, being Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosevelt. Both had amazing lives leading up to their presidencies, as well as after. And with Jackson, it could be a bit of a connection to the John Adams series with his rivalry with John Quincy for the presidency.

Plus it would be pretty cool to see the assassination attempts made on both men. I mean Jackson had to be held back from attacking his assassin after his guns mis-fired, while Teddy went on to give a speech, with the bullet in his chest, seeping blood onto his shirt.

I know one guy I would suggest for Teddy would be Tom Berenger, since he played him in the TNT movie, Rough Riders and did a pretty good job playing the pre-Presidential 'Bull Moose"


Berenger made a great TR but he'd be way too old by now.

"I may not punish you for treason, but I could slap you for stupidity."


Horatio Nelson. Julian Fellowes was recently in the process of doing a script, but I worry that it may have been put on hold for Downton Abbey and his new Titanic project.



Spielberg's making a Lincoln with Daniel Day-Lewis in the lead.



I'd like to see the life and times of FDR depicted. Maybe an adaptation of "No Ordinary Time."

Maybe there's an invisible hand guiding me to all that's great and good.


Three words: Ralph. Waldo. Emerson.


Abraham Lincoln
Robert E. Lee
Jefferson Davis

"Remember this: It should not have been Edgar, but Kim." - Stephen King in EW.


Glad someone mentioned Horatio Nelson. I'd love to see an HBO series on his life. It would be like master and commander the series, only Nelson was a much more interesting character than any fictional one. I read a biography of him and was absolutely enthralled by his exploits and what life was really like on his ships at that time, i'd suggest the guy who plays jefferson in John Adams to play the title role, owing to his striking resemblance.

Who, the *beep*, are the Knutsens?


Banastre Tarleton would be full of incident (and cool hats).


benedict arnold would be a good one.
