MovieChat Forums > Shanghai Kiss (2007) Discussion > Message from the director

Message from the director

This is David Ren, writer/director of Shanghai Kiss. It's come to my attention that a DVD Screener copy has leaked onto the internet, which is unfortunate because we are still a month away from release. Since the leak just a few days ago, tens of thousands of people have already downloaded it, which is almost unheard of for a fairly small indie film. While I'm happy that so many people are seeking out the film and enjoying it, I'd like to share my thoughts on the situation.

Shanghai Kiss is an autobiographical story and a film that is very personal to me. Some of you have commented on the lack of Asian male leads in American films that are not in the action/martial arts genre. This is especially true for love stories. This is because Hollywood doesn't think America is ready to accept an Asian male as a romantic lead.

This film was not financed by a major studio. It wasn't even financed by an independent financing company. A large portion of the film was financed by a single investor, who put her life savings into the movie. She even sold her house, which she had owned for twenty years. This investor has never made more than five figures a year, but still put in in excess of seven figures. She did this because she felt that this was a story that had to be told and it would be a huge step forward in the way that Asian Americans are portrayed in the media.

Our deal is a royalties deal, meaning the investor gets a percentage of every DVD sold. If this film is a success, Hollywood will take notice and realize that a love story with an Asian male lead could be profitable. If it fails, we could see another twenty years without another film like this. So if you enjoyed it and want more films like it to be made, please support it by purchasing the DVD. You can preorder it here:

Or you can preorder it at whatever retailer you'd like (Amazon, etc.).

This is not a film produced to make a lot of money. This is a passion project for, not just me, but everyone involved. The cast worked for almost nothing. Hayden Panettiere's fee was probably her lowest since she was four years old. She did it because she believed in the movie and knew it was time a story like this was told.

I want to make clear that I'm not asking people to support the film just because of the Asian American cause nor am I trying to guilt people into sales. I'm only asking the people who truly enjoyed it to show Hollywood their support. Movies are greenlit based on the kinds of movies that have been financially successful in the past. I also want them to understand that, in this case, when they are pirating or illegally downloading the movie, they are not taking money from a large faceless corporation, but from a middle class worker like many of us.

David Ren


This is not a film produced to make a lot of money. This is a passion project for, not just me, but everyone involved. The cast worked for almost nothing. Hayden Panettiere's fee was probably her lowest since she was four years old. She did it because she believed in the movie and knew it was time a story like this was told.
I'm not getting it. What's the problem of the leak if the film wasn't produced to make a lot of money, but to get a message out into the world? Isn't exposure of the film, in whatever form, the best way of doing that?

If it is a good film, people will go and see it and/or buy the DVD. It's always been that way. Pre-release screeners may hurt blockbuster releases, but actually help indie films. For every loser that won't fork over the dough to pay for this flick, after s/he has seen the screener, there's 10 more who wouldn't have even known about it if the screener weren't leaked and WILL do the right thing by paying for it when it is released.


I saw your film “Shanghai Kiss” for rental yesterday via Red Box at a McDonalds at which my daughters work. The cover art indicated that it had become available on October 2, 2007. Until that time, I was unaware of your film. I am sorry to hear that the film has been pirated. I hope that you make at least enough profit that your benefactor can recoup the cost of financing your film.
Dan Dassow


hey is this DVD going to be released in Asia? Although I downloaded it (I couldn't resist), I am definitely going to buy this DVD when it comes out in HK. Else I will just order it.


Well done Mr. Ren!

You are very clever to add a predominantley Asian charecter in this movie. (I am from China), people in asia now have more spending power- they will start to want more asian themed movies and you are introducing yourself in a market that will BOOM in 10 years time.

Trust me, 1.3 billion people- that market is HUGE.


I will order more DVD for the Christmas gifts for my friends.


Bought my copy today - Absolutely loved it! Great film.


thanks to netflix's recommendation i saw this movie last night. i was tempted to turn it off after the first sex scene. it surprised me and my dad walked in the room during it (ouch! so embarrassed lol). i'm glad i continued watching it. the performances were great.


This is one of the best movies i have seen this year. And i watch ALOT of movies.
Thx for making such a great film. It really has alot of heart!


Speaking as a 'Dad' I myself didn't think the sex scene was at all necessary. Is this David trying to show he is really 'hot'. If the 'explicitness' was cut down, I could perhaps openly recommend the film to peers, and to younger teens in the under 16 category. Just my 2 cents that there is still a level of conservatism in the real world - perhaps amongst the Asian community, if that is the market he is pandering to.


well said.


Mr. Ren.

First off, just saw the movie and thought it was very good, and I very rarely like romantic dramas. I was surprised to find out about the low budget since it was so well done.

But the sob story about Hollywood losing money because of downloading.. Spare me. This comments summarized everything that's wrong about the movie industry:

You can say that people who like it will end up buying the DVD. What about the people who don't like it? Whether they liked it or not, they still watched 105 minutes of entertainment for free.

When you're buying a movie you haven't seen you're pretty much buying a pig in a poke, and with Hollywood putting so much money into marketing and so little into making anything original and of quality, most of the time it'll be a waste of money. OUR money. You suggest sales should go hand in hand with marketing instead of quality.

Hollywood doesn't want our support, they want us to bend over. I don't feel half as sorry for FOX or WB losing money as I do about the kids that get sued for enormous amounts for downloading movies and sometimes get their lives ruined as a result.
"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time" they say, but the proportion of the punishment compared to the crime is ridiculous. And we all know the laws are that strict because of movie industry lobbyists and the amount of money being invested into altering the laws to suit MPAA and RIAA. And I do have a problem supporting those people.

The above maybe doesn't apply to you, being an indie moviemaker, which is why I'll likely buy this movie once it reaches Europe, especially if it gets released on Blu-ray as you said it might. I'll put it on when I try to show a lady my softer side.. =)
But you did play the devil's advocate defending those guys, and I just felt I had to play the prosecutor. =)

Oh you mad cuz I'm stylin on you


don't destroy that investor and david's dreams, by watching this for free.

you want to know why most asian characters are stereotyped or the demeaning images pander to nonasian audiences? it's because hollywood doesn't respect the asian ameican market. we have to prove that we support asian american work, and don't just try to buy and spend and act like white people (or black people)


Thank you for this movie!


Great job!

In the UK there's hardly opportunity for a film like this to be made and the idea of an Asian (although in the UK, Asia seems to be only where Indians, Sri Lankans and Pakistani people come from) as a romantic lead is very, very alien.

One of the earliest examples of Hollywood taking on the idea was the great maverick Samuel Fuller's film 'The Crimson Kimono' starring James Shigeta.



I'm sorry this happened to you. But congratulations on a WONDERFUL film and one of the strongest first feature efforts I've seen in a long time.

I know you'll have big things ahead of you in your career.

All the best.
