MovieChat Forums > Shanghai Kiss (2007) Discussion > Message from the director

Message from the director

This is David Ren, writer/director of Shanghai Kiss. It's come to my attention that a DVD Screener copy has leaked onto the internet, which is unfortunate because we are still a month away from release. Since the leak just a few days ago, tens of thousands of people have already downloaded it, which is almost unheard of for a fairly small indie film. While I'm happy that so many people are seeking out the film and enjoying it, I'd like to share my thoughts on the situation.

Shanghai Kiss is an autobiographical story and a film that is very personal to me. Some of you have commented on the lack of Asian male leads in American films that are not in the action/martial arts genre. This is especially true for love stories. This is because Hollywood doesn't think America is ready to accept an Asian male as a romantic lead.

This film was not financed by a major studio. It wasn't even financed by an independent financing company. A large portion of the film was financed by a single investor, who put her life savings into the movie. She even sold her house, which she had owned for twenty years. This investor has never made more than five figures a year, but still put in in excess of seven figures. She did this because she felt that this was a story that had to be told and it would be a huge step forward in the way that Asian Americans are portrayed in the media.

Our deal is a royalties deal, meaning the investor gets a percentage of every DVD sold. If this film is a success, Hollywood will take notice and realize that a love story with an Asian male lead could be profitable. If it fails, we could see another twenty years without another film like this. So if you enjoyed it and want more films like it to be made, please support it by purchasing the DVD. You can preorder it here:

Or you can preorder it at whatever retailer you'd like (Amazon, etc.).

This is not a film produced to make a lot of money. This is a passion project for, not just me, but everyone involved. The cast worked for almost nothing. Hayden Panettiere's fee was probably her lowest since she was four years old. She did it because she believed in the movie and knew it was time a story like this was told.

I want to make clear that I'm not asking people to support the film just because of the Asian American cause nor am I trying to guilt people into sales. I'm only asking the people who truly enjoyed it to show Hollywood their support. Movies are greenlit based on the kinds of movies that have been financially successful in the past. I also want them to understand that, in this case, when they are pirating or illegally downloading the movie, they are not taking money from a large faceless corporation, but from a middle class worker like many of us.

David Ren



I'm sorry it was leaked so early. Me personally, I saw the movie at San Francisco in March. Wanted to see it again so I preordered the DVD, but couldn't wait so I downloaded it and will watch that copy till my DVD arrives. A few other people I know are getting the DVD based on my recommendation so I'm doing my part!


I think for a movie like this one piracy is a verry good thing. You make tour name known, you make the movie known. Not manny peoples will buy a DVD produce by an unknown scenarist, especially a low budget movie like this one. I live in Europe, in a country where probably your movie wont be release, and if it will i dont think i will find it in every store.

I understand you want and need for this movie to be a succes but i think you also want and need you movie to be seen by manny peoples. SO if you like it, spread the word and then buy it.

The movie it lacks certain aspects, the end doesnt really worked for me, too cheesy and i think the male lead could have done a better job. On the other hand Hayden is really good, much better then in Heroes.


You're able to purchase the DVD online and have it shipped to where you live in Europe. Just make sure that you have a region free DVD player.

I thought that the ending had some of the most memorable lines in the whole movie. The scene at then end with Liam and the roses was also my favorite. There was no shortage of talent in this movie and I felt that Ken Leung did a remarkable job.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.




You can count on my share !

I pre-ordered the DVD from Amazon when I found it was coming out. I didn't have the opportunity to see it because there were no screenings of it where I live. I know I will enjoy the movie very much and I am also a big fan of Ken Leung.


I've found that the biggest reason why these films are rare is because the Asian American community doesn't support them. Unlike the black and latinos, who desperately try to integrate themselves into mainstream media, the majority of the Asian American community are comfortable being excluded. I hate to use the term "banana" but they have less pride in where they came from. This, of course, is due to the way they are portrayed on screen in the first place, which embarrasses themselves enough shy away from their heritage. The way the Asian American community is embracing films like Rush Hour is very self-deprecating. They prefer to laugh at themselves because they don't understand who they are. Until they do, things will never change.

Dr. J



I'm a first generation Chinese. I was born and raised in Taiwan. I moved to the US when I was 14. I think the first step to fight stereotypess is to stop making generalizations yourself. I don't hang out just with Asians, I don't only eat Chinese food, and I don't only listen/watch music/movies from Asia. I believe self segratation is a bad thing.

I try to make friends of all colors and from different backgrounds. I enjoy travelling all over the world. I make an effort to date outside of my race. Actually, I am a big fan of interracial relationships. Not only does it promote better understanding between people of different backgrounds, I truly believe one day, when interracial mixing becomes so widespread, specific/distinct racial lines will no longer exist. People then will be forced to judge others by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. Forcing people to really see others beyond what's on the surface further promotes understanding and understanding reduces conflicts. As I tell all the girls I hook up with, "I am [beep]ing you for world peace, baby, now turn over so I can ride you into the sunset". I know, I'm a hopeless romantic like that.


Hi David

First off, kudos on making the film. Considering the lack of major financial backing from a studio, that is a great achievement in itself. I loved this movie, and am definately planning on buying the DVD whenever it is released in the UK as I live in London. There is hardly any exposure to this film in the UK, and I have been telling friends to keep an eye out for it.

Hope to see some more quality films coming from you. Will the DVD have some extra features such as interviews with yourself and cast? I was born in Korea and brought up in the UK, so this film definately resonates with me as I see it doing with all asian males who grew up in western countries.

Thanks again


dabm, I'm glad you loved the film. As far as I know, we are waiting to sell major territories in Europe for several reasons. If you have an all region DVD player, you can purchase the North American version, which will have deleted scenes, making of, and audio commentary by me, the co-director, and the producer. Depending on how well the DVD sells, there is also possibility for a Blu-ray version too, which would be the ideal as we filmed 35mm anamorphic and DVD just doesn't do it justice.



Hey David!

Thanks for posting on IMDB! I have to say though, I didn't find out about this movie until i watched it for free streamed on the internet. I didn't even click on the film to find out more about it until i read the name and was wondering when did they make a sequel to Shanghai Knight.. (haha) And i didn't really take an interest in it until i saw Hayden was in the movie (and boy I am a huge fan of her and Heroes.) I think this leak actually will help generate buzz for the movie. Also I think that most people buy films they've actually seen before and liked, so it shouldn't affect DVD sales.

As a 1st generation Chinese female in America (I came here when I was seven/eight, so i know how to speak), I definitely related to the film. I agree with you that I've never seen a film about Asians like this- absolutely real, raw, humorous and just brilliant!!!! I support this film 100% and I will pre-order the dvd and tell all my friends to watch it-both Asians and non Asians.

What I like most about the film is that it explores nearly all aspects of being an Asian American. From the cultural identity issues to the personal relationships. My favourite part in the film was when Micki first met Liam and told him that every physical aspect of him is Asian and that it is absurd for him to completely reject his Asian side. Yet at the same time, he tried to live in China and obviously its not right for him. I believe that you really hit the center with this point. Almost every Asian Americans can relate to this. (If they don't then they're even more confused/brainwashed than most.)

I just want to thank you SO MUCH for making this film. I always thought that Hollywood and the media in general never seem to focus on Asians in a realistic way. I hope this film will be successful and launch your career because we definitely need more films like this. (And oh, any tips on how you decided to pursue a career in this field would also be helpful. I'm a HS senior and I'm trying to decide if I want to persue a major/career in film/creative writing/communication/sociology/English.. ha, I'm so confused!)

Thanks for your time!


I'm glad you loved the film. Now you know what it takes to get an Asian American film made. A lot of people talk about the lack of realistic Asian American representations in the media, but it's take courageous investors to put their money where their mouth is and change that.

If you want to pursue filmmaking as a career, the easiest way to write a great screenplay. More than that, write one so personal, there is no one else who can direct it but you. Once you are established, you might get offers to do more mainstream Hollywood fare but I believe the first film should always be a personal one. Develop your voice and make sure that voice stands out.



Have you gotten in touch with an Asian-American distributor such as Passion River films - - to get this film to the right hands? Facebook would be another great place to plug the film to Asian-American activists

I hope there are more films exploring Asian-American Male alienation in the US and abroad. Thanks for getting the ball rolling on this...


We already have a distributor for now but I appreciate your thoughts.



I also downloaded the movie and it wasnt too bad.. but why did Hayden act like such a kid with these pet names and stuff.. made for an ANNOYING character.


Thank you for expressing your sentiments and explaining the process of making this film. For the sake of the extremely generous investor, everyone who has worked for this movie, and the future of balanced and realistic portrayals of Asian Americans in Hollywood, I'm buying the DVD.

Some of us on Facebook are encouraged by your message as well:
