Didn't Bleeker have any choice in the adoption?
After all he was the daddy...
shareHis atttitude was pretty much hands off.
shareYes, he should have a choice in the adoption. Whether he chose to exercise that choice was entirely up to him.
But in an abortion, he would not have a choice.
Morgan Freeman will outlive Chuck Norris- he's the only one who can deliver the eulogy
Ain't that the truth!
shareWHAT?! You're saying if she decided on an abortion, he wouldn't have any say?
shareI'm a guy, and yes that is pretty much the case. Abortion is the woman's choice. The man shouldn't be able to force her to carry a baby full term if she has reasons otherwise.
shareI can agree its the woman's choice, but unless abortion is the only choice(like the woman is not healthy enough to carry to term)I'm leaving her, she just killed my child, our child and that's unforgivable
shareI can agree its the woman's choice, but unless abortion is the only choice(like the woman is not healthy enough to carry to term)I'm leaving her, she just killed my child, our child and that's unforgivable. If you don't want a child don't have sex or be protected
shareI definitely understand where you're coming from. I'm the same way, but it's not my right to tell other random women what to do. If it is my wife I definitely would be pissed she abused that and did it without looking at better options. I would possibly leave her as well.
My only point was that at the end of the day, the man can't tell the woman what to do about.
It's not that you'd be "telling her what to do" but at least give your opinion. When I became pregnant, of course, I made the final decision, but I still wanted my partner's input, and he had every right to give it, it's 2 people's baby, even if it's just in the woman's body. Well, that's just my opinion ~
shareI'm just being bitter. After a lifetime of women telling me that my opinion doesn't matter until biology magically lets me push babies out of my dick, I've grown to accept it.
I personally am morally opposed to abortion, but that's how it's always happened. My cousin had one simply because she didn't want to be a mother and now, I wouldn't piss on her if she were on fire. I just realize and have accepted that any woman I'm with probably will not want to hear my feelings.
So a small bundle of cells matters to you, but a grown up adult doesn't ?
shareI know this was posted 3 years ago, and you're probably not following this thread anymore, but I just wanted to tell you to not sell yourself short. Don't accept that any woman you're with will not want to hear your feelings. If she loves you or cares about you in any way, she will absolutely want your input. If she doesn't, that is her problem, not yours. Move on and find someone that will respect you. Your feelings and opinions matter.
shareIf bleeker didn't sign anything he would have rights as a father it happens all the time. To me it was a big plot hole.
shareWhat does it matter he has no rights and his opinion is irrelevant. You've already been given 100% control to kill the kid if he loves it or keep it if he doesn't want it. Don't act like it's some sort of democracy.
shareThe man shouldn't be able to force her to carry a baby full term if she has reasons otherwise.
I don't feel like you can compare that. Child support is for the support of the child. And as the biological father you're completely obligated to ensure the wellbeing of your child.
shareSo the child deserves to grow up disadvantaged because their dad doesn't want to be responsible for his actions?
When you're 17 a cow can seem dangerous and forbidden...am I alone here?
So, he never gets any choice? He is forced to pay for a child he didn't want and he's forced to watch the mother of that child kill it when he wants it. No. That's bullsh!t.
shareI agree.Its not fair to tell the man his opinion doesnt matter and then turn around and say o but pay me for the kid anyway. It should be 50/50. After all both man and woman are the parents.
shareEver here of birth control? It's not a female-only club.
shareHe made it clear he was fine with her having an abortion so why would he care if she placed it for adoption? He clearly was not ready to be a father. He didn't seem to even really grasp what was happening.
shareBecause there's a difference between terminating a pregnancy and giving your child away.
shareFrom what I got he was relieved he didn't have to worry about having a baby. He did really seem to care about Junos decision.
Religion Brings Out The Very Worst In People,Clearly Shows Their Ignorance & Intolerance
Fathers have no rights in the United States and it is a crock of !@#$. However, to answer your question he did have a choice because she asks him "Is that okay with you" and he says "Do what you gotta do." But no, if she wanted to just do it she could. That is BS because that "It's my body" argument doesn't seem to come into play when the baby comes and the mother wants the father's money and it becomes "I didn't make this baby alone."
Women with that attitude are evil.
I did sixty in five minutes once...
What does the "it's my body" argument have to with paying child support?
sharePresumably that it doesn't cut both ways "It's *my* body but I am doing something with it that will place a financial burden on *you*. You also have no access as although I maintain I am a weak and feeble woman incapable of taking independent responsibility for our joint actions, I also embrace the cognitive dissonance of simultaneously believing you were an arbitrary sperm depositor in the process of me creating my child".
Not saying I agree with all that, but that's the logic.
My body is used to make the money that pays for the child I never wanted.
Halt Allergies & Chronic Illness by Avoiding Man-Made Toxins. http://maverickallergy.com
HA! NICE! I like how no one else replied to that brilliant comeback.
shareWell, women with that attitude (so not all women) don't see the man as the father when she is pregnant. It is her body her choice. But when the baby comes and the money is tight, guess who acknowledges the father.
I did sixty in five minutes once...
I agree, feminists do not like men at all, thus I fell away from feminism.
If the laws were fair, men could write off any accidental child a woman decided to have, or else the man would have some control over HIS baby's abortion.
Funny how My Body, My Choice seems to ONLY apply to women, as if men's bodies forced to die on battlefields for the good of the country, do not count as human or bodies.
This selfish female thing is so tired and we need strong men and STRONG WOMEN to take it apart, to shred the BIGOTRY and anti male hatred.
Halt Allergies & Chronic Illness by Avoiding Man-Made Toxins. http://maverickallergy.com
My body my choice applies to men already, and it has for a long long time. I mean men have the right to go putting their sexual organs where they want to, yet like I said, they could easily just walk away and not have anything to do with the child which is what a lot of men who don't care where they put their penis do. Men are not forced onto the battlefield either. I don't know where you live. If they ever were, it was because they were seen as more able than women, which they still are. But back then, women had so little perceived worth arguing that men had it hard is kind of irrelevant. Now it's different, things are leveling out more even if they are still not so level. Women barely have the choice to go out on the battlefield, even if they are as qualified or more qualified than a man standing next to them in line at Walmart. So that's the other side of it. It's not an anti male thing, but like I said, think about it...This is what I send to the other guy:
Fathers have many rights, but one thing masculinists just can't come to grips with is that men and women are just not equal when it comes to babies. Not unless they are in a committed relationship or unless they were trying for a baby. But if not, the woman has higher precedence. Why? You're forgetting something...The man doesn't have to carry the baby. He just has to put his sperm into the woman. The woman typically has more direct work to do as far as the baby goes also. Especially since we live in a very archaic society where women are expected to actually care for the child while the man again is allowed more freedom in what he does. And when you're presented with two equally qualified parents, one male and one female, who has more rights when it comes to the child? It's really really hard to say. But if there has to be a way to choose only one, both can't be equal, the child is more connected to the mother on a certain level. And another problem is that men typically only want their parental rights as far as it suits them. This 'greater connection to the mother' thing extends to that. Men in a non committed relationship quite often might just walk away and not have anything to do with the child, because they don't want to. I'm sure those men would appreciate their freedom they have to walk away because the child is more connected to the mother and because they aren't stuck carrying it up to birth. So think about it...If in that type of relationship, it really is more their choice
So if you're in a strong committed relationship/you were trying to have a child, it is definitely wrong to not include the father. But Bleeker and Juno were not there at all. And Juno came onto him, so he wasn't trying to have a child. And obviously she wasn't either and she took control of that situation. Why should he have more rights than she does? It's not like they were fit parents, maybe she wasn't ready to be pregnant either. How old was she? 16 or so? How would it feel to be 16 and pregnant? It would interfere with so many things. Bleeker didn't have to go through that. The only thing I think is that if the father doesn't want to keep the child, he shouldn't have to pay anything, but that's as far as it goes
The last thing could easily be abused, but it's a general statement. I think perhaps having sex at all is a call to responsibility for the outcome...ie, the child. But I think it'd depend
shareIs that what you would want for your son? To pay for a child he doesn't want for the rest of his life? Ruin his life over some stranger's life?
shareGuess he should have kept his dick in his pants. How did he not ruin his own life by opting to have sex without protection? You can't win with some men, man... if she decides to keep the baby and he doesn't want it, she's wrong. If she decides to abort the baby and he disagrees with abortion, she's wrong. Meanwhile, Bleeker had NO fallout from getting her pregnant. His parents never knew he was the father. He wasn't the one being stared at in school with his giant belly. He didn't have to go through morning sickness, heartburn, hemorrhoids, labor and childbirth. Boo fĂącking hoo.
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.
It's not about being anti-male it's about being anti-stupid. That's where your problem lies.
~The internet? Is that thing still around?~
Fathers have many rights, but one thing masculinists just can't come to grips with is that men and women are just not equal when it comes to babies. Not unless they are in a committed relationship or unless they were trying for a baby. But if not, the woman has higher precedence. Why? You're forgetting something...The man doesn't have to carry the baby. He just has to put his sperm into the woman. The woman typically has more direct work to do as far as the baby goes also. Especially since we live in a very archaic society where women are expected to actually care for the child while the man again is allowed more freedom in what he does. And when you're presented with two equally qualified parents, one male and one female, who has more rights when it comes to the child? It's really really hard to say. But if there has to be a way to choose only one, both can't be equal, the child is more connected to the mother on a certain level. And another problem is that men typically only want their parental rights as far as it suits them. This 'greater connection to the mother' thing extends to that. Men in a non committed relationship quite often might just walk away and not have anything to do with the child, because they don't want to. I'm sure those men would appreciate their freedom they have to walk away because the child is more connected to the mother and because they aren't stuck carrying it up to birth. So think about it...If in that type of relationship, it really is more their choice
shareFathers have no rights in the United States and it is a crock of !@#$.This debate is so fascinating. Are you saying there are men out there who think they should have a say in whether or not the woman terminates the pregnancy?
I think the original poster's original question has gotten lost in the debate. The question was whether Bleeker had choice in the adoption, as he was the baby's father.
The legal answer is yes. Even though Juno said her parents wouldn't tell his parents, if the father is known, then that father also has to sign away parental rights in the case of a born baby being adopted.
I think we can assume by Bleeker's attitude that he would have signed away these rights if he had been named as the father on paper, but since Juno never did this, there was no need. Had he wanted to keep and raise the baby, that would have been his right.
As far as abortion goes, no, he would have no rights. I'm sure it varies state to state as to the particulars of the length of pregnancy etc. but in general, the law sees the pregnancy (fetus) as the woman's choice as it's in her body. You can agree, disagree, feel indifferent about whether or not this is the case (and really, is a movie message board a) the place to do it, and b) the place where you are going to change someone else's mind?) but your own personal or religious beliefs are irrelevant. In answer to the poster's question, Bleeker would have a say in adoption. To answer the side question, no, Bleeker would not have a say in abortion.
The men who have an issue (myself included) want men to have the option to give up their rights and responsibilities during the time the women can abort. I also want mandatory paternity tests and charges levied on women who lie about who the father is. BTW, as far as the woman's body argument, I'd guarantee you if men were the ones carrying the baby that crap would never fly. Women would be on TV crying about how it's another case of the patriarchy controlling women's lives or some other garbage.
shareThank god your version of law will never become a reality. What a misogynist prick.
shareLOL. Um, no. He's just sensible. Women don't get to take everything away from men and then, find new reasons to b!tch and moan.
As far as I'm concerned, the mother and father of that child should have to sign a consent form for the adoption to take place. Fathers deserve to feel like their participation in the act really matters.
Look at Mila Kunis's horrible remark against men saying, "We're pregnant." What a bunch of sh!t.
Wow this is a real eye-opener for me. Not interested in getting into a debate. But seriously; there are men who think this way? The time for men (and women) to decide about their rights and responsibilities is before having sex. It's 2014. Every educated human on earth should have at least a basic understanding of the fact that sex has potential consequences.
Finally a rational response. Now it's actually 2016, and your point is extremely valid.
All this talk about, "What if I don't want a child" (men, sometimes), or "It's solely up to me what I do with a pregnancy" (women, sometimes) is just straight up *beep* By the time there's a "surprise pregnancy", your decisions effect other people, other lives, besides your own self-absorbed wishes. Are sexually active people (Juno's favorite term, LOL) really that naĂŻve to think the decision process starts AFTER someone says... "OOPS"? Wow... way to be a responsible person.
Maybe you should view every person you have sex with as the parent of your next child, and let that idea help you decide if you really want to sleep with them, or if you're certain that reliable protection is being used. Not sure? Don't engage! It's pretty simple. (I do know that there are exceptions even with reliable protection, but seriously, the majority of unwanted pregnancies come from human error of many different types. Far fewer come from completely failed protection.) Get real people, it's called responsibility for your actions.
I feel like this is one of those questions that feminists would jump you on. A woman has a right to do whatever she wants with her baby, whether it be keep it, put it up for adoption, or abortion. But I figure she assumed that Bleeker would rather the baby be adopted than raise it with Juno. I mean, when she told him she was going to abort it, he made it seem like he was cool with it, so she probably assumed, he'd be cool with the adoption as well.
Contrary to popular belief, since Juno did acknowledge hes the father he would have to sign away his rights in order for the baby to be adopted. I was a little upset that part wasn't mentioned at all. Unless she flat out lied and said she dint know who the father was.
Lestatic #15
My very randomness astounds people!
If a woman can choose not to abort (or use an IUD), why should the man have to pay 18 years for HER choice? I think he should pay, but not have to pay.
Rowan222; what rights does he have on his unborn or newborn? I don't think he can stop Juno from putting the child up for adoption until he has "established a substantial relationship with his child" (google the phrase). And even then, the rights seem unspecified. Any lawyer reading this?
lycanized-647-525503: I'm a masculinist, but I agree with you. Not only "the child is more connected to the mother." But also, the mother has to carry the child for 9 months, and indeed incurs much inconvenience from puberty to metapause. So hopefully, the mother is also more connected to the child. And this primal bond existed since far before cave women. This is why mothers should, and do, have more rights than fathers. So why do you say this is an "archaic society where women are expected to actually care for the child, while the man again is allowed more freedom". This lack of freedom is the way our bodies are built (primal mother-child bond) - not because of society. At the same time, most men love children very much too, though it sounds like that has not been your experience.
I would suggest that women only have children with men they are sure will stick (ie their husband of 2 years), or use IUD's. This simple solution is there, so why are there millions of single moms?? And if the woman doesn't do this, it's her responsibility. There is no reason the man should be blamed for not sticking.
Two people make a baby. It's half his responsibility. So yeah he has to pay for it. He doesn't have to go to soccer or be dad of the year but a bit of money is the least you could do.
stop making movies out of your life
Didn't he not know? Or maybe he just deferred to Juno.
shareHe was a brainless idiot to begin with.