MovieChat Forums > Max Payne (2008) Discussion > Top Pick For Max Payne Reboot

Top Pick For Max Payne Reboot

I would go with David Boreanez (spelling?), he played Angel the way Max was portrayed in the first game, I think he also has the acting chops to pull it off.

I'd imagine the perfect actor would be a non-action star who can act very vulnerable to pain (because Max lives up to his last name, a lot). And someone who acts brooding but not grizzled.

So who would be your top picks for Max if they did a reboot?


Someone who actually bothered to play the game prior to acting in it, something Mark didn't and was quite obvious.



I would have to go with Josh Brolin, I think he has the perfect damaged look for Max.


Ryan Gosling FTW!


Jon Hamm


Hugh Jackman.

Protect wildlife.
Save the trees.
Wipe your ass with Owls.


Charlie Hunnam
Tom Hardy
Christian Bale


Nic Cage

I'm gonna show you something beautiful everyone screaming for mercy
