MovieChat Forums > Max Payne (2008) Discussion > Top Pick For Max Payne Reboot

Top Pick For Max Payne Reboot

I would go with David Boreanez (spelling?), he played Angel the way Max was portrayed in the first game, I think he also has the acting chops to pull it off.

I'd imagine the perfect actor would be a non-action star who can act very vulnerable to pain (because Max lives up to his last name, a lot). And someone who acts brooding but not grizzled.

So who would be your top picks for Max if they did a reboot?


There will be no reboot as the studios will be reluctant not to lose more money. And i won't be seeing it if it came out

My Voting history is secret;)


Personally, I've always said Eric Mabius should be Max Payne. And Brian Cox as Alfred Woden.


To me real Max Payne is from the 1st game. I dunno why they changed the looks in the 2nd game because the character looked completely different and I hated that.

The original Max Payne had unusual face features and looked pretty slim. Also looked pretty young like in early 30's.

Johnny Knoxville is between the 1st and 2nd Max Payne. But he's comedian



michael wincott. watch Metro and think max payne


Michael Madsen


Johnny Knoxville.


Joseph Gordon Levitt

look here he is making the max payne face

My mom has been *beep* a dead guy for 30 years.....I call him Dad!!


No, I'm sorry he's too young.

His voice still sounds like it's trying to climb outside the claspy hands of puberty. We can't have a puberty-voiced Max Payne, it just doesn't work.


I agree with all those saying that Dean Winters would be perfect choice for Max Payne. I mean, just look at the guy! He is as closest looking to the original game Max as it gets. Actually, I remember that I was commenting with my friends, back in the day that movie was announced, that it will be very surprising if they don't go with Dean Winters......and they didn't :/


I always thought that the Max Payne actor from the 1st game always looked like Michael T. Weiss (from "The Pretender" TV show).

Here's a link to an almost spitting image picture of Michael (within imdb):

He had the same hairstyle, wore a leather jacket a lot and had an expression on his face most of the time

Anyone else think so, or just me?


1. Eric Mabius - has always been Max Payne to a T. The perfect choice IMO.
2. Dean Winters - I would be fine with this selection, he could pull of the role.
3. James McCaffrey - the actual voice of Max Payne... which is probably the most important part as that's what we all heard as we listened and watched the story unfold. He's also a pretty good actor to boot.


Dylan McDermott - would make for an excellent Max Payne if he isn't too old. I'm sure most folks wouldn't consider him, but he has the right voice and the right look for it.


I agree with you, too...

In fact, I've been a big fan of McDermott since In The Line of Fire and The Practice, and felt he has been underused to be as diverse and dramatic as he is.

Sadly, Hollywood would label him as "too old" since he isn't a popular choice amongst teen fangirls or stars in some terrible teen drama. Such a shame.



Mel Gibson could still pull off the role, hes really the best choice, imo
