Can we quit tossing around words like slut and whore? It's funny how no one ever calls boys that. Double standard!
Um...and I submit you already know this but felt compelled to trumpet today's new-speak...the double standard exists because "standards" are different for a reason. Having sex is a biological urge so it doesn't conform so much to fads of the time. The fact is, evolutionarily speaking, the more sex a guy has with the more women the better chance he'll contribute "himself" to the future. For a girl that's not the case. In fact, it's the opposite. Once a girl becomes pregant...she's precluded for about year from conceiving again. So basically, a girl *beep* a bunch of different guys makes no sense because now she won't know which guy was the father and she loses the option of passing on her genes with the male of her choice. If she gets knocked up by a loser she loses her chance to pass on her genes with a winner. On the other hand, a guy...instinctually speaking...has no such worries. If he impregnates a "bad choice" he just moves on to the next. In fact, the more the merrier spread it everywhere! Isn't 100 women carrying forth his DNA better than 10 for "his future"? Hence, it makes sense for men to instictually attempt to have sex with as many women as possible and no sense the other way around and no amount of political correctness will change that or why people sensibly view women who act like men as "sluts". They're acting in a way that's completely un-natural and against their very own self interest and be viewed askance.
In the paper today...tales of war and of waste
But you turn right over to the T.V. page