MovieChat Forums > Freedom Writers (2007) Discussion > What's the main race in your school?

What's the main race in your school?

I go to a high school with about 1800 kids. There are about 30 Asians, 15 Blacks, 10 Samoans, 10 Latinos, and everyone else is white.

What's yours like?


50% Latino (mainly Mexican)
20% White
10% Black
20% Other (Middle Eastern, etc.)

Live in Texas


I just got out of middle school but basicaly:

I'm one out of 10 white people in the school.
about 40 asians.
and the rest is either black or hispanic. It's pretty even between them.

Welcome to Mudville. There is no joy, but we've got a Starbucks.


I'm at uni now which is pretty multicultural, but my high school was pretty average for Melbourne. It's a bit hard to know everyone's exact race but I have a problem just labeling people white or asian because in Australia its a bit different. In my experience labeling occurs more along the lines of if you are international or domestic student. We have huge amounts of students coming from Asian countries to do high school who then leave again. It really creates a sort of us and them situation sometimes because often the international students are very groupy and don't speak English comfortably. Most of the other racial boundaries are not as noticeable anymore ie. between Anglos and Italians etc. like they were in the fifties. Anyway, my school was probably 30% Chinese/Singaporean, 10% Jewish, 60% Anglo/Italian/Greek.


there is about 2000 kids in my school

80 blacks

150 latinos

300 asians

100 indians

90 egyptians

the rest whites


There are 350 students at my school and about 3% is black, 1% asian and the rest is white. I live in a very small city in Norway.


As I mentioned on another thread, I went a high school of 5000 students, 98% of the kids were white.



I live in Edinburgh, Scotland and go to a public school (one of the poorer ones at that) and the majority of the students are white. The next highest is blacks(mostly Fijians as the school is next to army living and a lot of them come over here with the army), I know one mixed race person, I can only remember seeing one Asian other than the girl I'm friends with, and no Latino's.


I go to a catholic school. a huge majority are white. less than half are african american. and the rest is Latino or Asian. my school has like 300 kids at least


I'm from Scotland. We have 1300 students. 4 of which are black, about 30 asians, the rest white...


I got to a middle/elemtary school with about 300 kids. It's a small twon in Ontario Canada and we have mostly white kids. WE got a few blacks here and there. We used to have a chinese girl(?) she was my friend. But anways, yeah we're not a very big school


My school has about a thousand kids and there is one black kid, everyone else is white.
