RIP Cuba Gooding Jr.

His career was dwindling slowly but now he is at peace



Radio = Vanity piece

People don't remember vanity pieces soon after they disappear. Look at Mel Gibson in "What Women Want".

"At least the black box survived"-Joel
"Why can't they make THE PLANE out of the black box?!"-Crow



dude, with movies like Norbit and this... no way.



It is hard to discount people with talent but if they discount themselves and continually take crummy roles what more can be done for them?



He was great in his 2 minutes in Pearl Harbor. Everyone knows he should of been the lead.



The guy can't do comedy, plain and simple. He's one of the better dramatic actors. Great in Jerry Maguire and the best thing about Pearl Harbor. Like Team America said, "I need you like Cuba Gooding needed a bigger part...he's way better than Ben Affleck".

Sophia Bush is amazing.
Ralph Fiennes needs an Oscar like I need a woman.


ye i think its time for the old man to clock out and go and get old gracefully!



They advertised him being in American Gangster as if his character was very important to the movie. Instead, he ended up being a little lower than secondary and had maybe six minutes total of screen time which wasn't extremely vital to the story. Plus, Daddy Day Camp was DOA before it was casted, so it isn't his fault. I don't know if I'll say it's the end of his career, though.



ye i just saw him in jerry maguire and to see him in this is tragic



he needs cameron crowe and cameron crowe needs him =)



he was in Rat Race, and to me at least, that movie was hilarious. But this guy, along with Eddie, has serious talent. he shouldn't be asked to be in movies as *beep* as this. The guy needs a comeback.


He shouldn't be ASKED?! He shouldn't accept to be in s hit movies like Rat Race, Snow Dogs, Boat Trip, and this. He ultimately makes the decisions that turn his career from close to A-List to DtV actor.

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Radio a vanity piece? =/ It's a great movie with a great Oscar-worthy performance by Cuba.

Rodney Dangerfield biography reviewed!


he might not choose his roles, he may be in a place where he has to take what comes along....even micheal caine admits he's been in some absolute howlers....but remember he's an actor, he does it for a living....and an actor is only ever gonna be as good as whatever script they're given.....

and if he isnt being picked for good scripts he's gonna have to not be picky...and just take roles as they come

i perosnally think he is a very talented an unfortunate situation....come on cuba....

immaturity and your life is alot like wine, the older it gets, the more it costs you


Pearl harbor was horrid. As was rat race. His talent has been squandered



Eoghan, Cuba is not dead, the thread is about his career dying a slow death, even though it's been nearly 11 years since Jerry Maguire. I think it's safe to say that his top billing days are just about over. The only time he'll be near an Oscar again is when he dusts his, providing he doesn't have to sell it when he can't even get a dtv film. Damn shame too, because Rod Tidwell is one of the greatest movie charcters and performances of all time.


"he might not choose his roles, he may be in a place where he has to take what comes along...."

And after the absolutely bad movies he's been in when he could write his own ticket after his Oscar win, he put himself in that place.

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Super Paper Mario (Wii): 9/10
Halo 2 (Xbox): 8/10


He can always make 'Chill Factor 2'. Cuba Gooding is synonymous with crap.


this is soooo stupid they made a remake and nobody was even the same. i bet the movie would have been better but now it just sucks.


his list of bombs:
-Pearl Harbor
-Rat Race
-In the Shadows
-Snow Dogs
-Fighting Temptations
-Home on the Range
-End Game
-Norbit (hit, but bomb among the critics)
-Daddy Day Camp


I think everyones being a bit hard on him. I actually quite liked rat race, and although shadow boxer wasn't great he was still excellent at his part.

And I don't care what anyone says I love Home on the Range. That film is hilarious. However I think everyone's forgetting his performance in Men of Honour, as he was amazing at it. Even the real guy he was portraying said how good he was. Boys in the Hood is another classic, and even though I know it bombed, I enjoyed Lightening Jack. Don't forget Gladiator and Instinct as well.

I think the guy is a major talent, and all he needs is one great film to get him up the top. Samuel L Jackson only really starting getting major parts after Pulp Fiction, and that was when he was 46. That film pretty much made him. And despite the bad films he's made, he's made some legendary ones too. He's also now an A lister.

Now I haven't seen this film, but I know instantly I'll hate it, despite the fact I actually found the original pretty funny. I always get annoyed when they replace the main character but try and keep it the same, and Cuba really should have seen this response coming. There's no way anyone can imitate Eddie Murphey, and his character was vital to the 1st film, so I'm not gonna waste my time.

But he's still a great actor, and all he needs is a great script.

*Don't stress. You'll live longer.* =D!


Rat Race didn't bomb, and the reviews weren't bad for it either.




Incredibly sad Cuba has been reduced to such low points. How is it possible for such a talented actor to resort to such terrible films!!!!!


The sad thruth is everytime a good part comes along for an African-American male the script will go to Will Smith,Denzel Washington and Eddie Murphy first.Then Samuel Jackson who doesn't turn squat down but you don't see him doing Boat Trip or Snowdogs.I'd even say Morgan Freeman,Chris Rock and Chris Tucker would get the script before Cuba Gooding Jr. and now he has competition from Terrence Howard whose star is still rising.


Don't forget about Chiwetel Ejiofor, either. The kid is no slouch. He can ACT.

I feel horrible for Cuba, who does not get nearly enough credit. It was good to see him in American Gangster, though. Hopefully that can get him back into the world of quality film.

"Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead."


maybe Aerican Gangster will do soemthing for him...he didn't have a huge part, but it was decent and he did good.


LOL. Didn't he win an Oscar once? It's kind of distressing. He needs to fire his agent.

To thine own self be true.


This movie was the final nail in his coffin but at least he is finally at rest.

I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every moment of it.


The sad truth is that almost all good actors have done at least one or two embarassing films in their career. Two examples who come to mind right away are Malcolm McDowell and Michael Caine.
