MovieChat Forums > How I Met Your Mother (2005) Discussion > Was Slapsgiving 3 really a racist episod...

Was Slapsgiving 3 really a racist episode?

You might remember the controversy that there was back in 2014 when the episode Slapsgiving 3 aired. There was the hashtag #HowIMetYourRacism because apparently making Ted,Lily and Robin play asian kung fu masters was racist. But i think that episode wasnt racist at all! It was one of the best of season 9,and it was a nice homage to the old kung-fu movies. It was an absurd controversy,one of the first ones of the SJWs on the social networks.


I don't remember the controversy. Anyone who watched the show knows the characters often referenced old movies and pop culture. So you can't be a fan of forms of entertainment done by a minority if you're white? How ridiculous is that.


It wasnt at all!


Never heard of any controversy but no, it wasn’t racist. They were spoofing kung-fu movies.


Asian American here.

The backlash with that episode was misguided virtue signaling. This isn't some Cloud Atlas shit. It was a gawddamned spoof episode. And anyone watching the series religiously at the time would have seen that this was another example of a long tradition of spoofing cultural media throughout the show.






This show was made before a lot of the bullshit hysteria that exists now. It was just silly fun. Only offensive if you really want to make it so.



During the final years of the series the sjw movement was starting to become mainstream. Thats why there was that controversy. But it was only at the beginning so that controversy wasnt very popular. But Bays and Thomas apologized anyway. That movement was only at the beginning,otherwise that controversy would have been more mainstream.


Yeah this show as it was wouldn’t exist now. All white Herero characters. Sleazy skirt chaser. Environmental lawyer who is frequently mocked.

I haven’t watched Met Your Father because I just don’t think they could make it entertaining anymore. They would be too concerned with virtue signalling.
