I love it

I’m a guy. Yes, I like this show.
Yes Jennifer Love Hewitt looks good throughout the show, but in the big picture, this show works because it mixes in some thrills and chills with emotional highs in a family show setting. My wife loves it and the creepy moments are good excuses for hugging together.
The ghostly plots can be predictable, but that is beside the point. This show offers wholesome entertainment (no politics, zero agendas) that is lacking in today’s sreaming environment.
JLH has said she would love to revisit this show, so if there is ever a future movie or limited TV mini-season, I’ll be there with my wife!


It’s wonderful that you and your wife have hugging moments together. I envy you. So should we all.


That's cute, glad you get some enjoyment out of it and it's something you and your wife can enjoy together. It's not my personal taste, but I like a lot of warm, sentimental and goofy shows so I'm not one to judge.


I used to love this show. Medium, too, which was around about the same time.

I wouldn't mind a TV movie catching up on how Melinda's life has turned out.
