MovieChat Forums > Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) Discussion > Am I the only one who can't stand Eva Gr...

Am I the only one who can't stand Eva Green?

Nothing against her, at all, I just can't stand watching her in movies.


I find Eva Green to be boring, plain-looking (and far too emaciated), and overrated.



Not a fan of hers either. She plays every part the exact same way, and has an annoying tendency to overact. Overrated actress imo.




I adore Eva Green. I would see a movie just for her (actually I saw this movie mainly for her). I tried Penny Dreadful just because she was in it.
I've never been disappointed.
I'm a 33 year old straight female. I think she is a wonderful actress who picks intriguing roles. Sure, she's also gorgeous, but I'm secure enough not to be jealous of another woman just because of that.
My boyfriend also likes her, and I know he finds her very attractive. I just think that means he has good taste in women!

"Did you, did you need to hear their death agonies to know your... your omnipotence?"



I don't get the appeal, or why people carry on about her beauty (subjective, I know). I thought she was terrific in 300: Rise Of An Empire, but she's always got that dark eye makeup and it just looks strange to me. There was a scene in Casino Royale where she was applying makeup and her face was shown without all the eye stuff and I thought it looked better, but either/or she just keeps getting roles that cast her as some extraordinary beauty and I just don't see it.

In this movie she was merely okay, but to be honest this movie was full of merely okay.

I'm kinda with you, but it's not that I can't stand her, I just don't see what the big deal is.



It's funny that this old thread is still alive. I just saw the movie and thought "Couldn't they get a more attractive actress than Eva Green to play this temptress?"

I would never say, as the OP said, "I can't stand her", but she has a sort of odd face, and honestly reminded me of female characters in monster movies. She may well be a very nice person but as a red-blooded man (who is attracted to beautiful women) I don't see the attraction. Plus I don't like her voice, I find it strangely irritating.

As I watched the movie I found myself wondering why they picked her, and that is not a good thing to be wondering.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.



Are you dating her or something? You seem to spend an awful lot of time on this thread singing her praises.

I for one, think she is very pretty. However, as a woman, I'm tired of seeing her naked all the time. We all have breasts, now put on some clothes sweet heart.



Except her voice didn't bother me.


To each their own, but I personally wouldn't go out of my way to see something she's in, nor would I blow something off if she's in it. It depends on the show, but for me she doesn't add anything to any show that can't be done better by someone else. However, I don't think that they could have gotten anyone better for "300: Rise of an Empire" to run around the whole time looking like she just stepped in a dog turd and then realizing she forgot to put on her sandals.

"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
