MovieChat Forums > The Holiday (2006) Discussion > Jack Black was excellent in this

Jack Black was excellent in this

This is by far my favorite Jack Black role. Jack Black as Myles was good casting. I like "calm" Jack Black better and hope to see him in more roles like this.
Oddly, I actually liked Myles and Iris as a couple. Very cute together.

Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will worry about itself


Totally agree.

This is my signature.


he was my least favorite part of the movie


Winslet and Black had no chemistry at all you could see that in their body language..i mean they must have done dzs of takes. Switch the roles of black and burns and it could have been a passable chick flick. JB is great but only in 1 genre:comedy


I like Jack Black in general and while I can buy him in somewhat serious roles such as Shallow Hal--and in fact in SH he did some fine acting in some pretty serious scenes--sadly, I didn't buy him in this one at all. Horribly miscast, in my opinion, not funny, not convincing during scenes where he is supposed to be very chemistry between him and Winslet. It just didn't work for me.

Nothing to do with his looks--I think he has a cute look about him and I did not think Iris was out of his league or anything.

"It's Minnie Pearl's murder weapon."


High Fidelity remains his best role, but it's good to see him successfully play a role where he isn't bouncing off the walls and has to be introspective with someone else. I think it also helped that Iris and Miles become friends first and then it goes to romance at the end as opposed to the way they portrayed Amanda and Graham. Had the two couples switched actors, this movie would be getting Razzies, so they got the casting right for this.

"You'll shoot your eye out, kid."---A Christmas Story


I agree, I liked this *version* of Jack as well...

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Really good in this

" We get the world we deserve "


no, he destroyed it, awful


Can't stand Jack Black. Way too much time spent with his face on the screen. Stopped watching as soon as he came on.

Casting directors take note: he is NOT a good actor and for a lot of people he is an automatic switch off.


Can't stand Jack Black. Way too much time spent with his face on the screen. Stopped watching as soon as he came on.

Casting directors take note: he is NOT a good actor and for a lot of people he is an automatic switch off.

i enjoyed the Iris and Myles scenes more than Graham and Amanda. I enjoyed how well they got along right away.

Take your pinche color-coordinated sponsored chingada and take a flying fck
