Is this a joke?

For all the years I've used this site, I've always thought IMDB ratings were a pretty good pinpointer of deeming whether a movie was worth a watch. Anything above 7 has always been pretty good.

But with this movie.. I'm wondering if the movie was a cold parody of the ignorant's man world view of violence.

Or if the majority here are really making some sort of big practical joke, pretending to praise this movie.

I know it's silly of me to come here and say these things. I'm well aware that I probably get nothing constructive out of saying this, but it's been a long time since I've been so surprised, so I felt like sharing it.

If you read this far, and you seriously like this movie.. then tell me, what did you enjoy about this movie? I know I'm probably in for a troll roll, but I'd gladly give it a try.


It's not a silly question and you deserve a serious answer (unlike some of the commenters above :) ).

I personally liked it because it's a well-made/well-directed/well-acted/well-filmed action movie that delves into vigilantism. It's Batman without a mask.

It doesn't dissapoint. It doesn't kill any of the heroes, it's perfectly predictable till the end and it is enjoyable because it feeds my inner need for brutal justice and vengeance visited upon the scum of society. It's unrealistic, gratuitous and campy at times, but it's very very well done and it takes itself seriously.

It's not a movie I'll remember 2 weeks from now but it was very fun for a night and a "feel-good" violent movie with no twists.

I always love the heroes that are larger-than-life. Taken, Equilibrium, Commando, Rambo, etc. Childhood flicks. I'm glad they still make them.


Wow, thank you for your most sincere answer.

When you put it like that, I actually just remembered that even though I didn't like the movie, it still captivated me very much until the first kill in the hardware store, where I felt the film was practically over.

Thanks again for your reply!


I agree! McCall is a Don Quixote figure and I'm pretty sure they revealed that connection with the last book he was reading from the 100 list, about a "man who thinks he is a knight in a world where knights no longer exist"... or something along those lines. Also, McCall is fighting for a prostitute and so does Quixote. Alina is probably his Dulcinea. All this basically frames up the plot to allow significant liberties within a flexible reality. For me, that's when I got pulled in.

I also had a wrenching sickening feelng when the violence at the store escalated with each horrific death... didn't enjoy it but accepted it on the basis that although people may be redeemable, when it comes down to it a sociopath requires divine intervention for that to happen and they got what was coming to them as vile UNREPENTANT villians.


I like the Quixote perspective. I'm quite sure that the book he talks about is also Don Quixote - but also entirely sure that he is referencing to his own role in the movie - like you said.

I agree that the villain characters in the movie were vile and unrepentant, and in a world where that exists, I would probably see McCall's actions as heroic, as I think they are meant to be seen.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.



what did you dislike about the movie?


Hard to say. It was suspenseful, and kept me entertained for most of the movie, even though I thought it was nauseatingly preachy and predictable. I was actively annoyed by the one-purpose characters indirectly patronizing their agenda in a world presented as a reflection of brutal reality.
It had some humor in the beginning, like "Who needs flavor? Right?", but that was about it.
The characters were all flawless to their purpose, which made it very difficult for me to resonate with them.
The first half of the movie was decent, the rest was mostly boring and predictable.

And the stunts and action were okay, but nothing I was too excited about. Certainly not enough to make up for the movie's many flaws.

It didn't bring any original perspective to the table either, but since Hollywood is increasingly producing remakes I don't expect this anymore.

The reason I disliked it more was because it was received so well for a movie so bad. If it was a Paris Hilton movie that most people had rated low, I wouldn't pay it another thought.


I found the movie enjoyable, I think the ratings are not off as the OP suggests. So not eveyone sees this movie as a cinematic masterpiece with perfect action scenes and flawless acting of each role. If you have not see the film, there are spoilers in my post.

There are parallels in the Equalizer to The Punisher and The Professional, all similar movies. If you are looking for a good guy with his heart on his chest, this film is for you. Is everything in the movie factual or believable, not really. This is a movie, it is inteded to entertain us, but I think it has a powerful message. The message is that the heartless cold blodded killers are not going to win,. Because when human compassion combines with calculating exact justice the corrupt and unikeable characters are in for a rude awakening. The politicians and corrupt law enforcement on the take are also taken down in an email, something a little different from The Punisher and The Professional.

I would say the film starts off slow, but how else do you show McCall as a Home Store employee who is obsessive compulsive ?McCall is struggling at night to forget his past, and the loss of his wife and so instead of sleep, he enjoys tea and reading at the diner. He is fine in his new life, seemingly calm and collective during the day at the Home Store. At night his past is looming large on his conscience and he appears unable to sleep peacefully with the things he has done and what he has lost.

What triggers the past to surface and bring the elite skills back to life, are thoughless criminals mistreating victims. Victims he has an interest in are not to be mistreated or taken advantage of. The Restaurant seem is our first look at how McCall sees a situation, how he surveys the room, his adversaries and the time and methods that will take them out. The end of the movie I thought was a clever use of items found in a home store. My wife and I were guessing as to what he will use next to take out the Russian hit men. I like the music track and the sprinkler creating a indoor rain storm effect, A wet and dripping McCall comes out of the dark to eliminate the Russian who is a self proclaimed invincable killer with no regard or compassion for human life. The ending has a nice twist too where he is answering a call for help from an innocent victim. Thus providing an open door for a sequel. The Teen prostitute has transformed thanks to McCall, and is making better choices and being who he thinks she can be.

Steve McQueen was the man. Bruce Willis makes more movies I like than I dislike.


Yeah, I agree.

Thing is, your post will be pointless because those that defend this movie probably lack the brain power to articulate exactly why. So you won't get any keen insight as to the mentality this movie appeals to.

Watching this...nay, TRUDGING through this empty, vapid, unoriginal, overmade, boring movie was a weird experience. This movie itself seems like the joke.


So you won't get any keen insight as to the mentality this movie appeals to.
It appeals to adults who appreciate a more grounded/gritty action film with good acting and "harder" action violence than the standard child-oriented CRAP we mostly get nowadays, while still accepting it will have its implausibilities ( as do all movies ) for which we just have to willingly suspend our disbelief and enjoy the ride.

The people that don't understand this simple concept are usually superhero-movie fanboys who need spastic CGI-loaded/PG-rated/sanitized/preachy/morally-patronizing/flashy/corny/look-the-same/completely unrealistic action and storylines/constant silliness shoved in their faces so they can ooooh and ahhh at.

I don't require the virtues of courage and teamwork and morals *beep* preached to me in blunt/remedial terms ala every *beep* superhero movie ever made. Sometimes I just wanna sit back and watch real-world type scum get their asses handed to them by an equally brutal and nasty protagonist. The Equalizer absolutely DELIVERED for us old-school fans of REAL action cinema 



It's interesting how you polarize between this movie and superhero movies.

I agree with your criticism of corny CGI-loaded movies. But I don't follow your defense of this movie.

To me, this movie wasn't corny in the same way, but it was even more preachy and morally-patronizing. Even more than the typical good-vs-evil movies you seem to dislike.

Obviously suspension of disbelief is important to enjoy any fiction movie, but the reason I disliked this movie was because it perpetuates many of the delusional solutions to injustice and xenophobia that many political movements are currently taking advantage of. Especially because it's being so serious about it.

It felt to me like the morale was served on a silver-plate. It was so predictable what would happen since the Equalizer-world was one where "The old man's gotta be the old man. Fish gotta be the fish. Gotta be who you are in this world, right? No matter what". Every character had only one purpose, and that was to deliver their lesson to the movie.
McCall was the Don Quixote knight, although without memorable pain, training or challenges (except in his vague backstory): The demigod of morality, ready to effortlessly kill everyone who doesn't align with his views.
Teddy/Nikolai was the irredeemable villain with the Hollywood version of ASPD. Most of the mafia was also irredeemable and completely disposable average bully villains with nothing but negative traits. Except the corrupt cop "Masters" (David Harbour's character) whom also showed fear, shame, guilt and compassion. Predictably he ends up agreeing with our hero's views and surrender.
Teri/Alina and all the other friends of McCall were the helpless innocents with low self-esteem and self-discipline but high dreams and supposed good intentions.
Except for the two fellow retired operatives who were only there to prove McCall's superiority.

Some of the action was okay though.

So you see, we view the movie very differently ;)


Dude, most people who chose to watch the Equalizer expected to see a thrilling action film, and it delivered! No one was expecting Citzen Kane!


"Thrilling action"? What?

Honestly people that are so actively defending this movie on the basis of this being an action flick so the bar is set low are wrong. If you remove Denzel and Antoine Fuqua out of this movie it would have gone straight to DVD. Even Denzel could not save it really. By supporting this movie you are bringing the bar for this genre lower than it showed be. The feed back that this rating(7.3) and earnings(over 400 mil) provide is positive so how are they suppose to make better movies? So we are to expect even worse films in the future.
This movie grossed over 400 million worldwide and for what? This movie brought nothing to the table! It presents a story with such a distorted view on the world that it makes Lord of the Rings more likely to have happened than this tale of HOMEDEPO-Hero. I am not suggesting they should only make documentaries but COME ON!
Hollywood took a dump and the world swallowed. Pathetic use of Denzel's reputation as an Oscar winning actor I must say. Shame on everyone who made this trash having 55 million to play with. They don't deserve the millions they made.
This 7.3 rating is a true testament to how little work needs to be put in to please the average audience member. I guess people are getting progressively dumb and/or they really don't give a *beep* what to watch.

Citizen Kane is in a different genre and therefore its a bad comparison. Swordfish would have been a worthy comparison and that movie was so much better yet not believable at all. Why is that?


I agree askebisgaard, after watching this I thought; Well, nice revenge movie for goody two shoes humans that think Dirty Harry Equalizer former special agent type heroes exist and will save the world from all evil, but more than a 7? Naa, not in my lifetime.

Sure, Denzel was in his element, made a cool thing out of his character, but the story is so unrealistic it's not even close to an episode of 24, to name one where the writers actually do some research of what they're writing about, and the violence does make some sense. So just for the acting I'd say, great, give it a 7. But not more.
Compare the sit-down of the two enemies in Heat (DeNiro and Pacino) to the one where Denzel sits down with the evil russian sociopath, and then try give this movie a higher rating than Heat. Geez. Grow a pair, audience!


Your mistakes was thinking that your taste will always match that of general populace. It is not IMDBs fault your taste is not the most average possible.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Yes this occurred to me, thanks, but I didn't ask because I'm upset that other people are different from me - or whatever you're insinuating. I asked because I wanted to understand other people's opinion and perspective. And because I wanted to understand the appeal to this movie.

Obviously I'm being provocative and biased, but I hope it only entices people to participate in the discussion. I truly hold no grudge against any person for their opinion, even when I feel extra passionate about criminology, and even also when provoked by stubborn insincere conversations. It can be tough, but my curiosity reigns stronger than my megalomania. And a civil conversation almost always produce far more rewarding and interesting results - plus it leaves both parts with a positive experience.
