the ones who have really internalized knowledge of physics (and other special subjects) tend to offer explanations, whereas the ones who haven't tend to accuse others of being inexcusably ignorant.
No one here in this thread is a physicist, that is for sure. That's my
sincere observation.😝 However, I'm not ignorant, and I
did offer an explanation that makes sense, which is that, first of all, in the movie they never say
why the sun is dying. No one said it was dying "naturally" as it will in 3 billion years by going supernova. My suggestion that something else happened to affect the sun, such as maybe a meteorite hitting it or something, as far-fetched as that may be. As already said, this isn't a hard science movie. It's science
fiction, so arguing over physics is very nearly pointless in the first place. The movie is structured after ancient mythos and has spiritual elements to it. We're arguing over what happened to the sun, while one of the characters in the movie claimed to have been "talking to god for the past 7 years," and yet no one is complaining about that. How is it that the sun burning out is less plausible than a man thinking the sun was "god" and it talked to him and told him to prevent the mission(s) from being completed by slaughtering all the crew, making humans extinct?
Secondly I also offer the idea that the "payload," to which it is only ever referred to as "the payload" and never indicated what the content actually was, might not have been billions of tons of explosives but perhaps something that was just going to act as a catalyst to
set off a chain reaction. Much like a nuclear reaction.
When I said people should read & learn about physics, I meant that
everyone should. I'm not saying you need a PhD in physics or anyone has to be a rocket scientist.
It's just to better understand the world we live in. I never even used the word "ignorant" let alone suggested it was inexcusable. You're just whining about semantics and I don't see
you volunteering any explanations, so take your own advice. Your "sincere observation" doesn't add a damn thing to the conversation.