MovieChat Forums > Sunshine (2007) Discussion > The concept of this film is LAUGHABLE !!

The concept of this film is LAUGHABLE !!

I am shocked to know that this movie is directed by Danny Boyle.

First of all, our sun is nowhere near it's death, it still has a couple of billion years to exhaust it's nuclear power, this won't be happening in the 2050's and the idea of it is just absurd and uneducated.

Second of all, how can they compare the sun's unimaginable nuclear fusion to ANY KIND OF MAN-MADE BOMBS ??? are they really that naive to think that a quadrillion gazzilion bombs can actually affect or even reach the sun's surface?? people should read and learn about physics before coming up with such horrendous ideas.

Not to mention that when the sun is about to die it only gets bigger and bigger devouring Earth entirely... therefore the temperature here on Earth before it's wiped out by the sun would be hotter not colder as they suggest in this film.

I'm not going to get into the third act and how UNBEARABLE and PAINFUL it was to watch.

Boyle should stay away from Sci-Fi films.


If every film had to be %100 true scientifically & logically there would be no films, or at least the ones that did exist would be extremely boring. You'll enjoy life a lot more if you quit worrying about trying to impress strangers on the internet. Chances are most people notice these contradictions and simply don't care, so there's no need to come tell us that you noticed them as well...


so you think this movie should be 100% factual? were you just as upset when you found out that zombies and Santa weren't real as well? reminds me of the arguments about Jurassic world and that there is no way they could bio-engineer their own mix of dino species, its a fictitious movie! oh and i know your trying to sound hard and edgy but really your only coming off as a prick who complains more than a woman during her period. on a side note, maybe you should contact Disney and tell them that star wars is a terrible source of information about space and that all of the movies should be pulled off the shelves since the force doesn't exist.

want to know another terribly fake story? any of the Charles Dickens Christmas Carol movies and books. ghosts don't exist and no one can see the future in real life so none of it should be in the story.


NDT always makes a point of saying, when he makes fun of scifi like Star Wars that we don't know anything science changes constantly. You just never know. They "think" the earth is 4-5 billion years old. They "think" we have x years before the sun becomes a Red sun and so on. Supposedly per research we are going to hit a cooling period in the 2030s thats going to make things pretty miserable for maybe 10 years. Its going to be 10-20 cooler on average across the world. Might happen, might not. We wont know until it happens.


This wasn't a movie about the sun dying because it was exhausting its power, though. Totally different cause, totally different sort of dying. And since all your other criticisms spring from that misunderstanding, that's that I guess.


First of all, our sun is nowhere near it's death, it still has a couple of billion years to exhaust it's nuclear power, this won't be happening in the 2050's and the idea of it is just absurd and uneducated.

As previously said, it was never stated in the movie why the sun is dying, only that it's dying for whatever undisclosed reason, which can be possible to happen for whatever reason, sooner or later in the real universe.
Second of all, how can they compare the sun's unimaginable nuclear fusion to ANY KIND OF MAN-MADE BOMBS ??? are they really that naive to think that a quadrillion gazzilion bombs can actually affect or even reach the sun's surface?? people should read and learn about physics before coming up with such horrendous ideas.

First of all, the movie is in the Sci-Fi genre. Second of all, it was never stated in the movie the 'payload' was composed of a "quadrillion gazzilion bombs". Within the realm of the film and genre, would it be possible for you (as a moviegoer) to consider the possibility that humans in the future could build what in the movie they refer to a "payload" to reactive the sun? If not, then the Sci-Fi genre is not for you.
Not to mention that when the sun is about to die it only gets bigger and bigger devouring Earth entirely... therefore the temperature here on Earth before it's wiped out by the sun would be hotter not colder as they suggest in this film.

Refer to the 1st quote response if necessary.
I'm not going to get into the third act and how UNBEARABLE and PAINFUL it was to watch.

I wasn't a fan of the third act very much as well, but it didn't ruin it completely for me.


The concept of this film is LAUGHABLE !!

Same thing can be said of 2001, Edge of Tomorrow, The Man From Earth, Star Wars, X-Men, interstellar, Cloverfield, Avengers (or any other super hero film for that matter), Inception, The Matrix, Terminator, Back to the Future, etc.. And I could go on to name 99% of the other popular science fiction films that have been released thus far. Each and every one of them have at least one major aspect of the plot that could EASILY be described as laughable, at least compared to reality or what is or isn't possible based on our current level of knowledge.

My advice, stop watching sceince fiction films, or the entire fiction genre in general, if you require your films to be 100% realistic and not have "laughable" aspects to the plot of the film. What really is laughable is people like yourself singling out films like Sunshine, while they are all really equally laughable. The idea of the force in Star Wars, Making a time machine out of a Delorean in Back to the Future, a man living 14,000 years in The Man from Earth, the black Monolith on 2001, A machine being sent back in time to kill the future leader of the human resistance in Terminator, reliving the same day again and again in Edge of Tomorrow, Wolverine having metal claws that comes out of his hands at will for X-Men (not to mention all the other mutant powers), being able to enter different levels of dreams and even your raw sunconsious in Inception. Again, I could go on and on and on and on and on and at the end of the day, these are all equally as laughable as a stellar bomb or any other aspect of Sunshine that you deem to be laughable. In fact, if you were to actually have a rating scale, in regards to just how laughable a particuar part of the plot really is, I would personally rate Sunshine well below a significant portion of other science fiction films. A stellar bomb seems far more likely to me in the future than someone making a time machine out of a delorean or having people with various mutant powers running around the planet.

Again, just stop watching science fiction or fiction in general as people like yourself simply aren't capable of one of the main requirements for these kinds of films, that being suspension of disbelief. The purpose of these films is not being realistic. Its telling a fantastic story that stretches the imagination in regards to what is or isn't possible. I honestly feel sorry for people like you. Science fiction is BY FAR my single favorite genre and it would totally suck a*s not being able to sit back and enjoy the hundreds, if not thousands, of sic-fi films and books that have been released simply due to the fact that thier not realistic. When I wan't realism, I watch other genre's outside of fantasy and fiction. I suggest you do the same. Follow that advice and your problem is solved!

Still Shooting With Film!


Since you're so smart, do you happen to know what the "Fi" in "Sci-Fi" stands for? What's next on your agenda, disproving anything in Star Wars could actually happen? It's a movie for f#ck's sake, not a documentary.


Actually, he is right.


fully agree

el cubico | teh spanish lovar of wiminz and aminulz
