Don't be stupid! After a 78% drop on Monday. A FRIGGING 78% DROP ON MONDAY. HOW HORRIBLE. And all this When you were throwing parties for Captain Marvel Drop of 72% first Monday. And it was 72% drop of great box office not 78% drop of crumbs. People seems to only want to see this movie when there is discount at the theaters, how pathetic...
Where were your LEGS yesterday? Where is your post of yesterday box office?=
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
Yes...CM had a bigger opening weekend but also cost much more to produce.
this make no sense....
The only reason you would bring up that Shazam costs Less....It to suggest its going to make more profit....
and thats not even remotely the case...
Captain Marvel Will Net Disney over 300 Million in Profit...
Shazam is going to struggle to net WB 80 Million in Profit...
lol I'm sorry but at least with Shazam and CM....Budget has nothing to do it....
the only way you should bring up budgets is if CM and Shazam made a similar amount total....If CM made around 500 Million WW....
Then it would be extremely important that CM had a Larger budget than Shazam...
But dear god, CM is set to finish near 1.1 Billion with a Budget of only 170 Million ....
were talking MASSIVE Profit, Over 300 Million, Maybe Near 400 M for Disney....
lol Shazams Moderate Budget SAVES IT, But only because the film is coming up short and not going to have a large total box office.....Had WB spent the usual 150 M+ ...Shazam would be looking at a flop ...
Captain Marvel has The LOWEST Budget of any LIVE ACTION film in the top 30 Grossing films of all time(excluding LOTR 3)
Basically CM has the lowest budget of any Live action film(Non Animated) to Gross over 1 Billion
What? Are you telling us you got ONE of your thirty predictions about Shazam right? Wow, that's good, you are getting better at it.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
And a success is a big word to be calling it right now.
Seeing as in your arguments about Dumbo you kept piling on the advertising budget to the production budget to prove it wasn't going to break even, you're now pretending that either Shazam was advertised for free or for only $50?
The production budget for Shazam might have been $52million smaller than Captain Marvel, but the advertising budget was massive, it was advertised absolutely everywhere.
So, you need to make up your mind.
Either the production budget and advertising budget totals are combined or they are separate, but whatever rule it is, it applies to ALL movies, not for the ones YOU are championing.
To break even solely on it's domestic run it needs $420M...ain't gonna happen.
However, you can obviously combine the domestic and foreign box office. Foreign box office varies, but generally you're only getting $0.30 to $0.35 on the dollar overseas instead of the $0.50 here domestically.
Ahh so NOW the studio gets roughly half. But with CM you go on and on about how studios only bring in a quarter of foreign box offices. Even though Disney gets a higher percentage due to deals they make in foreign markets. Thats how you hopped on board that whopper that CM needed $750 million to break even.
For some reason I do not think of LEGS like the way you described first. However, after seeing both movies movie I thought it could compete so agree with you on watching what happens. It just so happened that Shazam could be Captain Marvel.
When did you say or post that it would be fun to watch Shazam! leg out it's box office performance?
Did you already predict that Shazam! would have legs prior to the release of the film?
Wow, that's pretty heady of you. How much are you predicting for Shazam!'s run and how do you know it won't be "Frontloaded" as you predicted that Black Panther to be or am I confusing you with someone else? Maybe that was BubbatheGut.
A 61% jump from Monday to Tuesday. Almost 5 million dollars. THIS is what LEGS look like, folks.
Get your popcorn guys...this Box office ride is going to be fun to watch.
Epic Fail
Gitesh Pandya
7h7 hours ago
Sharp 47% drop on WED for #Shazam to $2.6M. Larger TUE-to-WED fall than normal. Total now $67.4M and still on track for nearly $70M going into its second wknd.
ONLY you Queen could make a post bragging about a films day to day jump and then the next day Its PLUMMETS....
also worth noting, Shazam is now steadily falling behind AM1s domestic Total....
lol I guess "have fun" watching Shazam Make Less than AM1 in Every way....
this thread is going to go nicely along with your 2 other Epic fails "This aint no Wonder Woman" and "Brace for Impact"
lol Remember when you claimed It was going to be "fun" Last Week watching Shazam's box office come in higher and In the end It came Hilariously almost 50 Million dollars LESS than you expected
You got your hands full here Queen...I truly have no clue how your going to Spin this point the only thing you have left is to embarrassingly claim Shazam is going to have great legs like you did With JL,Pacific Rim 2 and Tomb Raider after they opened Poorly
but here your really behind the 8 ball....because you are on record saying AM2's domestic total was Disappointing......
now unlike total box office, you cant claim Shazam's budget has anything to do with its LEGS...
Its becoming absolutely clear Shazam isn't going to really even come close to matching AM2s domestic total and its probably not even going to match AM1s domestic total.
how on earth can you spin a total domestic gross for Shazam of Less than 180 Million domestically "as Great Legs"....When according to you, AM2's domestic total of 215 Million was disappointing...
also to completely BURY yourself..You've been saying for a month now Shazam was going to make at least 250 Million domestically
I'm sorry but you truly are looking at A box office result LESS than AM1 in every way for Shazam...
Shazam already Opened Less.
Is already falling Behind Domestically.
Isnt going to Match AM1s overseas gross or World Wide gross...
some how a film you guaranteed to make NEAR 100 Million on OW and Make at least 250 Million domestically....Is coming up drastically short ...
at this point, If you want to be taken seriously...You should just start making threads titled "Hey Its going to make a profit"
because thats honestly about the best you can say about Shazams box office...
Its not going to be "Fun" watching Shazam Make Less than AM1...
Its not going to be "Fun" Watching Shazam get no where near your 250 M domestic guarantee
It certainly wasnt "Fun" watching Shazam come up near 50 Million dollars short of your opening weekend expectations...
It couldnt have been "Fun" Waiting to "Brace For Impact" that Never came, Instead just a complete UN-IMPACTFUL 53 M OW..
It couldnt have been "Fun" realizing you were disastrously Wrong when you claimed Shazam was HOTTER than Aquaman...
It couldnt have been fun yesterday when you saw Shazam PLummet and realize this thread and you now looks like GIANT FAILS
Its not going to be "Fun" this weekend when Shazam has a completely normal hold and KILLS all hope for "Great Legs"
all you can say about Shazam is...."Hey Its not a flop, Its going to be make a small to moderate profit"....although definitely not as much profit as AM2 and Maybe now not even as much as AM1...
its probably time for you to give up...remember you tried this for 2 months with Justice League after it BOMBED and eventually had to give up and actually admit you were wrong....
probably at this point, Just being honest is about the best course of action...
luckily Shazam is not a Flop, you've got that going for you, But Its just in no way the hit you wanted or expected and continued trolling and Delusional threads like this can only result in more embarrassment for you...
Great call on Shazam having LEGS Great Queen....lolololololololol
headed for a completely average 56% drop 23 Million 2nd weekend
With This, Shazam officially Has ZERO chance of even matching AM1 now..
Shazam is going to be LUCKY to LIMP to a 170 Million domestc remember you guaranteed at least 250 Million...Guaranteed Shazam would definitely top AM2s 215 Million domestic and now Shazam has NO Shot of even matching AM1s domestic total...
this certainly cant be the "fun" you were looking for right?
I mean I remember when you Prematurely made a thread on Black Panthers board on its second weekend and You acted like The world was remember right?
you remember prematurely making a thread saying "a 54% 92 Million 2nd weekend wasn't bad but not fantastic either?"
hilariously of course you jumped the gun and Black Panther ended up having an incredible 2nd weekend of 108 M....
but the point is, If you didnt think a 2nd weekend drop of 54% was very good....
Then Man, Shazam's 56% drop must really be BAD to you....again It certainly cant be The "FUN" you were hoping for
"Deadline new projection is 92 million for 54% drop.
posted a year ago by QueenFanUSA (1575)
38 replies | jump to latest
It's not a bad hold but it's not fantastic, either."
lol Trolling coming back to bite are incapable of planning for the just troll and never at all think about how your trolling will effect the future...
lol now because you JUST HAD to prematurely Troll on BPs 2nd weekend and make the statement that a 54% hold according to you "Is not a bad hold but it's not fantastic, either."
now, you have no possible way to spin Shazams WORSE 56% hold least for you, Shazam's 56% has to incredibly disappointing.
now, let me take a moment to stop ABUSING and actually talk seriously...
I'm quite surprised by Shazam's 2nd weekend hold...I actually expected it to be 50% or lower.
Given Shazam's reviews, I thought WOM would be good for this film and we'd start to see it in the Holds...
But Its becoming very clear, WOM just isnt nearly as positive as reviews are.
Shazam isnt getting the kind of overwhelmingly positive reactions from audiences that it got from Critics.
for whatever reason, despite critics clearly Loving Shazam...Its clear Audiences just Like it or think its decent..
Shazam isnt going to have a long, Leggy box office run...I actually understood why You MIGHT think it would(even though you were clearly just trolling with this thread)...
but for whatever reason, Shazam is not performing Like a movie of It Quality should....
I was expecting at least a 60 Million Opening for Shazam...and the reason why is, Shazam had been tracking at 47 to 53 Million for over a month before its release...I was certain the Great reviews would at least had something to the box office...If it was set to make 47 to 53 Million before reviews hit, I thought The Great reviews gain some new audience...
but astonishingly it didnt, The Great reviews, Literally added NOTHING to Shazams box I then figured, Well, Maybe The tracking was off, maybe we wont see the effects of the positive WOM until the 2nd weekend...Bottom Line is , If Shazam really had great WOM similar to what the reviews say....we would have seen a much better sub 50% hold
This now 2 weeks in a row, that Shazam has gotten no BUMP at all from the supposed great WOM....
theres no other explanation than ....Shazam simply doesnt have Great WOM....Audiences arent loving this movie, There isnt a repeat viewing factor and audiences arent recommending it...
lol ....I'm sorry but your "FUN" is over....The Long, Leggy box office run you were looking forward to is DEAD...Instead you get watch Shazam have average to below average holds for 2 more weeks before Its completely BURIED and forgotten When Endgame touches down...
lol somehow WB sandwhiched Shazam In between 2 different BILLION DOLLAR MCU films, where Shazam isnt even going to be
In fact its entirely possible, Captain Marvel Will be showing in more theaters and making more box office in Shazams 5th weekend than
Hahaha...bill...this is going to debut closer to 100 million. Take that to the bank. It's domestic box office will end up much bigger than either of the Ant Man films.
which now Makes it IMPOSSIBLE for Shazam to match AM1's domestic or WW total?
now its clear you were expecting This "Bad boy" to really Leg Out and have "fun" watching it top The AM films
so my question is , would you describe watching this "Soft boy" come up short of BOTH AM films as "PURE HELL" ?????
It seems people are getting their "popcorn ready, Unfortunately it was for The 2 MCU films that Shazam was sandwiched between which made 1 Billion + and soon to be 2 Billion +...
as I predicted...this thread completes a trilogy of maybe the 3 biggest back to back to back Fails I've ever seen....
The combination of
* "This Aint no Wonder Woman"
* "Brace for Impact"
* and Now "I said it would be fun to watch "this bad boy" leg out"
Is truly for me the 3 biggest failed Trolling attempts I've ever seen in a row...
just for a second, I want to be serious, I want you to actually stop for just a second and really think about the question I'm about to ask you....
heres the question.....HONESTLY....can you think Of 1 Positive thing any of these 3 threads resulted in for you?....these 3 threads TRULY resulted in NOTHING but Shame, Failure and embarrassment for you
in these 3 threads you made over a half dozen predictions that All Disastrously failed....You made statements that Will be mocked for months...
you honestly Made 3 trolling threads that simply BURIED Yourself....
What does trolling on the Internet mean? +++ One definition follows:
The term 'trolling' comes from fishing, where the fisher puts out bait and temptingly drags it along until they get a bite. In this way, trolling on the internet is about putting out an irresistably provocative comment and waiting for someone to come along and attempt to respond.
[–] QueenFanUSA (1580) 3 minutes ago
bill...I don't "troll".
I follow box office and I give predictions from time to time so sometimes I am right and sometimes I'm wrong...just like YOU.
BTW...Captain Marvel will never match Wonder Woman's domestic gross so there is no shame in the thread I started.
QueenFanUSA, oh you troll. You troll Marvel and Disney film products HARD!! You troll Disney live action animated films consistently; and so-called ROI box office performance is your alleged hammer! You will trot that out each and every chance you get. You will bounce from Disney film to Disney film with a consistent and constant mantra.
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BTW...Captain Marvel will never match Wonder Woman's domestic gross so there is no shame in the thread I started.
actually ^This only Increases the shame...
lol your thread was started with attentions of ONLY Predicting and talking Opening Weekend box office....Your entire thread was dedicated to Guaranteeing CM didnt have the hype WW had and wasnt going to open as high...You then further cemented that by claiming it Might do AM2 75 Million numbers....
Not once in 6 months of trolling did you ever mention WWs domestic gross....You only did that out of shame and desperation The Night CM debuted and YOU KNEW all your other predictions failed....
Your thread could have simply failed and went down in flames....instead YOU decided to ADD Even more Shame and embarrassment to it and Desperately try to change trolling tactics after every prediction you made failed...
lol WW's domestic gross cant save you(it could have) If you had mentioned it even 1 Time in the 6 months leading up to CMs releases,Then you could have taken some joy in WW Maybe topping CM by 5 or 10 Million domestically....but you didnt.
You ONLY cared about OW and World Wide Grosses, thats what you trolled on for 6 months...You were certain CM couldnt come close to WWs OW or Total Gross...You made a thread SPECIFICALLY guaranteeing it.
all 3 of your threads brought you nothing but Shame and failure, which you made WORSE by trying to change tactics after your predictions failed....WWs domestic Gross doesnt Help you, It simply shows you, You KNEW you were beat, You Knew you Were wrong, YOU KNEW A STORM of Brutally Mockery was coming your way and in your desperation you turned to the only life line you could find.
I follow box office and I give predictions from time to time so sometimes I am right and sometimes I'm wrong...just like YOU.
actually for this statement to be accurate it should read
"I dont follow box office or understand it but I still Give Predictions, I'm almost Always Wrong but every now and then I get one right.....Basically I'm the complete opposite of YOU who's almost always right but every now and then gets one wrong"
bill...when I was predicting CM to fall behind WW's opening weekend it should be OBVIOUS to anyone with half a brain that by extention it would not reach WW's total domestic gross.
You might also want to rethink your position on Captain Marvel not out-grossing Wonder Woman domestically.
Day 38 Wonder Woman $368,473,296
Day 38 Captain Marvel $386,536,581
Given that Wonder Woman had a summer release and access to families I give the edge to WW for holding an audience but CM has a lead that might very well be high enough to hold off the decline in daily domestic box office performance as compared to WW.
You'd better hope that CM doesn't go "Binary" when Avengers:Endgame is released and CM picks up that linkage for those who still might want to see her before seeing Avengers:Endgame or those who find out about her who then turn to her solo outing. CM might just ride A:E's coattails. Should I grab some popcorn?
CM started out with a 50 million dollar lead which has steadily shrunk to presently being only 19 million ahead.
Absolutely true. And that means that if CM stays in release for another 123 days it only has to pull in $26+ Million dollars where as Wonder Woman pulled in $40 Million dollars within that 123 day span in the summer.
The difference is $14 million between the two franchise characters. Do I expect Captain Marvel to have the same, ahem, Legs as Wonder Woman? Though both nice looking Captain Marvel doesn't have to because of that $5 Million dollar difference between the two. It is going to be very close, very close indeed and I wouldn't put it past Disney to do something to goose the box-office when CM reaches $400 Million. A similar phenomenom happened when Black Panther got close to $700 Million and there was this huge surge at the 168 day mark that pushed BP up and over that plateau.
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[–] QueenFanUSA (2019) 4 months ago
CM started out with a 50 million dollar lead which has steadily shrunk to presently being only 19 million ahead.
Now that CM is no longer in theaters let's see how the two movies fared in domestic BO:
$426,829,839 Domestic for CM in 119 days
$412,563,408 Domestic for WW in 161 days
It would appear that your ability to analyze Box Office numbers, social media awareness and the "Cultural Zeitgeist" needs a bit of fine-tuning.
CM out raced WW by $14 Million in less time Appears that "Front-Loading" has value beyond your wildest expectations, and the fact you use it as a pejorative. Start fast, maintain a lead and then coast to the finish line.
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bill...when I was predicting CM to fall behind WW's opening weekend it should be OBVIOUS to anyone with half a brain that by extention it would not reach WW's total domestic gross.
You didnt predict "CM to fall behind WW's opening weekend"
You predicted "This Aint no Wonder Woman"....
Then you specifically Guaranteed CM didnt have the hype WW had leading up to the flms release....making it 1000% clear to anyone with a quarter of brain you were predicting CM to NOT Match WWs opening Weekend....
Then just in case anyone with LESS than a quarter of a brain didnt fully understand you were talking about OPENING WEEKEND....You Made your thread and Prediction CONCRETE by then Claiming CM may only do AM2 75 Million Type Numbers....
You at no point ever made a prediction or talked about WWs domestic box office until The Night CM debuted and you could see all your other predictions were going to be wrong....
and as I've said many times, I wont even entertain your desperate attempt to change trolling tactics...
I ONLY care about the THINGS YOU CARE about queen...
You trolled for 6 months on CMs open opening weekend and total box office....You made Threads on these subjects....You Proved for 6 Months YOU CARED, wanted and Believed CM wasnt going to Open as High as WW...YOU CARED about CM opening Less than WW.....
You didnt care about CMs domestic gross, there for I dont care...
YOU ONLY fell back on CMs domestic gross when EVERYTHING Else you cared about and WANTED TO Troll on Became Impossible....
Yes...I predicted that CM would not match WW's opening weekend gross and thus it goes without saying that I didn't think it would match Wonder Woman's domestic gross, either.
And we know it won't match it. Everyone is trying to conjure up fantasy scenarios where CM is going to beat WW's domestic gross but it ain't gonna happen.
I was WRONG about:
CM not matching WW's OW.
CM not matching WW's worldwide gross
And we know it won't match it. Everyone is trying to conjure up fantasy scenarios where CM is going to beat WW's domestic gross but it ain't gonna happen.
I was WRONG about:
CM not matching WW's OW.
CM not matching WW's worldwide gross
I was RIGHT about:
CM not matching WW's domestic gross.
Why is this singular point so important to you? And just who is this "everyone" that is conjuring up scenarios? Name names. I'd like to read some of those for myself.
Give us some background to what it means to you or what it says about the movie industry or the Marvel narrative if CM does NOT catch WW's domestic total.
Worldwide gross and domestic are both important. It's always better for the % of worldwide Grosse be higher from domestic as the studio keeps more of it.
bill Brown continuously says that CM beat WW "in every way" and even said CM was "guaranteed" to beat WW domestically. He DELETED those posts once he saw that CM immediately was having lower weekday grosses than WW.
QueenFanUSA (1594) an hour ago
Worldwide gross and domestic are both important. It's always better for the % of worldwide Grosse be higher from domestic as the studio keeps more of it.
bill Brown continuously says that CM beat WW "in every way" and even said CM was "guaranteed" to beat WW domestically. He DELETED those posts once he saw that CM immediately was having lower weekday grosses than WW.
So your short answer is, "Yes" this whole CM vs WW domestic bragging rights is about a prediction that you are right and he is wrong.
As far as Take-Home amount Dom vs Int it is a moot point for CM vs WW because CM is getting so much more than WW internationally and is going to be within $5 Million or less striking distance of WW domestically. CM is reaping more profits for Disney than WW is for Warner. In addition it might even defray some of the expense of Dumbo for 2019. :-)
I thought I'd just throw that out there because that is your final lifeline in your tirade against Disney live action animation attack.
[–] QueenFanUSA (1994) 3 months ago
Well...Aladdin is coming up next month and that will most likely be yet another big money-loser for Disney.
Why did you state that most likely Aladdin would be yet another big money-loser? In fact (and of course this is hindsight for you) Aladdin is a big money winner, a very BIG money winner again regardless of how high you've set the Break-Even point. You really do continue to tweak that breakeven point higher and higher as Disney BO successes continue to grow and grow for successive films. That is curious unto itself.
So share with us all what intelligence you use to support your statements? reply share
It's actually REALLY easy to figure out a general breakeven point once you find out what the production budget is. Take into account that the studio gets half of the domestic ticket gross and around 40% (or less) from international grosses.
It's widely known that the global cost for marketing and distributing a big budget film is at least. 100 million. Like've got your breakeven point.
The breakeven for The Lion King point is naturally higher than Aladdin's since it's production cost was 80 million dollars higher.