MovieChat Forums > Invincible (2006) Discussion > Stop calling it football!

Stop calling it football!

Start calling it American Rugby! REAL football is what you americans call SOCCER, and guess what you do? You kick a ball around with your FEET, that's why the whole world calls it football, except for the yanks. FOOTBALL is the sport that unites the world AND EVEN YOU WERE PART OF IT AT THE WORLDCUP HELD IN GERMANY THIS YEAR YEAR, BUT NONE OF YOU KNEW BECAUSE YOU ALL THINK "SOCCER" IS FOR GIRLS!



Stop calling it football!...REAL football is what you americans call SOCCER
Has to make the top 10 list for most myopic posts of all time.

I suppose he wants the MacDonald's down my street to start calling their fries "chips" as well.


Wanker. Go back to counting your blessings that you aren't speaking German. Ta.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


The game starts with a kickoff, it has a punting unit and after a touchdown an extra point is kicked. Players get their force from their feet by running and pumping their legs to obliterate their opponents. It's OK to call it FOOTBALL. We don't think "Soccer" is for girls. We just think SOCCER is for people who want to BE girls.


I've always got a kick out of how easily these soccer players get injured. Some guy slides into you and you're automatically out for the game. I mean really? Everyone has seen this type of stuff and you know what I'm talking about. I shudder to think how a soccer player would have reacted to a hit from someone like Jack Tatum.

Herbert West: Who's going to believe a talking head? Get a job in a sideshow.


Fútbol is popular in America, but not on the professional level.
