MovieChat Forums > The Flash (2023) Discussion > Why and how did the humans capture Super...

Why and how did the humans capture Supergirl

So the lovely sexy Supergirl reveals that she came in a pod with superman to earth. I didn't quite catch if Zod was tracking them and followed or came with them.

Either way he's looking for her and the humans have imprisoned her in Siberia in some underground bunker? Why would they do that? They seem to be scientists but is the implication that they're studying her to see how to defeat Zod (but looks like he is not here yet? And so they don't know Kara and Zod are from krypton). Also how would they even have captured her?
The whole back story here was not needed for The Flash understandably but it would be good to explore.

So Kara either came as a kid or some good amount of time earlier given her statement ("it used to not be so loud") on the manor terrace with Barry. It also implies she was imprisoned and studied for a while.

So she should be at max power or now a friend of Earth which clearly wasnt the case.

This means only one thing : they know about and have kryptonite. Ergo, they should also be able to defeat Zod easily. They could have either drained her to normal human using kryptonite or killed her etc. But probably studying her drawing blood.

With Zod however they face extinction so they could have used Kara's help with kryptonite to render Zod and his peeps useless super easily.

Barry wouldn't need to really save his universe because if smartly done no one superhero would have been killed.

Anyways I sorta liked the movie. Would have preferred the TV actor who is a lot more effective as Flash but this guy was OK I guess.


I don’t remember all the details but I thought Kal-el and Kara came separately. Kal-el was a baby and in a pod that Zod intercepted and killed him. I thought Kara came as an adult.


From what I recall, Kara said she was sent to protect Kal-el who was last son of Krypton and launched in a pod toward Earth.
Kara likely was sent at same time to protect him and the pod but looks like along the way Zod intercepted Kal-el's pod and killed him to extract the codex but it turned out the codex was in Kara so Zod needed Kara actually. Kara screams "What did you do?" and Zod says "He didn't survive the procedure" which means the baby Kal-el died in codex extraction attempt.

The pods would be sent same time else it won't make sense to protect Kal-el if sent different time. Also seems like Zod would have traveled right then as well as Krypton likely exploded in that universe as well - else why do all this launching?

So Kal-el, Kara launched same time and Zod not too long after following them and somehow Kara ended up on Earth and lived there for "some time" because of her dialogs and Zod intercepted the pod along the way and killed Kal-el and continued toward Earth for Kara.

Maybe there's some time dilation thing going on given all this


I’d prefer a blonde actor playing the comic version instead of the sudden shift to him being part Puerto Rican or whatever.

A Black Iris was bad enough.

Hopefully Gunn does a better job recasting.


Maybe she arrived in 1984 and dyed her hair


Maybe they were enemies of most civilized countries.


Rape toy.
