MovieChat Forums > The Flash (2023) Discussion > Too goofy for my liking.

Too goofy for my liking.

The humor was very silly at times and outright cartoony looking (I understand all the CGI complaints). I'd have prefered a more serious attempt at the story.

It: Chapter Two (2019) had a similar problem, it was also tonally retarded with a few goofy CGI scenes. I think I'd like Andy Muschietti replaced as the director of the upcoming Batman film. I don't have much faith in him.

Michael Keaton and Sasha Calle were the best parts of the film by far. Barry Allens back story was good too. The flashpoint story arch was okay.

Ezra Miller acted well for what he was asked, however his characterizations were very goofy and part of the tonal problem.

All the cameos are quite useless unfortunately. Gal Gadot has like 10 seconds of screen time. Boo! Nicolas Cage has like 5 seconds and doesn't even say anything. All these little blink and you'll miss it cameos are worthless. Would be better to have Cage or Gadot actually having a big part to play and the other cameos all scrapped.

An alright film that didn't deserve to bomb that hard but still disappointing and flawed. A weak 7/10.


Zod and Faora didn't have enough screen time either. Especially Faora.


terrible, missed oportunity


Zod and Faora were my favourite things about Man of Steel. But they were pretty underwhelming here. Especially Antje Traue. I wasn't even sure it was her!


I think the weakest part is the time travel, Marvel multiverse has a very clear concept, each time you manipulate time, you create a branch, going back in time is not going to change anything, other than creating a new time line, the original time line is unaffected.

The DC one is more confusing, they also have the time branching concept, yet the flash kept going back in time hoping to change the present.

The purple villain flash was created by himself from future, by interfering with the flash, but if he was artificially created by his future self, then how could his future self even exist in the first place?

That leaves a lot of questions.


Didn't really enjoy this. For it was indeed quite goofy. They packed as many jokes into this as Whedon did his version of Justice League. Every time something awesome happened, it was immediately undercut by a joke. Felt the movie worked best when it was actually making fun of itself. Like Ezra being all, "wow, I really am annoying." lol. Him being a creepy kidnapping woman strangler while stuffing babies in microwaves was a little hard to ignore. The middle of the film gets far to mired down with the dual Flash shenanigans. And regrettably, most of Keaton's Batman was a CGI construct. The bulk of his character work is playing Gandalf here. Can definitely see why this stumbled hard at the box office. The cameos were all a bit of a let down as well. Mostly just holograms of people popping up and not doing anything. This certainly would have performed better if they put it out a few years ago. Some of the jokes were pretty solid. I was especially tickled by Wayne Manor being compared to Hell. But that's part of the problem, when you make a comedy and fill it with jokes, it doesn't matter if only half of them land. But when you pepper a normal story with jokes, they all gotta be funny. I for one wasn't bothered by the crappy CGI. I thought it was perfectly serviceable enough. I knew what's his name pops up at the end, but it was definitely a bummer he wasn't in costume. Did Michael Shannon film a single frame in this? He looks completely CGI throughout.
