MovieChat Forums > The Flash (2023) Discussion > The world is non-binary phobic.

The world is non-binary phobic.

The world rejected The Little Mermaid because it features a black woman. Racism was the cause of that flop, so I'm told.

What is causing this rejection of The Flash? I'm thinking it might be because everyone hates Ezra Miller for being non-binary.

Smh. Go out and support this film. Don't let the LGBTQIA+ community down.


I don't know why it always has to come down to skin color, gender, or who you are banging. What happened to simply not being interested in a movie.

I was a never a fan of The Little Mermaid. So it doesn't matter the skin color, I was never going to watch the remake. And the only Disney remakes I've watched are Aladdin, The Lion King, and Mulan. I thought Aladdin and Mulan were decent and The Lion King was forgettable. So with seeing only three out of how many, you expect me to go watch The Little Mermaid? I only watch the remakes I'm somewhat interested in. I was never interested in The Little Mermaid. The animated movie was okay, but as a kid, I reached for the Aladdin or The Lion King VHS more often. I only ever watched The Little Mermaid or even Beauty And The Beast as a kid if one of my sisters had control of the TV/picked the movie we watched, and even then I was only half paying attention. I was more focused on my action figures and Legos that I brought out to the living room.

The Flash I did see (but I saw it on a streaming site), but it was god awful. I'm glad I didn't give it any money. The story was crap and pointless (because of the realization at the end), they make Michael Keaton's Batman a loser (he remains in his house after all these years and runs around like he is Robin Williams in Jumanji or some caveman with long hair and beard) and then they kill him off twice onscreen plus a crap ton offscreen/in an implied way, Past Barry/Flash is super annoying, we see Ezra Miller's ass, Zod is barely used (pretty much all his screen time is in the trailers), and let's bring back George Clooney's Bruce Wayne/Batman aka the worst Bruce/Batman. So yeah. Nothing to do with what Ezra Miller is into sexually or identifies as in real life. The movie was complete trash.


Or maybe forget about agendas, reject the politicization of everything and support the movie, if you think it is a good movie, and forget it if you don't think that.

It's time to start getting past this nonsense.


It's too easy though to attack someone and accuse them of being racist, sexist, or anti-alphabet. Doesn't require much thinking. No one likes to think anymore. Doesn't help that the news and social media is continuously brainwashing people into automatically going in the direction of someone being racist, sexist, and/or anti-alphabet. And it's not going to stop anytime soon.


Why aren't the media reporting on this? They reported on the extreme racism that The Little Mermaid faced and now they sit idley by as The Flash is getting attacked and boycotted by non-binary phobes. 😔


Or maybe it's because HE is nuts and going to get off for all the shit he did.

Imagine a straight white actor did the shit he did. Can't punish a sissy boy who dresses like a girl.


Exactly! Hasn't he declared himself to be non-binary and made fake charades dressed as a women, he would have been rotting himself in jail, not for his behavior, but for being a white privileged white men, another oppressor of the patriarchy. But since he is now from an oppressed and victimized minority, he can get away with whatever ill behavior he wants, and just get a little slap in the wrist, God forbid the legal system to oppress and discriminate him (oops, sorry about this, I am still learning pronouns).


It's not his gender non-conformity, it's how deviants/degenerates/dysphorics act. It felt like Ezra was playing himself in the show and showing his faults as he has as an adult or with family. Maybe that's why he fits that role so well.


Fuck Ezra Miller, whatever *their* identity/pronouns.

If I refuse to watch this film (even as a HUGE Burton Batman fan) I'm supporting women and children (i.e. the various people Ezra has physically assaulted and/or kidnapped). That, thus, makes me MORE, not less, *woke*.


I think this film is failing because the world is actually Suckophobic. People have an aversion to seeing films that suck.

The sucky filmmaker community need to stick together to overcome discrimination from viewers who simply cannot tolerate sucky movies.

Indiana Jones 5 is about to be the latest victim of suckophobia. The film will flop simply because people cannot accept movies that suck.

Sucks, doesn't it?


The world rejected TLM because it's a shit movie, and the "racism" was already baked into it as setup for when it failed, and you(and many others) took the bait.

No one hates or fears the alphabet people. What people do not like, is being forced to participate in ideologies they are incompatible with or else, and they do not like when their children are targeted.

Leave the kids alone.
