MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > Can we NOW agree that 'Bill' was the WOR...

Can we NOW agree that 'Bill' was the WORST thing to happen in NuWho?

We now have an entire season to judge Jodie Whittaker's Doctor, so the jury is no longer out. Love her or hate her, the fact remains that more people were interested in Jodie's first season than Capaldi's last. Not to mention that Jodie's companions got about 10X as much positive reception as "Bill".

So, the reality is now that the twelfth Doctor paired with "Bill" was the absolute nadir for nuWho in terms of popularity.

We can thank Stephen Moffat for having Capaldi go out with a whimper instead of a bang.


Doctor Who has been pretty bad for some time...just before Capaldi took much as I liked Matt Smith the show started to get bad about mid way his run....not All bad just starting. The pandering of changing the character to female didn't help either. I don't care how good she is. They should have just made a female time Lord. They also messed up with the build up of the Doctors Regenerations.


Nope. Most people like me seemed to like the realness of Bill.

But again i don't see why you post these things. If you dislike Bill fine. Why do people have to find others that agree as if that makes it right for everyone


If by "realness" you mean an insufferable, entitled, annoying, spoiled brat, then yes. She was real in that sense.


By real i mean down to earth, flawed, not perfect etc.

Clara at times was too much of a know it all and I suppose in the end she kind of paid the price for it. Bill was more like Donna, more of just a friend.

It seems new who likes to either make the companion into a love interest for the doctor or make them a mystery so after the whole Clara saga it was nice to get a companion that was just a person.


I liked Bill. I thought she was a likeable person I could relate to and identify with, even though I have nothing in common with her demographically.

I liked her more than any of the new companions.


Yeah, Bill was unwatchable.


People who use stupid fucking terms like "NuWho" aren't an authority on the show.


And what makes you an authority on who is an authority?


Yeah? And what makes you an authority on who's an authority on who's an authority? Er….I think.


Cantaloupe. ;)


No, not the worst thing.
