MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > It needs to be given a rest

It needs to be given a rest

The "New" Doctor Who has been around now for 12 years. Sure, they only did 10 seasons in that time, but 12 years is still a pretty long time, even with different Doctors, companions, show runners, etc. It's almost half as long as the original series ran. It was exciting when they brought the series back but it has been more and more of a chore to follow as the years have gone by. I wouldn't mind seeing BBC pull the plug on the series for a bit. It would be exciting to see again if they took it off the air for several years. End the series with a cliff hanger where the Doctor is regenerating... and then when the series comes back the character can be even more mysterious because you don't know exactly how many regenerations he's been through since we've seen him last.


I did think about this before this series aired however I think the issue might simply be the show has become stale with the same people e.g. moffat, same writers etc. I prefer Moffat over RTD and when Moffat took over I did feel the show felt newer, fresher and I felt he injected some magic into the show. Maybe it's been on too long but maybe the new showrunner can bring something new to the table


I greatly prefer RTD. I dislike everything about the Moffat era except Matt Smith, Vincent Van Gough and Peter Capaldi.


I know it's mentioned a lot but RTD used comedy and a soap formula too much e.g. burping bins.

I think the real issue is both have egos at times and they need someone to reign them in, tell them when something is bad. The writers room they seem to be bringing in sounds like it could be a solution to this issue


People are only saying it "needs a rest" because the show's popularity has been driven into the ground under Moffat's regime. Remember, the original Doctor Who program lasted 26 straight seasons before they "needed a rest" and went on hiatus. The revived version has been on much less than half that time (10 seasons). If the people in charge of it were giving us GOOD Doctor Who episodes, nobody would claim its been on too long and needs a "rest". Did people say the original run of the show needed a "rest" in 1973 during Pertwee's era? Of course not. The original show was still running on full steam after 10 seasons and hadn't even reached its peak yet, which would happen during Tom Baker's run of 7 straight seasons.

Calpaldi could have been a wildly popular Doctor and his three seasons could have been must see TV if the show was in the hands of a GOOD showrunner. In fact, audiences would probably be begging for a fourth season of Calpaldi in the hands of a GOOD showrunner. Alas, Moffat was in charge and he tried to turn Calpaldi into a "hip" Doctor and waste an entire season pandering to SJWs.

Odd thing, Moffat was one of the best Who writers during the RTD era. But after he got total creative control of the show, it's been nothing but downhill for the last three years.


I don't think it's the show that sucks, nor its actors. It's the screenwriting that went on too long, without much inspiration. Personally I really enjoyed The Monks Trilogy, but the end was just horrible. [spoiler]Thinking about your mommy[/spoiler] just doesn't get rid of hyperintelligent aliens. I miss the controversy. When Harriet Jones (Prime Minister!) ordered Torchwood to shoot down the Sycorax spaceship, that's how you get rid of aliens. Same in Empress of Mars. Bit of a chitchat and the horrible monsters trying to kill you, turned into sweeties in one minute time. Just stop it.

The screenwriting in season 10 was too much feel good. Capaldi could do so much more. I'd love to see him get angry or irrational, like with Clara's last episode. It would add some diversity in episodes that now look alike, and would leave a bigger impression than it does now.

The show is still good. It has potential to return to its roots without Moffat. I wouldn't mind seeing it change into a Sherlock-like format: one serie every one, two year. And three or four really good episodes, rather than twelve okay-episodes.


That would probably help it. To do three 2 hour movies every season or so. Heck, I would love it if they split them up into half-hour series like the old days. But that's probably never coming back...


>> The show is still good <<

The show has reached rock bottom, and the ratings rightfully reflect that. I have not yet formed an opinion on "Series 11" since Chibnall will be in charge of it and NOT Moffat, but its hard to see how anyone could repair the damage Moffat has done to do Doctor Who at this point. Legions of fans have abandoned the show at this point and the ratings are starting to make the Colin Baker years look good in comparison. Stunt casting is not going to help their cause. If Moffat were in charge of the "first female Doctor", the show probably wouldn't last a full season before they pulled the plug due to universal scorn for the show.


I think Who should become a joint venture with America and they should start cranking out 22 eps a season with an armada of writers and super budget.


Sorry TandyMan, but I think that's a terrible idea. Doctor Who is essentially British, and it would be a loss to see that change. Besides, they tried to migrate Torchwood to the US, and it resulted in a total that finally killed the show for good.

Gender-swapping itself is a sign of desperation, I think, that in itself is probably going to quench the spark.


Sorry, that's a terrible idea. Think of the over-blown last series of Torchwood or the failed 1996 relaunch. American TV makes many great programs but often totally screw up the British series they get thier hands on.


I must admit I was getting a bit tired of the series as well but I thougth the last season with Pearl Mackie picked up a lot and I'm looking forward to Jodie Whittaker's doctor. Fingers crossed that they's quietly rebooted the series.
