I genuinely forgot how freaking amazing this film is. I haven't seen it since 2008. So I kinda forgot about it a bit. Finally rewatched it with my little siblings this past weekend.
As claustrophobic, this film did a number on me. Like even before we got to "The creatures", The film was already tense af for me.
Also, this film makes wonderful use of Jump scares. Not too much, just the right amount & at the right times. Unlike most horror films nowadays that overuse it. There's one scene that got me so good. I genuinely jumped.
I agree with you! This movie was nearly perfect! I saw it in the theater when it first came out and I will never forget how everyone screamed at the first jump scare with the creature standing behind Beth.
I also watched it a few more times with the different endings just to see the difference. Out of curiosity which ending did you prefer?
I never actually saw any trailer for the film. I was just bored af one night & found it as I was channel surfing. It was like midnight or close to it. So watching a bunch of female friends get stuck in a cave was already a tense watch, finding out that there are creatures hunting them was such an awesome shock. I found out just as they did.
I don't think I slept that night. Not out fear or anything like that but cause this film was honestly such a good tense film. You know, like a horror film that genuinely "makes your heart beat faster". Get that blood pumping. I was legit buzzed the rest of the night.
I genuinely LOVE any horror film that actually does its job like that. Also, I prefer the OG ending. I honestly had NO IDEA that there was even "an American ending" until pretty darn recently. The original ending is one of the best horror movie endings in my opinion. So bleak. Love it!
Heh! That's awesome! You experienced it right along with the characters, very nice :)
I prefer the OG ending as well! I hate when they throw in the typical happy ending to make you feel better after a really tense movie. It is an awesome ending with it's bleakness.
No, I haven't seen it. Some of my friends who have, told me to avoid it. Firstly, it makes the other ending canon. And apparently, Quality wise, it's a big step down from the original. Loses the tension, not really any characters to get invested in or root for & the creatures aren't quite as scary/menacing. Their words.
I don't have any plans to check it out any time soon. I honestly don't wanna "taint" my appreciation for the first film. Cause that's just one of my favorite horror films of all time & I really don't want a mediocre sequel lingering in my mind
I rarely watch new horror releases nowadays. The problem with them in my opinion is that they rely way too much on jump scares. A well timed jump scare gets your heart jumping but overuse it & it just becomes annoying.
A friend recommended "The Wailing" to me. It's South Korean. Apparently, it's pretty good. A bunch of my friends have jumped on to Korean cinema lately. Honestly, they've got some solid stuff.
I've personally checked out a few recently, including Train to Busan. What an excellent film. Tied with Shaun of the Dead as my all time favorite zombie film.
If you don't mind reading subtitles, South Korea have some pretty darn good entries in the action & horror genres
I will check out The Wailing. I'm not a huge fan of subtitles but it's much less annoying than dubbing, imho. I loved The Orphanage, The Devil's Backbone and Pan's Labyrinth and they were all subtitled :)
I have Train to Busan on my watchlist so that one is next up for me. I kind of got sick of the zombie genre after watching TWD and all the other zombie movies. I still love Dawn of the Dead (2004) though. I think I would have to say that is my favorite so far even if it is cheesy in some spots.
I also enjoyed Maggie mostly because I really loved Arnold's performance in it. And it was definitely different from other zombie movies.
Some oldies but goodies I highly recommend would be The Exorcist, Exorcist 3, Halloween.
I've been meaning to check out The Devil's Backbone for ages now. Definitely on my watchlist. Pan's Labyrinth is one of my all time favorites.
I too am burnt out on the Zombie genre. Never thought I'd be watching any Zombie films in a while until I discovered South Korean cinema. They've honestly got some fresh & new takes in the Zombie genre.
I've only seen the first Exorcisst. Will put part 3 on my watchlist. Guessing I should skip the second one. And when it comes to Halloween, I never really got into the slasher genre. I grew up in the early 2000s & those kinda seemed like an 80s & part of the 90s thing. My era was that of Final Destination, The Ring, Wrong Turn, The Grudge, Saw $ Hostel and their countless sequels. The "torture porn" aspect of a majority of those films really turned me off back then.
Also, as a recommendation... The first Jeepers Creepers film. Not as amazing as The Descent but it's pretty darn decent. Some solid stuff.
I plan to watch Train to Busan this weekend :) The other one recommended to me is Alive, it's on Netflix. I may add that one to my night as well but we'll see. One Zombie movie in a night is usually enough for me, heh.
Definitely skip Exorcist 2. It is just the worst and makes no sense! Please let me know what you think of the infamous jump scare in Exorcist 3. Please don't let it be spoiled for you though.
I get what you are saying about the whole slasher movie debacle but Halloween is seriously the best. I definitely think you will enjoy both and highly recommend you watch the 1978 film first and then follow that up with the 2018 sequel. You're in for a fantastic night of horror that will be a good welcome to slasher films. There are several that are worth a watch :)
I enjoyed The Ring but it did not scare me at all. The Grudge scared the hell out of me and I loved it. It has it's faults for sure but a decent film. I'm not into the torture films at all. I did watch Saw and I liked it but I have not watched any of the sequels.
Loved Jeepers Creepers!! Man that creeper is scary and I thought it was a decent story as well :)
Alive was pretty awesome. Watched it with my little sister. She's the one who mostly keeps recommending new Korean films & shows to me.
The Saw sequels are shite, don't bother. First one is honestly one of my favorite horror thrillers.
I really love The first Ring film. Not necessarily scary but I really enjoyed. Haven't seen The Grudge is a decade plus. Will have to rewatch.
Jeepers Creepers is one of the first horror films I saw in theatres. It's another film that really uses jump scares well in my opinion. There are some really well timed scares
I thought it was pretty forgettable, personally. Have never understood the hype, at all. I watched it once when it was fairly new, and have never felt an urge to rewatch it.
Then again, I watched this for the first time right after watching 'Dog Soldiers' for the first time. 'Dog Soldiers' is just SO much better, and scarier and more exciting. This one was bound to be a letdown.
I saw it without any hype. One of the reasons why it blew me away was that I honestly had no idea what to expect going in. I went in without any expectations and came out with one of my favorite entries in the horror genre.
I haven't seen Dog Soldiers. I'll definitely put it on my watchlist.
Yeah, my expectations were definitely high when I watched it. A bunch of my friends kept telling me I HAD to see it. I should probably give it another shot since its been over a decade since I saw it.
I think 'Dog Soldiers' is fantastic, but it's also really low budget, so don't expect a very visually polished movie. It's the atmosphere and the action that make it such a great ride. If I had to compare it to something, it reminds me of 'Aliens'.
I feel like it's one of those films that you enjoy a lot when you watch it, you forget about it for a few years and then, when it comes to mind, you get to enjoy it almost as much as the first time all over again.
That's happened to me twice since it first came out. I only recall liking it, not the actual details of the film, so it's partly new re-watching it and it's partly a trip of rediscovery. But it's still good every time.
One of my favourites. I think it's great the there are so many interpretations of this movie that it's one that you can go back and watch it in a completely different way.
I know right? Just saw a theory recently that said that "The Descent" might refer to the Sarah's descent into madness. The trauma was too much. There were no creatures. She imagined it & killed her friends.
You're absolutely right. This film is open to interpretation.
I've watched it with that theory in mind, and it does work. I've even read that at one point the director had filmed a scene where Sarah sees a crawler in a flash while she's in the hospital but didn't it didn't get included. It really is a deep film. (pun totally intended)