MovieChat Forums > The Possession (2012) Discussion > I'm sick of seeing women portrayed as st...

I'm sick of seeing women portrayed as stupid irrational bitches!

It seems like women are always psychotic in movies - this guy moved out of his house, seems to be a caring father, yet gets treated like a serial killer by his ex wife. I find it to be unnecessary and distracting from the main plot.


I completely agree with you. And it's because these movies are made by misogynistic men.


Oh PLEASE. It was hardly an unrealistic characterization.


^ Look who's talking.


I get tired of the father either being played as an immature dick or someone who get's blamed for not spending time with his family because he has an important job to do, but hey, you can't win them all.

One mans wife was another mans slut This has been a MomentofTruth brought to you by TheEvilMonkey.


Well it just annoyed me that he went from being their father to suddenly having a restraining order taken out on him. Seemed a bit far fetched. And the screaming insane wife, surely if the father was a psycho she'd have known by now?

And even if he did give his mouthy kid a slap, so what? Aren't parents ever allowed to smack their kids these days? Or are they taken away from you once you smack them?

Stupid movie, got lots of things wrong.


I thought the disciplinary area was the buttocks, at least in my case it was. The face is rather harsh.


It's just a movie, all types of people exist, who cares which one they put into the movie?


So we're misogynistic? Is that so? As soon as I served solicitors papers on my ex because she refused to divide the proceeds of the house in a deal SHE agreed to, I suddenly became a bad father overnight. I've currently seen my son on just three occasions since September, my solicitor, a female, calls her a 'hostile parent', she wrote my boss and told him that in "16 years she is the most hostile and aggressive person she has ever had to deal with"

She sent a letter to my solicitor on the 18th December saying that I could take our son, as was my turn, to my family home for Christmas. On the 21st, I went to his school to pick him up, but he wasn't there. So I called the cops. We went to her house, but got no answer. So I went home without my son. My folks, his grandparents, haven't seen him for the best part of a year. When I got home on 2nd January, I found out she's filed a report with police to say that back in 2011 I assaulted her. I was arrested and bailed. Trouble is, I'd already been to the cops back in October telling them she was gonna do something like this, but nobody wanted to talk to me then. So when I was in interview, I told them that all this arrest garbage was just that. It was a smokescreen cos I'm taking her to children's court later this month just so i can see my son. The cops ask me if I want to make any allegations against her. I said that they had to be kidding. Who gets affected by all of this? My six year old boy, who I have no idea when I'll see again. So I'm suspended from work because I got arrested and I was only arrested so I could be bailed and the bail conditions are what I'm currently paying my solicitor $1500 a month to do. She gets to pull all the strings and I have to dance for her. Yet I'm "misogynistic"?

I saw what happened in the movie and it almost made me bawl. Accusations of things that you simply didn't do and forced from your kids. Their mom had to believe it. My ex does it out of spite and I wasn't the one sleeping around.

You might want to read up on 'hostile parents'. "Misogynistic"? It's predominantly women who are the hostile parents, and I'm not the first it happened to. Misogynistic is just a word that some women use when spite and venom can't cut it any more and the fellas don't give women the reaction they're being pressed for. It's just a change of tactic. You hear that word out of a woman's mouth fellas, get OUT! Remember where you heard it first.

Superhero Dads! Fathers 4 Justice!




Well said. I know that scenario all too well myself. I hope you get to see your child soon, man.

Links to films I have scored.



I agree! I thought the father was awesome. He actually cares about his kids. Why was the mother so controlling? Telling him what to feed them was ridiculous! I seriously doubt she had life threatening allergies when mom just tells her to take an allergy pill. That's his visitation time!


Ofcourse women act crazy and psychotic, we live in a man's (more like boy's) world.

Did you know that the earliest Jews had 2 gods, one male and one female whom where equal? Look it up.

Love is gender-less, sex is for procreation. Miauw run off and have a lovely time.


Ofcourse women act crazy and psychotic, we live in a man's (more like boy's) world.

Did you know that the earliest Jews had 2 gods, one male and one female whom where equal? Look it up.

So true. And they love to either portray us as freaks or drive some of us to it. Then there are the women who really are just wacko.



I agree that she was both annoying and a distraction. She kept overreacting and sapping the life out of every single scene. Her worst moment was when the ex-husband put the unconscious daughter in her arms, and her first reaction wasn't concern for the child's wellbeing, but an accusing glance at the man, as if blaming him for everything were the most important thing in this situation.
It wasn't just her character, though. I thought the whole post-divorce/shared custody premise was completely unnecessary and only distracted from the actual plot. They could have easily told this story with the father being a single parent or simply with the family still intact.


She definitely seemed like a goofy exaggeration of the male writer's worst girlfriend. Retched.


Thats women for your

In a world where a carpenter can be resurrected, anything is possible.
