MovieChat Forums > The Possession (2012) Discussion > Based on a true story? Seriously?

Based on a true story? Seriously?

Anyone ?


Why the Alien-looking Demon? I rated it so low because of that part mainly...


Its is something people say to make it more scary. This has been done for generations. If you believe it, than your silly or very young.


Like 300, it’s not actually based on a true story (despite what they claim to sell tickets), but rather it is inspired by true events. The lexical difference is small, but the semantic difference is huge.

As junktom mentioned, it was inspired by an eBay listing for a wine cabinet with a lengthy backstory explaining how it is haunted by a dybbuk which tormented several owners as well as the eBay seller. It’s generally accepted that it was made up to make the box more appealing to buyers, but it was amusing enough that they made this movie out of the basic story, embellishing it with more fantastic events (which would certainly have made the news if they had actually happened). eem-real-but-arent-the-dybbuk-box/

(Response notification is off.)


As for the "based on a true story", I think that's already been cleared up.

In regards as to whether anything paranormal can exist, anyone that claims that based on science, it is impossible, really doesn't know what they are talking about. Anyone that is a logical and scientific thinker knows that until proven otherwise, anything is possible no matter how illogical it may seem.

It wasn't too long ago that it was scientifically impossible for something to exist in more than one state. For simplicity sake, we'll say, something can't be open and closed at the same time, it can only be one or the other, open or closed. In 1935 Schrodinger presented a thought experiment that dealt with the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. For anyone not familiar with the Copenhagen interpretation, basically, something enters a state or comes into "existence" when observed. Schrodinger believed that there wasn't a true definition for what was considered "observed". He then presented his thought experiment, which, if not familiar with, a cat is in a closed box, something happens, is the cat dead or alive? The point being that until observed, the cat was both dead and alive at the same time. Upon being seen (observed), the cat becomes one or the other in this universe while becoming the other in another branching version of the universe (parallel universe).

Whew, I hope I didn't move through that too fast or clumsily. Anyways. here is my point. Quantum physics(Schrodinger's interest)went against what Einstein and Bohr considered to be scientific fact. Even today, the thought of a parallel universe is hard to stomach in the scientific community even with growing evidence. In fact, recently, there have been a number of experiments that have proven that something CAN exist in more than one state at the same time. If this "impossible" feat has now been proven to be possible, why couldn't a parallel universe?

As for myself, I believe anything can be explained. Whether it's a supernatural explanation or not, is another story. The home we live in now would be considered haunted by most based upon what has been seen, smelt, heard, and felt(touch). Currently, I have been able to come up with logical explanations debunking about 90% of the incidences. I have been unable to prove my theories, but they also haven't been unproven. There are still incidences that I can not explain. No matter how much I think about them, or have discussed it with others, there is no logical explanation. My pets were also involved eliminating the suggestion that it was being imagined. I still believe that there are realistic explanations, but I just don't know what they could be.

I would love to know if the paranormal really does exist. Until it's proven one way or the other, I will keep an open mind.


It said "based on a true story," not "true story." Which means they might have made up a few things or exaggerated a few things to make the story more entertaining.

And just because YOU haven't seen it with your own eyes yet, doesn't mean that actual possession can't be real. Sure, u don't see it every day and some people never see it, but if it was something you see every day, then 1. it would not be entertaining 'cuz it's such an obvious thing that happens that you see everyday anyways. And 2. Something you see every day would not be scary anymore.


yeah, its based on the story that was written in the script. Therefor, it's a true story, it's not like someone faked the first 3 pages, and the rest where blank! That's how it's based on a true story, not an actual event that happened in the real world.


