MovieChat Forums > The Possession (2012) Discussion > Great movie! hear me out

Great movie! hear me out

I don't know if anyone is thinking this might be actually good, because it's not. But if you love movies like my friends and I do, you all do need to see it and try to see it just with them. These lame horror movies are the perfect films to just talk through and make fun of. My friends and I just watched it and we had a blast making jokes through out it. I know they want their movies to be taken seriously and considered scary..but really I feel like the people who get the most enjoyment out of these lame horror movies are the ones going into knowing it will be awful, and watching the chain of events unfold.
I love movies, all different kinds of movies, and even these movies have a slight space in my heart because of the laughter they bring me. Of all the movies that my friend's and I screen together basically every week, we're always a little giddy when a bad horror movie comes out.


People like you that go to the movie theater and talk through the movie should not be going in the first place. It really shows how people and yourself don't have manners, nor respect.


More like it shows that they are really scared to watch the movie and to fight that fear, they must talk.


^Bingo! Though this movie wasnt really that scary I agree that's exactly why I believe people like this talk through and laugh at horror movies because it helps them feel more comfortable

Kill them all, Let God sort em out


"These lame horror movies are the perfect films to just talk through and make fun of. My friends and I just watched it and we had a blast making jokes through out it."

You're the dimwit teenyboppers that I pour my drink on, then have them thrown out of the theater for being ignorant, disrespectful brats.

Your semi-literate post just reeks of it.


So you love to spoil movies for other people, you must be so proud of yourself.





WOAH EVERYBODY CALM DOWN...I go to sleep after posting and I wake up to such mean and nasty things said to me.

First off, I'm pretty sure in my first sentence I explained to see this movie with your friends AND JUST THEM. That means no one else in the theatre, meaning it's not spoiled for any outside party. I myself am in complete agreeance that when you see a movie with other people in the theatre, do not speak at all and keep everything to yourself. I hate it when people talk during movies and shout back at the screen, it's very rude and disruptive towards the other people who bought tickets to see the film.

Next, I work at a movie theatre. That means Thursday night is our opportunity to treat the theatre as our private den where we see whatever we would like. No outside parties. Just friends watching a movie. So yes, when a bad horror movie comes out we jump at the chance to watch it because they end up always being so comical.

Cool your jets everybody.


I was just on my way to ride to your rescue. The reading comprehension on this thread is tragically low.


Lol ^^^ check this white-knight douchebag trying to get his 2cent in like anyone gives a damn.


Well you read it all Even though the message wasn't even meant for you, or anyone to give a damn but the OP, really.

But whatever you may call me, I feel like white-knight douchebag is a pretty good title when it comes to other rankings on the internet. I AM HONORED TO ACCEPT. <3


I wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself...


lol, we got ourselves a white knight here



Agreeance is totally not a word. You have not justified your actions in any way.



sometimes i read comments on here and think "this must be random computer generated conversations". You know they make software/scripts for that.


I think that it was a decent film.


You work at a movie theater, but somehow you think your intelligence ranks you as worthy to trash a movie? Seriously, read a damn book and keep your stupid posts to yourself. If you cannot put sentences together to give an actual review, even a review about how you dislike something, then don't bother. Saying that a movie is great to make fun of is not exactly helpful, insightful, or even amusing. Now go take another nap.


You sound like a spoiled 15 yr old brat.


In what way?


Was a good, fun creepy flick. My sons and I had a good time. Didnt try to take itself seriously or try to be humorous like a lot of horror films try to be these days. Solid movie, regardless of what the chick that's too cool to be scared says.


Word of advice though, when it comes to horror films, you truly experience them when you are 1: alone or with only one other person who is quiet and 2: have dumbed yourself down and just let the movie take you. Doing this will give you a much more in depth experience but if it truly is just a crappy movie, then you'll still be able to tell.

In other words it's likely that you make fun of movies like this and watch them with friends because there is a part of you that truly is scared. Maybe even scared of being scared. That's why you avoid it. Making mockery is a defense mechanism.

Just try watching some horror movies in a different way. :) In the dark, at night, alone.


I wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself...


I laughed at the Exorcist when I first saw it in a theater when it came out, now it scares me. Your parting sentence cracks me up!



Lol calm down everyone, what she's trying to say is that movies like this suck so bad that you can go with our friends and enjoy it in a comical sense by making comments and laughing (in a whispering manner of course). Me and my sis did that for Crapanormal Craptivity


It's obvious from the previews this movie is a load of comical ridiculousness. The only way I'd go see it would be with Lizzy and her friends--and I'm 43 and I LOVE to be scared. But this movie isn't going to be doing it.


so since you thought this movie was crap what scary movies do you watch?
