MovieChat Forums > The Possession (2012) Discussion > How come it's usually females getting po...

How come it's usually females getting possessed?

How come guys can't share in any of this possession fun?

Rosemary's Baby, The Exorcist, The Grudge, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Devil Inside, The Innkeepers, The Unborn, ...and on and on and on.

Well I guess at least The Haunting in Connecticut was a guy….


Good question. Time to make the boys possessed. Maybe it is part of the sexism that is Hollywood or that maybe there will be a nipple slip during the exorcism? I see at least 2-3 of these movies come up in theaters a year and that's only the big budget ones. Sort of a lame idea at this point, unless you make it original.


in religions like islam, women are more susceptibility to posession and diabolical attacks


Cause boys are smarter.

Joke. Don't freak out.


Well evil spirits and demons are often portrayed as "male".

Now let's be honest, if you gotta inhabit some random body, most male demons would choose the fairer sex!


Well, at least they could have a gay guy...


@ninetymin: Amityville II: The Possession is about a male who become possessed. Granted, it is a film from the 1980s, but there was at least one film where a male was possessed.

The Haunting in Connecticut was only a guy because, supposedly, it was based on a true story. If you watch the Discovery Channel version of that whole ordeal, it's much more realistic than the movie.

I totally see your point and have asked myself this many times. I always come up with the conclusion: because men think we're crazy. Just look at psychiatric diagnoses for women such as hysteria or anxiety - 90% of women get these 'disorders'.

Watch American Horror Story Season 2 this Fall. It'll really boil your blood.

If you are female, power to you, sister. And, I'm a writer creating a horror type story that will really stick it to men. (for once)

Hee Hee Hee
Slit your throat
Life is a joke
- Jim Morrison, "Wilderness"


I'm a writer creating a horror type story that will really stick it to men. (for once)

Yeah! Write something that sticks it to men! It's not like there haven't been tons of horror films with men getting slaughtered, leaving the "unlikely" hero of the piece being an anorexic white woman! You go ahead with your bad self!

"Bulls**t MR.Han Man!!"--Jim Kelly in Enter the Dragon


Yeah! Write something that sticks it to men! It's not like there haven't been tons of horror films with men getting slaughtered, leaving the "unlikely" hero of the piece being an anorexic white woman! You go ahead with your bad self!

taijiquan12 - get a sense of humor. It's not that type of typical slasher story. I said a horror type story. Meaning, it can be described as a thriller.
And, while my hero is not pasty white and anorexic, if you're so sick of such characters, write your OWN stuff.

Hee Hee Hee
Slit your throat
Life is a joke
- Jim Morrison


Good call, I was also thinking about Amityville II.

And in 1970 there was an American television ghost film called 'The House That Would Not Die', in which also a man got possessed a few short times.
That was the very first time I saw a movie in which someone got possessed!

"I don't discriminate between entertainment
and arthouse. A film is a goddam film."


Good point, but that's the way it is. But remember, the inspiration for the Exorcist came from a true story a boy. At least there was Insidious :). I remember there was a case of possession in Morocco about a hundred years ago. A well-known rabbi exorcised not one but two demons from a man. He asked what was the cause of the possession? The demon said that it was a punishment for the man for 'throwing boiling water out the window and scalding some passerby.' Gruesome, no? As for the possessed, he didn't act crazy or anything all - he just lay down on the floor and was drooling. He was eventually cleansed when the rabbi's older brother commanded the spirits to leave and never return.

Never throw boiling water out the street! :)!


I think there is a lot of truth to the whole female supposedly being more innocent then men argument but also feel it is also the trend at the moment. One of the most famous male possession films is The Shinning but it's never quite clear if he drives himself mad or is indeed possessed.

Others include

The Fallen starring Denzel Washington in which the demonic host can pass from host to host through touch.

Childs Play - In which a male serial killer possesses a doll

In many films featuring male possession the male is already corrupted in some way and so is more susceptible to possession. I think it's down to a stigma attached to men that all men desire power in some form. I think a contemporary view of women as being strong and independent is relatively new but they are still viewed as being more frail or incapable of being as evil as men. With so many films jumping on the possession band wagon at the moment perhaps flipping the Shinning formula on it's head and have a women become insane/possessed with the intent on killing her family would be much more terrifying.




While a lot of people say that females are creepier when possessed I would actually think differently... remember The Shining? What is more terrifying than someone who is already stronger and in more power than you... and is also trying to kill you. But I think females are better and being the... "insane" crazy possessed while males are better at the "quiet" possessed. If you notice in movies where the girls are possessed they are usually jumping around, crazy, and hysteric while movies with guys being possessed usually have the males being quiet and more being more thoughtful.


Actually in the Exorcist, Ellen Burstyn's character is an Atheist, she just happens to consult a Catholic priest as a last resort. And I definitely agree, although they don't seem like it as much these days, women, well little girls anyway, are generally looked at as pure and innocent, so their possession can be a lot more jarring then a boy. Boys are generally mischievous and satanic little troublemakers anyway, so possession doesn't seem like much of a stretch. I mean look at Samara in The Ring, pretty little girl with a sweet disposition, and she's *beep* bat *beep* crazy. Same of course goes with Regan, and let me tell you, they can make 100 more little girl possession movies, but NONE will ever have the impact or sheer force of fear that the original Exorcist movie had.


Agree with every single word of your post. That damn Reagan STILL scares the crap right out of me.

Haters gonna hate but trolls are pathetic


Ronald...? Yeah MOFO was scary.

People are just jealous, because "voices" are talking only to me...
