MovieChat Forums > Miami Vice (2006) Discussion > Beautiful film; some thoughts...

Beautiful film; some thoughts...

Like so many of Michael Mann's films, but even moreso, this is basically a genuine arthouse flick dressed up in commercial blockbuster clothes; a cinematic trojan horse of sorts. No surprise that audiences hated it and it's still struggling to gain back the praise it truly deserves. I've seen it only once in full and now I'm watching it again in small parts, just absorbing the fleeting beauty and visceral power of certain scenes, shots, gestures, moments. Everything is infused with such a pure sense of the "now," there is no past or future, just total enveloping present crashing upon the viewer like ocean waves. Everything looks totally real yet strangely unreal; the skies are a vivid purple or an unearthly gray or warm orange-brown, always smeared with clouds, like some radical impressionist painting.

Everything looks so vibrant and alive, you can practically smell and taste the atmosphere. I don't like most digitally shot films but Mann understands it and utilizes the format exquisitely. There's no way this could look anywhere as beautiful on 35mm. The digital is important too because of this totally digitized, mechanized, globalized world it portrays, with everyone constantly wired, watching or being watched, talking on cell phones, and so on, and as a result often more alienated from each other (I love that shot of Crockett and Tubbs on the club roof near the beginning, both on separate phone calls but standing right next to each other; it reminds of a shot from early in Antonioni's L'avventura, of all the vacationed couples silently standing adjacent to each other on the bottom of the rocky island, each staring idly in different directions).

Of course the film is already "dated" (as most modernist films are), the technology is squarely 2005/6, but this is irrelevant as we're living in basically the same world, just even more advanced and digitally incorporated. In these respects, I feel this film is one of the few really truthful and important modern works that addresses the inescapable nature of technology in society. Many recent films set in the present try to hide the pervasive culture of techno-fetishism, dishonestly clinging to some image of the pre-digital world, as the artist either doesn't know how or doesn't want to address all the issues inherent to such matters. But Vice tackles them head-on; or doesn't so much tackle as "issues" in any didactic way but simply tells the truth and hides nothing in its depiction of the world.

It's a film that never seems to stands still. The shots are mostly brief and at the beginning, of course, we're quite literally suddenly dropped into this alien world, in the midst of everything -- no overt exposition given, just left to piece things together for ourselves. It's an amazing effect, one of the most brilliant openings to a film I've seen. I don't like the director's cut compared to the theatrical because, among other things, it does away with this jarring intro -- I think Mann was perhaps too disheartened about the negative reactions upon release and tried to cut the film to be a bit more more accessible and ingratiating to the average viewer. Ironically it's a film where the theatrical cut is more elliptical, artier and impenetrable than the lengthier, so-called director's cut.

I love this film already and it feels to me infinitely re-watchable in it's pure sensory density and overall richness. It's a heady mix of the dangerous and the entrancing and the sensual, an appropriately fragmented picture of our late-capitalist surveillance society and the almost total sense of displacement that plagues modern man: man now without a real "home." Man without even an idyllic safe haven to dream of. Those countless seaside paradises that earlier Mann men longed for (Frank in Thief, Will in Manhunter, Max in Collateral, Neil in Heat etc.) are now readily achievable; one can get to them quite quickly by boat. But this newfound freedom and loss of boundaries, all things super-globalized and everything one could want readily available, only leads to further existential pain, sadness and ennui, inevitable loss of connection and relationships. It's a long way from the static shots and the static lives of Frank and Jesse in much of Thief; there is little stasis, emotional or physical, to be found in the world of Miami Vice. In the end, there is no escape from the flux; there is only an endless drifting along its streams.



What the OP said and this:

It is definitely a far more intelligent movie than many give it credit for: the plot moves along at a whip-fast pace and Mann never stoops to using dumb, blatant expeditionary dialogue so the onus is on the audience to keep up and interpret what's being said and why. Of course if you go in expecting an easy to follow, switch-off-your-brain action movie, it will be a disappointment but given Mann's filmography I don't know why anyone would expect that.

One of the things that I really enjoyed about the film was the way it plunges you into the undercover world without offering detailed introductions or explanations: instead you have to play catch-up with characters that know their way around this world and as such, repeat viewings are very rewarding, for example the scene where Crockett and Tubbs first meet Guerro (the security guy) and he asks them who else they work with and they respond by going on the offensive and accusing him of being CIA.

Another thing I like is the way that it's an anti-buddy movie of sorts. Crockett and Tubbs don't need to constantly exchange pithy dialogue and cheap puns because they know each other so well that they can read one another's thoughts/feelings from their facial expressions.

It's just an amazing movie.

"You can't have my heart."


I may not have as much depth as you in my response. I work in law enforcement and parts of this movie portrait drug busts, undercover officers, informants and drug dealers as good or better than any more I have seen. Not to mention the cinematography is unreal.

Your Best? Losers always whine about their best, winners go home and *beep* the prom queen.


Great review asktheages! "Mann men"... quite the cool term you coined there.
That last paragraph is a thing of beauty.

I love this movie, and re-watch it quite often. On one hand I'm a little peeved it gets such a low rating here, but then again, I don't really mind as it means there's less of us truly appreciating it (Fight Club and other great movies belong in that category).


Not sure. Classic Mann... Yes indeed. The plot and script (and acting) show some weak areas. But it's a beautiful film. I forgot the plot and script and just imbibed the amazing visuals.


To the O.P.: I'm glad you got so much out of this film, but I have to say, I think you're totally out of your mind. There is nothing "artsy" or art house about this movie. It's a hundred million dollars of pretentious, overblown, self important, inhuman drek. I love some Mann's movies, but this movie marks his descent into a kind of filmmaking he has never returned from: inhuman characters, no humor whatsoever (he was never very funny, but there were at least funny characters and moments in so many of his films.) But something happened here and in Public Enemies and his TV shows. There all hermetically sealed, more interested in toys, technology and camera shots than in actual real human interaction. Collateral was Mann's last great movie, maybe his best, it never dates. It's human and beautiful. This? This is just, well, not very good. And no one is revisiting this movie and thinking they missed something, trust me. It's not some classic that's going to be rediscovered. It's just boring.



Great and all, shame i couldnt understand a word what was said throughout!!! Colin farrelmsounded like he was trying to do his best Batman impression throughout!


I watched the movie when I was 13/14 now I am going to watch it again.

From what I remember this movie was basically a straight action-romance (with romance being #1) which is strange with the traditional Miami Vice approach.

The cast is nothing less than spectacular, but horrible scriptwriting is what destroyed the movie. The main aspect that makes a TV Series better than a Movie is the length they spent on character chemistry, which the two hour PILOT of Miami Vice perfected.

I don't get why they drew emotions high on the opening scene and then immediately drop the first 10 minutes and forget about it (and of course never mind it again due to a sequel never being funded). This was my main disappointment of the film... When a 14 year old and can watch the movie and then enjoy the 1984 PILOT of the TV Series it was based on you must acknowledge that there is a issue with that.


true, some beautiful colors


One of the best pieces of writing i've read about this film. Excellent points you make.

The way Mann shoots on digital is second to none. This film looks fantastic and really does demand repeat viewings.

Such a shame this film has been more or less forgotten about although it did get good reviews from a lot of British reviewers when it was released.

I love the film and watch it regularly (which i do with most of Mann's films) the whole trailer park sequence is an abject lesson in how to put action and suspense on film. Only a couple of things i don't like. The romantic sub-plot is weak and the "I will never doubt you" line just makes me cringe.

Other than that this is Mann at his best.

"Perhaps he's wondering why someone would SHOOT a man before throwing him out of a plane..."


One of those rare films that can improve for you on a second or third watching. The review, here, is very accurate: infinitely re-watchable, especially if you just pick a part or parts and watch for impact. The only other digital heavily filmed movie I like anywhere near is much is Spring Breakers, and I do like that movie a lot. I have seen the director's/extended cut and in a way it does make more sense, in spots a little better with development. But, is that necessary? The original, theatrical release is a wonderful endeavor, worth your time and your time after time.


I've got to agree. I'm a huge fan of the series and was a bit disappointed the first time I saw the film in the theatre. I ended up buying the directors cut and came away liking it a lot more after my second viewing.

Mann is an amazing director. One of the best at creating mood with his combo of visuals and music.
