Sam,your so right,your comment said it all...Sure did gross almost 80 million$$$$
Proven how well it did...I "rarely"go to high price movies,for what.I would just wait to rent it,pero...(but)this one?i went,and i love the long lines,with most coming out loving it.Bobby was clearly on a mission lol MARK was so real in this movie.Close to home for him,if THOSE who follow his career,as i do would KNOW he commented on it,at length and how happy he was with how it turned out, so just ignore the haters."
The acting was on point. Mark didn't miss a beat.This came so natural
for this former "bady boy..."(prior to marriage & his kiddies etc.)
Quite realistic-acting by the multi-talented + REAL ACTOR, MARK WAHLBERG,as he admitted,for something like this,"a very emotional film some parts,then laughing/
funny parts,etc. and "the fact he got his"revenge"straight hood type he was in this,he admit,"I was this way in Boston,the most poorest part,one of em in BOSTON so it was all "quite familiar,he admit to him in a interview years ago love him...
REALEST ACTOR in EACH scene he was in from start to finish,Mark Wahlberg was awesome and he even admit,how"well him and director John Singleton got along,as well as all this other"brothers"in the film
TYRESE aka "ANGEL"was great too,good actor IMO
The lovely Taraji,was good(small role)the lovely sofia vergara was good too.
Jack,was "ok"different.More"rock star-ish"dude,yet so close to all 3 brothers
i almost drop a tear when he got killed,but i had a feeling he would be the one
who died,sad scene.
Rap star"Andre was borderline-good,but ALL overall deserve a 7 to 9..
I sure would have said ten,ONLY IF,TERRENCE HOWARD,got to live and see the bad cop be taken down for killing him.adios!!!It's on tonight on Cinemax.Good night all ...
Going to enjoy it,and the awesome soundtrack!love it!
Buenas Noches... adios...
Love, FOUR Brothers,starring sexy talented MARK WAHLBERG
Love Richard Gere in "INTERSECTION.."
Love Bev Hills 90210
Good Times,What' Happenin'
One Tree Hill,Love SOAPS!