MovieChat Forums > La marche de l'empereur (2005) Discussion > movies are supposed to be entertaining

movies are supposed to be entertaining

i have decided that every movie i watch this year i am going to vote and comment on.
movies are supposed to be entertaining. this was not one of them.
this movie did have good cinematography and a great narrator in Morgan Freeman. I also did learn about the life cycle of penguins, but for most parts there wasn't much movement from the penguins. It was boring for most parts and a documentary should focus on other fauna that are more appealing to the audience. I could see how easily it would be for someone to fall asleep while watching this film.
This movie was not for me. i gave it 4/10.


Posting the same thing twice is bad form....

"As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster!"



m_ zulian , do you realize that what you consider "entertaining " could be boring for others ? I mean ,not all the world have to think like you .


so why dont you go watch Die Hard or some other craptacular action flick? I loved this film.


What you consider entertaining is clearly not the same as what I and thousands others consider entertaining. This is one of the most inspiring, incredible films I've seen in years. Those little creatures and the men who filmed them have more determination, bravery, and zeal than most of us can even fathom; if you can survive outside in -80 degrees with no respite for 4+ months, without any food and hardly any sun, with 100 mph wind, snow, and ice whipping at you constantly... and all for just one little life - then I'll applaud you as well. That takes more guts than any film star hero I've seen, and was more entertaining than any action movie I've seen. I loved this from start to finish.


Penguins love the climate.


Movies should be entertaining. Documentaries should be educational. March of the Penguins did what it set out to do, and did it in a beautiful way. Whether you find it entertaining or not is beyond the point.

And who can resist those little gray tufts?

Kneel as you are in the presence of Greatness.


I guess it all depends in wha tyou are looking for, because I guess there are people who find this "entertaining" I find it "interesting" and to tell you the truth I can read about these little fellows on wikipedia or just watch NatGeo or Discovery.

I rented this movie thinking as pinguins life etc I will learn but also get some plot etc.

This basically yes hard work for film makers, bla bla etc... so its a documentary from a place who's living a war, so I really get your point dear.

I gave it a 6 I aint so movie "savvy" at all, but I can be honest with what I was expecting and what it is, I believe this could have been even shorter and still be a great docum. That's it, FOR ME if you want to make a movie of it then I need a plot or something like that, I guess the little plinguins getting borned was the climax or when the horrible storms came, but besides that, I think they focus more in the artistic.

Still was nice to watch it, not good idea with this weather down here right now though haha.

So again, something different to watch and see how every living being goes through different tough things, they hunt, we have to work, they die, so do we. Life.

