MovieChat Forums > Candy (2006) Discussion > Other good Australian indies?

Other good Australian indies?

I've always thought the Australian film industry was good for these kind of melancholic indie dramas. I'd like to see some more though.

Some I thought of:

The Black Balloon
Beautiful Kate
Samson and Delilah
The Loved Ones
Animal Kingdom
Monkey Grip (quite similar to Candy)

I'm Australian myself and I think the understated, mellow style of these films really captures life in Australia quite well. I'd love to see a film set in Brisbane, my home city, I think it has a lot of interesting social aspects. Melborune's always fantastic for a great cinematic feel.


And I must add, The Rover, I positively love that film! I thought Guy Pearce did a fantastic job on his portrayal of Eric, the hardened, battle scarred veteran that has nothing left in his longer has a purpose in life...except for one thing. And though Guy's character, Eric, does not have much dialogue in the film, his actions and expressive eyes tell all. He could've done that whole film with no dialogue at all and I would've felt and understood him. Although, one of my favourite parts is were he interrogates Rey outside the motel. The piercing stare and soft spoken yet cold hearted anger in Eric's voice was just bone chilling! He hardly ever blinks the entire time too...which makes him seem even more crazed and intimidating!

Can't wait for his next film, Brimstone!

I love Guy Pearce, I think he is so very underrated.

"Fear the man with nothing left to lose."
