MovieChat Forums > Candy (2006) Discussion > Candy vs. Requiem for a Dream

Candy vs. Requiem for a Dream

Just wondering which movie everyone thinks is better? I personally think Candy is alot better and more realistic. I just saw Requiem for the second time after watching Candy and I don't think it is that great of a movie but it is ALWAYS mentioned among favorites with people. But that's just my opinion. Anyone else?



Australian movies generally don't get the recognition and acclaim that American movies do due to lower production costs and have less promotion.


I think Requiem is better because it's a lot darker than Candy in my opinion and I prefer bitter endings, closer to reality dramas. I also think Candy is a bit worse than Sid and Nancy but better than Transpotting

I exist.


I like Requiem a lot more than Candy. Enjoyed them both a lot but by the end of Requiem I was in tears, this movie although it was moving wasn't as much so.


Candy I found much better.

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Sometimes I like cheese and sometimes I like sushi, VS threads are stupid. Both brilliant movies.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


i prefer Candy because it doesn't make the story dramatic like Requiem for a dream
i mean Candy shows the tragedy but it shows it in pure,clear way
Requiem for a Dream tries to show how bad drugs are,tries shock value,tries to make us disturbing ,this made me feel not to have a connection with the characters
"the drugs make you feel good at the begining,then they turn your world into hell" this is what Requiem for a dream does

but on the other hand Candy makes you feel it ,it doesn't shockingly say "awww drugs turn your life into hell" it deals with the material in more emotional way because you have connection with the characters.

i watch both movies but Candy hit me more because there was reality


hbayrakzen, I agree with you 100%! I, very much, preferred Candy because of being able to connect better with the characters in a more realistic manner. RFaD was just too crazy and all over the place for me! And because of that, I was not able to connect with and feel any real compassion for any of the characters in it whereas, I felt a lot of compassion for Dan & Candy because I got to know them and connect with them much better. Everything about Candy just seemed a lot more realistic as a whole for me.

So...Candy is my drug of choice (no pun intended). Perhaps, maybe, because my own name happens to be Candie.  Or perhaps, maybe it's because...I've been closer to the road they were on therefore I could relate to them on a much deeper and personal note. It was like seeing a glimpse of my own past.

"Ain't life grand!"
