How can you say that Candy is RFaD lite? It is in no way easier to access, and to connect with, and all that *beep* that RFaD is "not for the regular movie goer" has to stop. I'm a fanatic moviegoer and my friends are not, but they loved RFaD because amongst all the intense camera shots, the story was easy to understand. After we watched Candy a friend called me and asked me why we watched it, and I said that I thought it was a great movie and the response was that my friend had been thinking about that movie for two weeks and felt depressed and lonely. That's what I call dramatic effect. Still, I can't help to feel that these movies shouldn't be compared, if you would compare RFaD to Spun it would make more sense.
I absolutely love RFaD, not because the story was easy and not because it was intense, but because I know that it is realistic. On the other hand, Candy became one of my favorite movies after I realized that Dan and Candy would still be poisonous to each other without the drugs.
My English may be very bad, but my Swedish is really good:)