MovieChat Forums > Clerks II (2006) Discussion > I don't see how LoTR is more nerdy than ...

I don't see how LoTR is more nerdy than Star Wars.

The only thing SW has going for it is nostalgia. 30yr olds today were kids and the movie absolutely blew their minds off. Man had just landed on moon, Kubrick had made 2001, it was the space craze and Star Wars was made.

LoTR on the other hand is based off one of the most cherished English literature. Lets face it. Its way more mature and thought out. The Middle-Earth map alone has more detail and thought to it than SW Galaxy.

How the **** are they even able to travel around the galaxy at a max speed of just "lightspeed"? Light takes 100s or years just to travel from ONE star to another, lol. There are billions of stars in a galaxy. There's way more "realism" in the LoTR world. Gandalf took 18 years in his research to find out if the Ring really belonged to Sauron in the beginning of The Fellowship, because back then you only had horses and middle earth was freakin' huge.

No laser "pew pews" that always seem to go through our heroes without hurting them or bend around them. There are like countless cliche'd scenes where they escape harmless while they are outnumbered by armed and trained clones carrying laser weapons.

I've never seen Aragorn say "Oh Dear" in the middle of a fight. I have seen Obi Wan Kanobi say that in the middle of a space fight though and it was hilarious.

How are Hans Solo and others able to comprehend Chewbacca? Its like a dog barking. In ESB, "Chewbacca" lets out the plainest "RAAAAAAAAR" ever and Solo turns it into a complex English language statement instantly. Tolkien actually created a language in LoTR, if you do your study, you can actually learn to speak the language of the Elves. Lots of people in real life have mastered this language.

Frankly, Lightsabres look like they are made from rainbows.

And I could go on and on. But LoTR seems way more darker, mature-oriented trilogy. SW is the ultimate nerd dream. Laser guns, colored magic swords and a cliche happening every 5 mins lol.

So yeah...since this movie touched on SW vs LoTR debate and chose SW side I thought I'd balance it a bit. The people they chose to represent LoTR in this movie were actual nerds thought but Randal sounded like a bitter SW fanboy himself :P


---The Middle-Earth map alone has more detail and thought to it than SW Galaxy.

---There's way more "realism" in the LoTR world. Gandalf took 18 years in his research to find out if the Ring really belonged to Sauron in the beginning of The Fellowship, because back then you only had horses and middle earth was freakin' huge

--- Tolkien actually created a language in LoTR, if you do your study, you can actually learn to speak the language of the Elves. Lots of people in real life have mastered this language.

THIS is what makes LOTR nerdier. The only thing more nerdy is "Star Trek". I don't recall anyone serving on jury duty wearing an Orc costume.

I don’t need you to tell me how good my coffee is.. 


Star Wars is more fantasy than science fiction.


I think it's time for all you nerds to get back to the nerdery.

Pulp can move, baby!


They're both awesome! STFU!!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


So did you clean up the mess you threw up after your rant?


Both are not nerdy enough

They could have just had an eagle fly the ring to that volcano - job done
The could have just emailed the Death Star plans - job done

Nerdy films would not have gaping plot holes like that.
