
What's with all the boobs? did anyone else thing it was a tad much?


I'm not a prude, but I've always looked at nudity in film as sort of a pointless filler between scenes, or something to placate the audience. It's something I generally don't like to see, yet let me restate (because it does bear repeating) I am not a prude. As a young woman who happens to enjoy pornography in a variety of forms, I am certainly not opposed to nudity or even sexual content, however in a movie it rarely serves much of a purpose. Too often is it used as a device to get the audience to take more of an interest (however superficial) in the hopes of seeing more and many times sex scenes can easily be cut out with no effect on the movie whatsoever.

I did think the nudity in this movie, although a tad bit gratuitous, fit well with the character. The Sherry we came to know most certainly would have flashed her breasts for a job and she would have had sex in the basement of a halfway house and showing cleverly edited 'above the neck' shots would have seemed amateurish and ridiculous; so in that respect, unlike say, Halle Berry showing teet in Swordfish, it wasn't simply to titillate the audience. I thought the nudity in this movie all served a purpose and the director knew when to show skin and when not to. I don't considered the nudity in this to have been gratuitous in this movie because there were several more opportunities to show more sex or more of Ms Gyllenhaal, (bathtub scene, bj scene, etc) that were thankfully not taken. So it does show that some restraint was shown and that the filmmakers weren't interested in exploiting opportunities to show more T&A.

Everybody needs love. Have you held your hostage today?


No, must just be sexually oppressed people who are uncomfortable with the female figure.


I think there weren't enough bOObs, but I saw it on network TV. I would imagine they edited out the bOObs.

Maggie doesn't have much anyway.


I thought the nudity was a bit much mainly because she was always with gross men and it make me uncomfortable to watch. She looked fine to me, but the guys she was with were nasty and an eye soar. I kept cringing and thinking damn she doesn't love herself. I just began doing other things when the sex scenes started.


I don't think the "sex scenes" were long at all, in fact I don't think it even showed her with Dean, just leading up to it. Maggie G is very confident with her body, her breasts aren't the perkiest but let's be realistic, not alot of women's are "perfect" perky and large. She's thin and has a unique face, in my opinion she has an aura about her. A strange kind of beautiful, especially with the blonde hair!
