Best or Funniest Moment So Far
I know it's early on in the series but it's so hilarious.
It has got to be the dance sequence though.
I know it's early on in the series but it's so hilarious.
It has got to be the dance sequence though.
Yeah the dance sequence last week was quality. But the chat about the difference between dwarves and midgets - hilarious!
And for me the best quote so far is most definately this : "You have no respect for women have you Patrick"
"No, cos they only want you for one thing. Everything!"
We will dance like no one is watching
It has got to be when Max turned on the radio in the camper van after Paddy had been in the adult movie and it was Boney M with Brown Girl in the Ring! I fell off the sofa laughing!!
shareFor me, Max's "Magnet and Steele" TV show idea. Closely followed by the A Team spoof, where they break out of Noddy Hodler's garage.
Although the flashback scene where all the bouncers are taking the michael out of Max's girlfriend, and he headbutts one, was hilarious to.
The lionesses realized they killed a tofudebeest- one of the Serengeti's obnoxious health antelopes
LMAO when he headbutted the bouncer I nearly died laughing! I also laughed when they said that Max's midget girlfriend was called Tina, but that was only because that's my name and my mates joke that I am a midget (I'm not, I'm just small LOL).
I also loved anything that Paddy said, especially, "Sorry...for a second there I thought you were actually suggesting we sleep in the woods!" I just really fancy Paddy though.
The porn movie scene was hilarious too. "THAT IS ME...let me at 'em!"
"I also loved anything that Paddy said,[...] I just really fancy Paddy though." DITTO!! Hes fit! Thats the reason I started watching Phoenix Nights in the first place, which is when I went on to see Max and Paddy's.
"If you were to ask me on a Monday I'd say Yeees"
"Computer says noooo" (cough)
I have to agree whith the chat about midgets and dwarves "Dwarves are in the circus and do cartwheels"
I also thought the bit at the end of last weeks show when Paddy has a five knuckle shuffle and all the shouting that went on afterwards was funny too.
I don't care what the pompous so and so says on the main comment, I have found the first two shows highly amusing with a few real belters of belly laughs.
I thought 'How DURE ya, how DURE ya' was soooooo funny!!!! Max's voice is hysterical anyway but when his voice went all posh, it just killed me!!!! Peter Kay is the best.
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."
it has to be the shell suits or les and alan singing "Techno, techno, techno!"
shareAll the above and more. But its the daft things as well that crack me up, like when they throw the guy over the wall when the real Ambulnace turns up. The poor old sod is lying with his leg up by his kneck and he says 'I think I've sprained me ankle'.
Whats with the Show Description about Max & Paddy. It sounds like some snooty git who was on Blockbusters as a kid and University Challenge as a young tory !!! Lighten up man, it's meant to be daft - It's funny. I'd rather sit on a bus with Max & Paddy for half an hour than some toffee nosed git (Probably a SOUTHERN GIT at that !!)...................
Anyway, back to the funny stuff. The reason why Peter wanted to "spin off" Max & Paddy was to payback lifelong friend Patrick McGuinness' loyalty with the shared writing and acting credits for a successful C4 comedy. And haven't they just done that. There is nothing funnier on the box at the moment. Even Little Britain seems to have failed to live up to the first two series quality. Peter Kay, on the other hand is there, yet again.
Must agree with previous entry for best line about "It's a kind of Midget" being a queen song - priceless. Any, keep watching, it's gonna get even better !!
Max - How dare you! You animal!
Paddy - Paddy has neeeeeeeeds!
I have to say the midget and dwarf talk was my favourite moment so far. When Max's friends were making fun of Tina saying she was probably stuck in her house "Couldn't reach the door handle to get out".
<3 It's Indie Rock And Roll For Me <3
lol i luv max and paddy im always in stiches laughin. the dwarf and midget talk was one of the most funniest bits so far. i luv the way max talks in this and the fact his face is really brown and the rest of his body is really pale lol
LOL!!! Paddy on the harmonica had me in stitches! As did the way they nicked the wrong bus! Brilliant!
shareThe opening sequence - the theme tune rocks!!!!
shareMax: How tall is he? I old is he?
Tina: he's 10...
Max: Well, they just sprout up don't they?
"Do y'ou wanna come back to our hut" barry AUFPET
I liked the scene where Max's friends think m & p are gay...Can't remember it well though...
"Do y'ou wanna come back to our hut" barry AUFPET
Anyone notice the card the Wolfster gave Max, it had Peter Kays face on the back of it I think!!
Loved the harmonica scene and when Ttina came in and Paddy says my it really is a small world!! lol
Yes! I saw that! I queried it with the rents, and my mum says, 'yeah his friends phone number was on the back' (duh!). Then my dad says, 'yeah well Peter Kay did those ads for John Smiths didnt he'. Well thats what I just said dad!
But yeah anyway, I think it was him on the coaster.
Sorry for the ramble. Budweiser does this to me. Oops I mean John Smiths :P
We will dance like no one is watching
"Its clearly a case of Mistaken Identity."
"You what? 40 kids on a school bus, what did we think it was, a stag party?"
So many funny bits:
'We've got a keeler! We've got a keeler!
'How DAR you'
'Pick a number between 1 and lose, take yer tops off!'
Paddy dressed as 'Willy Wanker'
Noddy Holder's teeth!!!
Max in Y-fronts (sexy :P)
It was so funny when they nicked the wrong bus and then they asked the kids where Max's son was over the loudspeaker and they said he got another bus, and Max went
still over the loudspeaker, and the kids were just looking at him LOL.
Paddy doing the dance at the party with all the women
And then at the prison...
"What's the craic in here?"
"That's what I'm about to find out!"
Paddy's face was hysterical!!!!
"Wow, you're going to move in with me, and you have the one thing I don't have! It's almost as if you complete! You complete me kitchen, mateyyy!"
Police Oficcer - "1 Packet of ribbed condoms for the ladies pleasure....biscuit flavour"
Also when Maxs old friend goes on the stage and starts singing "THE FIRST CUT IS THE DEEPEST"
This weeks episode was brilliant again. how stupid to put little britain against it though, thats just mean! Anyway, when the cliff richard bloke was kneeling down and praying and singing to the millenium prayer.........fantastic.
shareThis weeks episode (4) had the funniest line I have ever heard.
Paddy Smashes food tray into Raymonds boyfriend and Paddy says:
"Ya play with feathers, ya get ur arse tickled!"
I liked the tunnel bit myself or Max's song to his son.
"I'm gonna get bummed!" I love Paddy more and more each week.
"I don't know if you've noticed but I'm disabled!" A welcome return for Brian Potter!
"It's a cake"
"What's in it?"
"Sponge and jam, it's not the Shawshank *beep* Redemption!"
Kenny Snr...i couldn't stop laughing when i saw him...
Cliff: Are you up for a game of mixed doubles lads? (When they were being surrounded)
And maxs name, although i can't remember what it was, was funny.
"Do y'ou wanna come back to our hut" barry AUFPET