MovieChat Forums > Adams æbler (2005) Discussion > Your thoughts on Adams Æbler ?

Your thoughts on Adams Æbler ?

I just saw the movie yesterday, and I'm still very torn in my opinions of it.
In one way, I found it very funny and again very tragic!

Does anyone else see this movie as a (subtle?) critique of religion/christianity - a critique of "turning the other cheek" ?
Or was it maybe a request not to criticize others religion and choice of ignoring facts of the world?

- I know what you're thinking, punk. You're thinking, did he fire six shots or only five? Well to tell you the truth, I forgot myself in all this excitement. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and will blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: do I feel lucky? Well do ya, punk? -

-Harry Callahan, 1971


I don't agree at all!

I believe that the morale of the story real was that there is no evil! That there is just temptations from the devil!

It is true that Ivan (the preist) is denying a lot of truths in the beginning. It is also true that it looks like nothing has changed from the beginning to the end. But I believe that something has.

Unfortunately we don't see him admit that his kid is not o.k. in his head or that his wife did in fact commit suicide. Yet I do believe that he has changed. But he still believes in the good of people. And I think that the hole story around Adam proves him right. - Or at least gives some validity to that statement of the movie (which is of course rather controversial, - and will of cause continue to be).

The things that we, the doctor, Adam etc. was sure was just imaginations turned out to be true. The devil really WAS trying Ivan (those of us who have read the book of Job will know that, - I also think to movie indicated this, but not as strong as i could have) both with his wife, his child etc. but also with Adam, the birds, the worms and so forth.

God showed himself for Adam (not in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush but from the flame of fire out of an apple tree (see Exodus 3, 2 (2. book of Moses 3,2))), and Adam starts to believe.

I would have liked to see Ivan argue with God and be mad with God instead of just (temporarily) loose his faith, except for that I believe it is a VERY nice movie!


Now, if you had really read the book of Job, you would know that the one challenging Job is God himself - not the devil !
God has made a bet with the devil, that Job will never lose his faith in him (God), no matter what misfortune would happen to him, so he puts Job thru Hell to prove it....


To reply to your first comment: the film is BOTH funny and tragic. You don't have to choose between the emotions! But I think you're wrong in thinking who the fim is about. Everything that happens in the film proves ultimately that Ivan was right to be so upbeat about everything - even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. He survives being beaten up, shot in the head and... he gets his apple pie. He also manages to get the very personification of pure evil on his side.

How can you argue with that? I think it's important that both characters realise this in the end. They have an unspoken bond, whereas at first Adam had unspoken hostility.

By the way, the references to Job are the very core of the film. But what do we make of Adam + apple + Eve(an)?

Anyway, an excellent movie overall.



Actually if you really read the book of Job the devil is challenging God through Job. God allowed the devil to test Job to settle the issue that Satan raised, though Job was unaware of this and attributed his suffering to God.


I was wondering about this when Adam says something to the effect of, "I read Job, and it was God who challenged Job." Which of course is not true, as you pointed out. I guess one could argue that because God allowed suffering, he was actively participating in evil/sin/pain. Which brings us to an excellent question: Can God be sovereign and not be held responsible for suffereing? Of course, this really doesn't have anything to do with the movie Adam's Apples...

~The man is a liar and murderer, and I say that with all due respect.~


Everybody i know was so damn psyched. I, myself think this movie was rubbish. It just another attempt to make a movie like Flickering Lights, it just gets worse and worse every time.


Flickering light was rubbish. This one was much better.


agreed, their getting better.. but maybe they should try something different?!


Perhaps I let me own Atheist opision shine trew, and actually I dont believe there is a truth about theese things, event a writer of a scrpt might change opisions about why he wrote a certain script, or forget what hes idea with ti was.

I think it is just typical Danish humor, with a touch of something more serious. You can always switch god out with "yourself" it could be himself chaleging himself. Im my eyes god is our invention.



this whole violence thing is - to me - just getting boring, i agree with you pb5n, i really think they should do something different, and try out some other actors


Anders Thomas Jensen is a crappy director and a great writer.


they where made as a trilogy, flickering lights, adams æbler and den grönne slagter. the same director, the same actors. now that they are finished with the trilogy so they will probably turn to something else. but i love these movies. those who liked them should see "i kine spiser de hunde" (in china they eat dogs) and the sequel "gamle mænd i nye bile" (old men in new cars), and pusher 1 and 2, all very morbid. and bleeder is brilliant as well but thats not a funny movie


oh and i totally forgot, a must see is nattevagten, hollywood made a remake called nightwatch starring ewan mcgregor but the original is SO much better


What about Riket? Do you think it's better than Kingdom Hospital;-)
I do


I saw this movie the other night at Sundance. I think this movie was outstanding. I really didn't know what to think walking out of this theatre but "wow". Not in comparison, but as shocking, I thought this movie was more so than the likes of Requiem for a Dream, KIDS, Belly, sort of shocking.

The Biblical refrences were just, and made perfectly good sense. I just really otherwise don't know how to talk about it.... I laughed at it uneasily, and felt uncomfortable through a lot of it. Not that I was uncomfortable with the context of the movie, but because I felt for the characters in it.

Just a very very interesting film.


Just wanted to add to the international audience of this movie who think it as "dark" - the dialogue and particularæy the Danish accents adds a lot of humor. Especially the Khalid character whose lines are so extraordinary hilarious.


You shouldn´t take the movie so serious with it´s criticism of religion sure there is a moral in the movie but in general danish films arn´t that serious off cause some are. I liked it but i saw it with my class in school and we had to analyze it afterwords that was kind of funny.

Sorry for the bad english im danish! :)


Hi everybody,
just saw the movie this week and I have to say that this is possible the best movie I have seen in quite some time...why? Because watching it made me laugh so bad that I started crying and watching it gave me also a break from real life! This movie with its dialogues and scenes is soo absolutly absurd and dark that it is simply fantastic! Usually, I am quite sensible about foreign movies dealing with neo-nazism and skinheads but this movie stayed (in my opinion) on the right side of the red line because of its absurdity...who would expect a danish priest asking if it's your father when seeing a picture of Hitler? Who would expect the mass-murder of the cat and the birds in the apple-tree? Who would expect the final reasoning of the big guy and his newly wife for moving to Asia? Some of these jokes and lines are really bad but because of the entire context they become acceptable in my opinion! My congratualtions to the script-writer, who must be weird but fantastic as well!
Greetings from Norway,


Man I loved the movie. Incredibly funny and politically incorrect


well i saw it sunday night here in italy. the italian translation and double voices were just great and I think they repesented the orginal funny where it was supposed to be (kabul, for istance);

Great movie I agree with the last comment.



I liked it, but found it to be a bit monotonous.


I have noticed some here complaining about the repetition in the choice of actors for our Danish movies.

Here's the thing. We are a small country. Hell, many of you mistake our entire country as being the capitol of *beep* SWEDEN!

We don't have a wide range of movie actors, who are capable of pulling of what these roles call for, it's as simple as that.

However, in my opinion the actors we *do* have, are all of such a quality that they can pull of whatever is thrown at them. Mads Mikkelsen for example is starting to gain international acclaim, he is in the new Bond movie as well.

We have about 5 million people in our entire country, you cannot expect us to have as many "huge" actors to chose from, as for example America does. It's not like we can import talent and make them speak danish, now is it?

So stop complaining and appreciate something different than what hollywood throws at you. At least we aren't afraid of trying out new things, and pushing the boundaries, as we don't have to suck up to Oscar comminities and what have you.

If you can't handle watching movies in any other language than english, you're very narrow minded and utterly dull - and I feel sorry for you.

I, myself, have been enjoying various icelandic, swedish, norwegian and even Korean movies.
I find 99% of what hollywood churns out is generic and dull - and not worth spending money on.

The latest 3 star wars movies combined can't hold a CANDLE to Adams Æbler.

Feel free to flame me, but I know I'm right.

For other great movies, check out Pusher (not 2-3 they suck) but the first one, and Bleeder. Both starring Kim Bodnia. From what I can remember Kim Bodnia almost had a psycotic episode because he got so drawn in by his character in Bleeder.

Bjørn Froberg


Why do you need to get so defensive about Danish cinema and at the same time attack American cinema (saying 99% of what Hollywood turns out is generic and full).

I think 90% is probably a more accurate number :)

But let's not fool ourselves, there are lots of poor Danish movies made as well. The difference is that they won't be seen by foreign audiences if they are poor (unlike bigger budget American films which can draw in audiences around the world with star power alone).


Yeah, and we've seen many times exactly how over-rated star power is.

Take Oceans Twelve for example. Insane amounts of stars in that movie, yet, they outshone each other.

And why I need to get defensive? Because I happen to like that our movies are different, and it's a shame to see someone limit themselves just because the language is different than what they're used to.

I agree that the number is probably more close to 90%, than 99% - I was merely trying to demonstrate a point.

Alot of what comes out of hollywood these days, are remakes of old movies, or book adaptions. Original concepts and ideas are getting very rare.

Let's see something weird for once, something we're not used to.

More dogma movies on the big screen, damnit!

Have you seen "Festen" by any chance?


Yeah, Festen was a pretty good movie. Definitely something original. But the problem with Hollywood is that they can make a lot of money from these movies (unlike smaller countries like Denmark, Sweden, etc). They've also found out (unfortunately) that audiences around the world are willing to go to any movie with a load of stars in it. Until audiences around the world stop forking out big money the big studios will keep coming out with the same junk.

That being said, I feel the last year or two American has contributed some wonderful cinema. I'm not saying that they also haven't contributed a lot of trash, but if you look in the right places I think we are experiencing a revival of provocative American cinema.


I only just got around to valdiating my account, and I'd forgotten about this entirely.

I just wanted to say it was nothing personal against you :)
