"DR is not much of an actor"
Now that I disagree with completely, especially after having seen him in later movies after the HP franchise came to an end. He was excellent in movies like The Woman in Black, Horns, Kill your Darlings, What If and although I've never seen him on stage as I don't live in the UK, I've read excellent comments and reviews. He was also not half bad as Harry Potter...
The relationship with Ginny came out of left field. There was never any build up to it and there weren't enough details at all. We also know basically nothing about Ginny and who she is.
I do feel Harry would have been a better fit with Luna. His relationship with Ginny also felt like wish fulfilment i.e. he always wanted a family, the Weasleys are his favourite family in the world, and marrying Ginny is the only way he can permanently attach himself and be a part of their family. There was just never any chemistry between Ginny and Harry IMO, not in the books and definitely not in the movies.
If Rowling expanded a bit upon Ginny's character and her relationship with Harry, it would have been more believable.