MovieChat Forums > The Secret Life of Bees (2008) Discussion > closest book to movie adaptation i have ...

closest book to movie adaptation i have ever seen

ive seen my share of books to movie and this was the closest that i have ever seen. it followed the basic run down of the book and includes real specific things like movements and lines that were in the book that were put in the movie.

i liked it.. about time there was a book/movie made so close.


"House of Sand and Fog" is the closest one I've seen. I thought this film felt pretty different from the book.


No way. Entire plot devices were reaarranged.

Try Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.


The closest book/movie transition is The Princess Bride. Except for the back-story about Fezzik and Inigo, it's basically verbatim from the book.


I think Love Story. The ending is slightly different--he hugs his father in the book, instead of just talking to him in the movie. But I'd have to say Love Story was the closest book-to-movie adaptation


Agreed! I wanted to mention that one. The movie adaptation was practically verbatim from the book.


Just saw Revolutionary Road, and THAT was a dead on copy from the book!! Fantastic film!


The closest book/movie transition is The Princess Bride

Well, it does help when the screenplay is written by the author of the book. Another example is Holes.


They changed/left out a lot of things from the book. I definitely would not say this is the closet adaptation at all.
