MovieChat Forums > The Secret Life of Bees (2008) Discussion > closest book to movie adaptation i have ...

closest book to movie adaptation i have ever seen

ive seen my share of books to movie and this was the closest that i have ever seen. it followed the basic run down of the book and includes real specific things like movements and lines that were in the book that were put in the movie.

i liked it.. about time there was a book/movie made so close.





I do think I have to agree with you on this one. It was pretty close, but at the same time, I sort of felt that it was some differences. But I liked it too:)

A bad example: Movie adaptaion of the "Kite Runner", my stomach aches with horror...terrible!!!


Casting Dakota Fanning was a no brainer but I was disappointed with the sisters. Although I love Queen Latifa and she was great (she always is) - I don't understand why they did not stay true to the book and cast older actresses. There are few enough roles for older women. Why not follow the story line? I would love to have seen Oprah play " August" but there are many wonderful older Black women who could have played the sisters.


Totally disagree with you on that. They cut out a few parts that would have been interesting to see: the Mary chained part in the book (which was a festival/party type); Lilly telling her father off on the phone and then hanging up on him (not just calling and hanging up real quick), then the father finding her through the phone bill he got and tracing her back; Zach getting harrassed and arrested for being with Lilly on the street (along with the boys friends who jumped in to help him) (not being harrassed and abducted at the theatre; and May finding out about Zack being jaield by a telelphone call (not by Sugar Girl in the parlor).

The movie was good for what it was.

For adaptations (novel to movie), the best one I've seen is Stephen Kings "Dead Zone" (movie, not tv show). SPOILER: they only changed the age of the boy (from a high school student to a middle school student) and the kids accident (from [I think] a fire at either a high school prom/or a fire at an after party to the hockey incident where some of the hockey players on the kids team died by drowning). I think those were it. Cronenberg followed the book closely.

Small brave carnivores
Kill pine cones and mosquitoes,
Fear vacuum cleaner


I totally agree with you! I mean, there were a few things that we're changed or left out...but it generally did a really wonderful job of capturing the essence of the book without destroying it!


THANK YOU! i mean sure, it wasnt word by word but it wasnt like harry potter and not like the book at all. :)


I think it was close, but I've seen way closer. The Godfather for one was very close to the book, and what they didn't use in the first movie they put into the flashbacks in pt. 2. Also The Green Mile was very much the same, without the constant flashbacks to the nursing home (which I liked the movie better without them considering how long that movie already was). So I wouldn't say its the closest book to movie adaptation I've ever seen. I mean the differences weren't as extreme as like The Wizard of Oz but there was enough.


This movie was far from the nearest adaptation fo the book I've ever seen. Some films have seemed like they used the book for the screenplay; Harry Potter and 'Practical Magic' come immediately to mind. In fact, I don't know why they haven't turned every Alice Hoffman book into a movie.

Any time a movie is adapted, it's a crap shoot. Sometimes I'm sorry I saw the movie; I'm rarely disappointed in the book.


The closest adaptation I've seen was "The Maltese Falcon." I literally read the book along with the movie, word for word. The only things I remember changed was Sydney Greenstreet's character in the book had a daughter, and "Constantinople" became "Istanbul."


i totally agree i loved the book and couldnt wait for the movie, both fantastic


Interesting. I saw this film with ZERO prior knowledge and loved it, in part, because it flowed like a great book. When Lilly fainted I could almost see the typed words on page.


Apparently you've never seen "The Lord of the Rings".


no... no i haven't lol
