Why are these two together? Because they're damaged? They are just depressing to watch. Amelia always looks sad and unhappy, Owen looks like he wants something more (or someone else). It's like they walk on eggshells around each other.
I am an episode behind, but there was a lot of Amelia/Owen in the one I just watched, and I couldn't agree with you more. All Amelia does is talk about her feelings and the past and yada yada yada. All of this with a sad sack look on her face, or lying in bed while Owen also has a hang dog look on his face. Horrible. Does she ever shut the h up about her sob stories? Ugh. As far as I'm concerned, Owen can hit the road, too.
TOTALLY agree with everything you just said. He was so much better with Cristina. One of the things I loved about her was how CONFIDENT she was with cardio. She was the best and she knew it and wasn't afraid to let it be known.
Amelia seems to be pretty damn good at neuro but she hardly ever talks about it or does anything really groundbreaking. I LOVED the storyline where she was implanting the radioactive seeds in that person's brain and took off her gloves to do it because it was faster and everyone freaked out at how crazy/brave she was. Where the hell is THAT Amelia?