What movie trilogies follow The Spider-Man pattern?
Film 1 - Considered to be very good, a solid enjoyable movie, not worshipped, liked by most people
Film 2 - Considered to be by far the best in the trilogy. Sometimes even hailed as the movie in it's genre
Film 3 - Considered the worst out of the trilogy, somewhat divisive, at least somewhat disliked.
Spider-Man 3 starred Thomas Haden Church as Flint Marko/Sandman, Topher Grace as Eddie Brock/Venom, and James Franco as Harry Osborn/New Goblin (who wins the award for laziest supervillain name ever). Franco appeared in the first two films as Peter Parker's friend, but the others were new and their introductions were horribly rushed. One of the silliest plot points in the film is the way the Venom symbiote attaches itself to Parker — it falls out of space and randomly hits his scooter. Obviously, the comic book version — which would involve a massive superhero crossover — wouldn't be a viable option, but considering Harry Osborn had just taken over his father's science-based corporation, it seems like there were plenty of more believable ways to introduce the insidious oil slick.share
While the overcrowding of villains was a chief complaint, it was hardly the only one. "Evil" Parker's dance number is so memorably mockable that even Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse took potshots at it. But perhaps the worst crime Spider-Man 3 committed was retconning the death of Peter's uncle. Toward the end of the film we learn it was actually Flint Marko — and not the guy Parker let run past him in Spider-Man – who murdered Ben Parker. One of the things that makes Spider-Man stand apart from other heroes is that he actually is partially to blame for the traumatic death he tortures himself over. Pulling out the rug from under that makes him a very different dude.