Star Trek: The Next Generation
This. I didn't see DSN, but TNG's whole series and final ep was fantastic! Medium only now aired its finale where I live, and it was so disappointing to me. Glenn Gordon caron is of Moonlighting-fame also, so maybe he thought for the last episode: "Why not? It's not like it matters anymore." and revisited some of his kookiness (like the breaking of the fourth wall).
But it does matter . Eg, after seeing the finale of Will and Grace, when a rerun would air I'd remember that they grow apart in the end: friendship bye bye. Maybe that's silly, but a bad finale does spoil the earlier eps a bit for me. Now, when Medium is on and I see Joe helping (more like, rescuing) his wife all the time, I think: oh yeah, and how is she going to manage later on? Just a pity they couldn't get it right for such a great show.