MovieChat Forums > 88 Minutes (2008) Discussion > why do aging stars have to have young gi...

why do aging stars have to have young girls as a love interest?

this is ridiculous pacino is seriously old enough to be this girls grandfather , i thought it was bad in next like jessica biel would go for nicholas cage (although i know his real wife is like 22) any other movies with insanely unrealistic couplings???


Dunno where you are coming from, it happens IRL all the time. It seems that age difference is only a problem for people that always want to complain about something. Love is love, when it strikes you, you don't ask questions. I've seen well looking guys hooking up with fat chicks, beautiful girls falling for losers, a girl that could have ANY guy she wanted forming a steady relationship with a guy in a wheelchair ... so what!? In fact I think it's beautiful that each and every person has a chance in this world and that tastes are so different and that it can't be reduced to simple formulars.

And in this case it isn't even farfetched. We don't have to talk about Pacino's character's point of view, most older men wouldn't turn down offers from young hot students. And the other way round? He was good looking for his age, rich, smart, educated and funny, even. Why not?


I think the theory is that if a geezer has a young girl as a love interest, it'll make the geezer look/seem younger.

It actually does the opposite, imo. Her lack of wrinkles and sags makes his stand out even more.


Aging men can still father children and women lose this appeal as they age. the older a woman is, greater the chance of unhealthy offspring and finally no chance at conceiving, thats Nature for you and its instinctual in humans.


it comes down old men and young women, its a security thing, most of the time it wouldn't be love, lets just face it, what would they have in common? I don't mean to sound like sour milk, but the truth is, mostly, an older man gets the young gal becuase of his supposed wisdom, usually he is more financially secure, more educated, more experienced, nothing else. There is a vicious cycle going round in this world. The young man is dumped by the young girl for the old man, than when the young woman grows old, the young man who also grows old, finds a young girl in order (subconsciously) to seek revenge for having lost out in his youth.

Sheriff Joe came to Arizona to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and he's all out of bubblegum


Because it is the stereotypical belief that men get sexier as they age. Women just get old. Thus, men get to continue to have relationships, if single. Women, on the other hand, if not married, are supposed to go into a corner and shrivel up till they die. Thus, the older men need to seek out younger women.

That all pretty much holds true for actors and actresses too.

"Professionals built the Titanic. Amateurs built the Ark."
Helen Hannah


You asked are any other movies like this? Yeah, pretty much all Harrison Ford and Sean Connery movies made in the last 20 years have them paired with a female who is 30-40 years younger.


Let's six years, my wife will be half my age. I'm not complainin'.

My point is that it doesn't only happen in Hollywood.


I like movies with older men and younger women. I've my fair share of crushes on older professors..don't know why, but have always been attracted to people older than me.

I found it easy to believe that someone like Kim's character..who had been abused..would fall for someone like Jack who is nice and gentle, smart and sexy..and you can see he is a decent person because he helps the old lady out of the building and everything. It makes sense that after all the time they spent together feelings would develop..specially for a young woman.

However, it would lose it's appeal when the man would be like 80 and dying and you would be 30 or 40 or so.

The Private Lives of Pippa Lee covers that...young woman marries older man then gets tired of older man because he is dying.



...requiring the young sexy actress as his co-star. And I assume he insists on her doing a nude scene with him too. Wouldn't you?


Pacino, DeNiro, and Jack Nicholson seem to specialize in this.


yeah, they do, and we all would too if we were in their shoes.
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For women: older men represent security. They have had time to make money and have stable jobs etc. They're slower, they're just looking for someone to make them feel young again and women know this and use it against them. It's NOT because they're good looking because everyone knows old men are bags of hanging flesh.

For men: Young women are portrayed as attracted to older men because the old white guys at the top of the movie food chain want so badly for this to be their reality that they present it to us, the public, constantly. We go with it and accept it because we see it so often. Women are portrayed as not caring about a guy's looks (which is NOT true) but being inexplicably infatuated with the old geezer.

Kind of a contradiction, really.

I am in a thousand winds that blow,
I am the softly falling snow.


I laughed when the red-head student asked him why he isn't married because "he's a good catch". he isn't. He's a creepy old guy with bad hair and ill-fitting clothes who goes clubbing with 20 year olds.
