MovieChat Forums > 88 Minutes (2008) Discussion > What's with his hair??

What's with his hair??

I was all set to love this movie...the forensic psychologist, the tense countdown. It's Al Pacino for heavens sake! I imagined...He'll be playing a rougueish 67-year old, fair amount of salt & pepper in his beard & hair, intelligent, maybe a bit rough around the edges...sounds good right? Wrong, wrong. Epic fail. Instead we get an unrealistic & poorly dyed jet black beard & mustache, and teased & sprayed BOUFFANT hair! What?? Look again....Eoooo! Once I noticed it I couldn't stop looking at it. It was painful to watch it inflate & deflate in the same scene. The worst was when he was down in the garage (I think) and the lights were behind him, shining through his Bird's Nest of Fluffiness, an Aqua Net commercial starring an aging Tony Montana. Next time out Mr.Pacino, no more vanity pieces, just be yourself...a fit & healthy 60-something with a few touch ups here & there. Oh,and hold out for a better script next time.

Insanity is: repeating the same action - over and over - yet expecting a different result.


It was a distraction for me as well. Well put OP!

Life is too short to expend any energy on anonymous people on a freaking message board.


He looked oddly like Adam Sandler in "Don't Mess With the Zohan". Distracted me, too.


Y'know, you're right! Very observant :)

Insanity is: repeating the same action - over and over - yet expecting a different result.



Awe, shucks :) lol



Bump. This epic thread deserves more attention and activity.

It should be against the law to use "LOL" unless you really did LOL!


I think he was a little too confident about the work they do at Bosley. I mean, yikes. If you get the damn hair transplant, at least be subtle with what you do with it.


The problem I had with his hair is that most of the time during filming, it was raining. Years ago, when it was in style to style your hair that way, mine would fall flat no matter what I did.


Saw it tonight. Wish I hadn't. Loved Pacino in the Godfather, tonight all I could look at was his hair !

It had the staring roll since it was all most of us looked at rather than the actors.

Sorry Al but my crush on you now has been crushed.

Awful film by the way.
