MovieChat Forums > 88 Minutes (2008) Discussion > What's with his hair??

What's with his hair??

I was all set to love this movie...the forensic psychologist, the tense countdown. It's Al Pacino for heavens sake! I imagined...He'll be playing a rougueish 67-year old, fair amount of salt & pepper in his beard & hair, intelligent, maybe a bit rough around the edges...sounds good right? Wrong, wrong. Epic fail. Instead we get an unrealistic & poorly dyed jet black beard & mustache, and teased & sprayed BOUFFANT hair! What?? Look again....Eoooo! Once I noticed it I couldn't stop looking at it. It was painful to watch it inflate & deflate in the same scene. The worst was when he was down in the garage (I think) and the lights were behind him, shining through his Bird's Nest of Fluffiness, an Aqua Net commercial starring an aging Tony Montana. Next time out Mr.Pacino, no more vanity pieces, just be yourself...a fit & healthy 60-something with a few touch ups here & there. Oh,and hold out for a better script next time.

Insanity is: repeating the same action - over and over - yet expecting a different result.


After I read this post I couldn't stop staring at his hair. Man, that was a bad rug.


omg i was the same way. He has fluffy hair in the movie


Lol, You know his hair really spoiled the film for me. I was distracted by it. lol. He reminded me of Gary Glitter! What were they thinking??


Glad to know it wasn't just me! Yes, once I noticed it, "The Hair" played a role all its own. Hey, maybe we'll see it listed in the credits? LOL Thanks for the validation :)

Insanity is: repeating the same action - over and over - yet expecting a different result.



Y'know you're RIGHT~! It almost looked like he had a black sweatband underneath his "fringe" LOL

Insanity is: repeating the same action - over and over - yet expecting a different result.


LOL It was the first thing I noticed in this movie and you described it perfectly. It was very distracting. My guess is someone wanted to add to Pacinos height . Boy everyone seemed to tower over him.



It is a rug. He is badly..I mean badly balding.

You're on twitter, I'm on twatter!!!


Yeah, his hair is pretty rad, but it always is. Watch for it in other movies. Comedy shows like MadTV and SNL even parody 'the hair'. It's a good flick, I even watched it 2 or 3 times, but boy that hair really started to get my notice more and more. And yes, everybody did seem to tower over him. I thought Alicia Witt (Kim, if you can keep track of his women) was very good looking and a good actor playing a college student who was also way taller than the prof. I recommend getting the DVD and listen to the commentary. The director explains alot of what goes on and how great Al is to work with, but never says a word about the hair of course.


I totally agree dude..
Throughout the whole movie I was captivated by how thin his hair is, but yet it towered 4 feet above his head.. They must have put a hole in the ozone layer with the amount of hairspray they used..

I bet his hair had its own trailer..

Man, Pacino has been phoning it in for a while now. When the day comes that your freaking HAIR puts in a better performance then you, then its time to call it a day I reckon!

And yes.. You are reading my signature..


He looks like Yahoo Serious. (That's a person btw)


LOL! I totally agree :)

Insanity is: repeating the same action - over and over - yet expecting a different result.
