MovieChat Forums > Lost (2004) Discussion > FINALE SPOLIERS So they all died in the ...

FINALE SPOLIERS So they all died in the original crash....

Wow... 😞


No, the entire show was purgatory.



The entire show happened in "real life". The flash sideways was purgatory, from a point in the future where all the characters had eventually died.




Which is actually really dumb. The only reason the island was "real" was because they said so years after the fact but if you watch the series with that in mind, there are things that don't make sense. If you watch it with the idea they are in purgatory, it almost all makes sense.


Exactly. Just the fact that there's something occurring in parts of this show called "flash sideways" makes Lost ultimately really silly.

It's a cheap and phony narrative trick invented by writers who've written themselves into a corner and need to f*ck around with their audiences heads because they can't make square peg characters fit into round plot holes.


Who cares? It worked and it makes sense.


Whatever floats your boat. Too bad it sank mine.


IDK it just didn't bother me like most people. Maybe it's because I'm more sentimental about things.


"It worked and it makes sense."

yeah - only because they pulled the ...and it was all done by magic (purgatory) trick

in which case absolutlely fucking anything would "make sense"


But it wasn't purgatory.....they were alive through out all 6 seasons except for the side story in 6 in which they were already dead long after the final battle on the island. There's a big time lapse in that season.


I think "mark" was referring to the sideways world, which definitely was a magical purgatory-ish afterlife

But to decry it because it's "magic" is just silly. This show featured intelligent smoke, immortal islanders, time-travel and a moving island.

Basically, the producers lied (maybe to themselves) at the outset when they said everything would be scientifically explainable. I don't mind; it made narrative sense to me, and that's all that mattered in the end.



I'm so disappointed with this unoroginal ending. The whole show doesn't make sense anymore


No this is a misconception. They did NOT die in the original plane crash. Everything we saw happening to them on the island actually happened to the characters until they either died or lived the rest of their lives anywhere else after escaping the island. The flash sideways on the other hand in season 6 is what happened to them after they all had died. Everyone in the hellicopter after the island was destroyed probably died of natural causes way later on in the life. The flash sideways are whats happening like 50 or so years in the future after everyone had passed away.


Thank you. I barely watched the last season. They lost me with all those annoying episodes. They tried too hard with this series


Can we all just agree that the flash sideway storyline was a colossal waste of time?


Especially when Desmond was subjected to that Magnetic machine and experiencing flash sideways, which turns out to be afterlife, so he was dead for a brief period of time. ROFLMAO.
He was super confident that everyone will be OK in the end. RIP in Heaven. ahahahahaha


It absolutely sucked and was definitely the showrunners last unnecessary attempt at a big mind-fuck.

They should never have gone down that route, everything should have been on the island. You didn’t care about the flash-sideways as we all thought it was another universe with different versions of our characters, just zero emotional investment.

The flash-sideways also robs the deaths of their intended emotional weight. We see Jin drown only to see him walk by Jack in the flash-sideways in the next scene. Jack dying is intercut with afterlife church hugs and going ‘into the light’ when it didn’t need any of that cheesy crap.

As the episode's script says, "The plane clears frame, finally free of the Island. Jack Shephard has done what he came to this place to do. He has found his purpose. He has found love, and been loved. He has finally found a way to love himself. The bamboo sways across the blue sky, and Jack Shephard's eye closes one final time. He is gone. The end.’

Cut out the flash-sideways wrap party slow mo hug fest and that island ending is emotional and brings the show full circle, mirroring the opening of the show.

The show loved ambiguity yet flat out tells you there’s an afterlife. Not very Lost like to me.


Amen... couldn't have written it better myself...


I have the same question after reading or hearing any explanation of what happened in this series:



Ugh I wish this poster was here on MovieChat so I could smack them. That is not how Lost ended.


FINALE SPOLIERS So they all died in the original crash....

Well done putting the spoiler in the subject line 1 chr after the warning!
so it will appear on the list of topics on the Lost page
also it will appear on the front page where people staying away from the Lost page in case of spoilers might see it.

In fact that is the exact spoiler I heard just before the Last season aired and snapped me out of the whole thing.
I thank whoever did that .


in fact...


A fabrication is not a spoiler.
A popular fallacy from either the obtuse...or those that just want to hate on the show because they didn't like the way it ended.


I'm confused now , did they even make it clear what the truth is?
If so could you spell it out for me. I acknowledge and request spoilers
as long as thats ok with everyone else? i guess it would be ok with anyone prepared to open a thread with this title

ps [spoiler] hide it like this! [/spoiler]


Everything that happened after the crash really happened..
In S6 there was a "sideways" flash that confused everyone but it was was meant to have happened years after the real ending when Jack died and Kate and Sawyer and Clare escaped..

[spoiler]The sideways world they kept sprinkling into the last season was actually occurring after everyone had actually died at different times (time has no meaning and is not linear) and they all had created a "sideways" fantasy world that helped them all accept their own deaths and where they moved on together to whatever comes next. ..It didn't matter that they all died at different times ..They met after death together.
.....To go to the next life, the next dimension or whatever you believe happens after you die.....[/spoiler]

And did they make that clear? I thought so..Jack's dead father even literally explained it to Jack.


ah , thanks
that clears that up!


Wait....I thought that there was a big storm coming so the Professor lashed all the huts together to basically create a raft and they lashed themselves to poles and then the raft drifted into the shipping lanes and they were rescued and then they tried to re-assimilate into their old lives but all felt out of place and then they reunited on a boat and a storm came and they ended up back on the island, realizing this is where they belonged.


That would have been a better ending.


^^^ CLAP!


Basically those flash sideways were just a huge waste of time, and they decided to put that random plotline there because they didn't really know what to do with the real plot (that barely existed, at that point).


The flash-sideways scenes were the producers' final fake-out.

They're only a waste of time if they're completely uninteresting - I liked them, personally.

I think their "purpose" is to show us different sides to existing characters. In an early contemporaneous podcast, Evangeline Lily was describing sideways-Kate as someone who was (a) genuinely innocent (unlike regular Kate) but (b) relished the thrill of life on the run (also unlike regular Kate).

With that in mind, it became clear that the same was true of all the sideways characters - they were living out the lives their regular characters would've wanted.

So it makes sense that their world was actually an afterlife of sorts, specifically a kind of purgatory.


they showed the plane at the bottom of the ocean, it really crashed. they were in purgatory all along, despite the producers claiming otherwise.


The plane at the bottom of the ocean was a fake.

The very first time they show the sunken plane, they show Frank Lapidus exposing it as a fake. (something about Grunberg's character's wedding band?)



Sebastian_B No numb nuts, they didn't all die in the crash. The ending takes place far into the future after they had escaped the island and lived on/died later on.....they were reuniting in the next life. It was pretty obvious. Also, why did you put a spoiler warning in the title of your post and put the actual spoiler in the title together with the warning LOL....facepalm. Wow.....night exactly the brightest star in the galaxy are you?!
