MovieChat Forums > Youth in Revolt (2010) Discussion > He plays the same role in every movie!

He plays the same role in every movie!

I kind of liked him in Juno, because that role seemed to fit the movie. But he plays the meek, shy, and mumblig character in every movie! Even his "alter ego" in this movie seems the same as him, really! I haven't seen the movie yet, so I'm just judging by the commercial.

But am I alone in thinking that he plays the same, exact character in every movie?


Ya kind of like how Morgan Freeman always plays the wise old man (and narrator)in almost every movie he's in.

I guess it's good to stick to what you are best suited for and good at.



It's like how Vince Vaughn always plays the irresponsible jackass with a heart of gold. Ya gotta love type-casting.



Well this has been a topic for years. But if you found something you were REALLY good at wouldn't you keep doing it? People would be pissed off if he was like, in an action movie, because thats not him/


True dat.


it looks like his alter personality is gonna be hilarious

i have pretty high expectations for this comedy



He looks like Harpo Marx.

Don't hurt me Arch, I'm only little.ROCKNROLLA



Wow Jake you sound like you have a little bit of pent-up hostility... kinda like Cera's friend in this movie actually, wonder if it's for the same reasons???

Anyways... ya Morgan does play the same roles Shawshank, Driving Miss Daisy, Lean on Me, Glory, Se7en, Million Dollar Baby, then throw in some comedy with Nurse Betty, Bruce Almighty, and Bucket List. Completely the same... I have no problem with you making an observation/comparison but I'll be damned if I'm gonna clip one of the best actors out there! And he's Oscar worthy on anyone's list who has any sense of what being a good actor is... no question about it


How dare you even utter Morgan Freeman in the same breath as Michael Cera. That's the dumbest thing I've read this year luckily for you it's only been 8 days. Morgan Freeman is a real man, Cera is a bland hipster teen.

I gotta agree with the OP and I'm getting pretty sick of Michael Cera awkward teen act. And don't tell me I'm wrong on this because it's true; that's THE ONLY angle he has ever played. Blame it on the scripts but then Cera should stop choosing those movies. He has no range.

And it goes without saying but Morgan Freeman is an infinitely better actor than Michael Cera.

"So fair, yet so cold"


How dare you even utter Morgan Freeman in the same breath as Michael Cera. That's the dumbest thing I've read this year luckily for you it's only been 8 days. Morgan Freeman is a real man, Cera is a bland hipster teen.

I gotta agree with the OP and I'm getting pretty sick of Michael Cera awkward teen act. And don't tell me I'm wrong on this because it's true; that's THE ONLY angle he has ever played. Blame it on the scripts but then Cera should stop choosing those movies. He has no range.

And it goes without saying but Morgan Freeman is an infinitely better actor than Michael Cera.



Michael Cera = Ugly / No-talent / Boring / Bland = LAME/HATE.

Morgan Freeman = <3

you act like a 6 year old playing with his dick, yeah?- Gordon Ramsay
I <3 Robert Faggetson :)


"How dare you even utter Morgan Freeman in the same breath as Michael Cera."

"Morgan Freeman is a real man,"

- dsgooden

This is pathetic.
How dare you even respond to my post.


Right on. **** those ****heads for making a big deal about it. But they don't care. You could have used any example in the world though really.



You are correct. As far as we can tell Cera has little to no range. So what though? Why does that matter? I like him for the role he plays. I don't think anyone really thinks he's among the best actors out there.


Jake stephans... "And I DID. So DEAL with it."

how old are you? i guess a more relavant question is how STUPID are you? that guy was mentioning that morgan freeman is an accomplished actor (who has had many different types of roles). is he my favorite actor? hell no, but he isnt bad at what he does (which includes more than one role over and over again). cera on the other hand is a one note song, and its getting old FAST. like will ferrell he will soon just be a joke that nobody laughs at anymore. will he continue to find work? probably, there are enough retards like you who enjoy the same joke recycles 50 times and will pay to see his un-funny trash, but society as a whole is done with him. superbad was funny, everything hes done since has been a steady steram of less and less funny.

and "so DEAL with it." wtf are you like a high school cheerleader? stop being such a bitch lol

District 9 has made me a loyal Blomkamper!

its Richard RAHL mother fudgers!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you don't think Will Ferrell is hilarious then you don't know comedy. Land of the Lost was kind of a let down, but not because of anything he did wrong. Step Brothers, Anchorman, Talladega Nights, all three of those belong in anyone's top 10 comedy movie list. Michael Cera I was sick of immediately. Morgan Freeman is fine, whatever.


Airplane, Animal House, Caddyshack, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Stripes, Ferris Bueller, The Life of Brian, Office Space, My Cousin Vinny, Dr. Strangelove, Blues Brothers, Planes Trains and Automobiles, The Jerk, Vacation, Young Frankenstein

That's 15 movies, and Anchorman (easily the best of the 3 you mentioned) isn't even close to making it.


Not a single one of those movies belongs in a top 20 list, except Office Space. Seriously? Monty Python? Idiot.


OK, you go have fun living in your universe where people that enjoy comedy don't like Monty Python. You go right on believing that Step Brothers is comedy gold, and the rest of humanity will go right on laughing at you.

reply are one of maybe 100 people in the world that thinks that Monty Python is funnier than Step Brothers. Fail.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is BY FAR the FUNNIEST thing I've seen in a long, long time. Keep it up!

EDIT-> I assume that that was a joke, and if it was meant to be serious I suggest you check yourself in at a local hospital ASAP. You can't find a serious poll that doesn't rank Monty Python and the Holy Grail in the top 10-20 comedy movies of all time.


I really hope you're joking. The majority of people who find Step Brothers funnier than anything Monty Python can't even drive a car yet.


agree with you 100%...LOL...


when u look like an ugly,skinny, unpopular nerd u don't go for rambo or james bond types.i am a 45 year old actor and still get cast as 15 year old ugly,unpopular,skinny gets to me but it's a bloody good break from kitchenhand/cleaning toilets,etc.


" are one of maybe 100 people in the world that thinks that Monty Python is funnier than Step Brothers. Fail." I don't know who you were surveying for this poll you took but you have to ask someone outside the special school for it to apply to the real world.

The knack to flying lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.


I hate Monty Python movies because they are not my kind of humor, but what you said is absolutely moronic.

The proof is in the IMDB numbers:

Monty Python and the Holy Grail - ~180,000 votes and a 8.4 rating
Step Brothers - ~67,000 votes and a 6.7 rating.

Clearly a lot of people think Monty Python is funnier than Step Brothers.

Will Ferrell is not a comedy god like some people like to think. 95% of what he does is exactly the same and he's been in some monumentally bad movies: Superstar, Boat Trip, Bewitched, The Ladies Man (though I LOVE Leon Phelps...), Land of the Lost, Kicking and Screaming, Drowning Mona, The Wendell Baker Story and some others which lots of people dislike. That being said, he's been in a number of good movies as well as the crap, like Adam Sandler and Eddie Murphy before him.

So Michael Cera is no different than Adam Sandler or Will Ferrell, he's a comic actor who found a niche and has made millions from that niche.


What the *beep* is wrong with you? Literally every movie in his list is considered one of the greatest comedies of all time. The only joke in Step Brothers is seeing Will Ferrell scream "*beep*!" over & over at a steadily increasing volume.

The knack to flying lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.


Anchorman & Talladega Nights were all right but nowhere near one of the top ten comedies of all time. I honestly don't get the hype behind Step Brothers, though.

The knack to flying lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.


If you don't think Will Ferrell is hilarious then you don't know comedy

Will Ferrell is sad. Watching American comedy I'm beginning to believe there is something seriously wrong with Americans.


"how old are you? i guess a more relavant question is how STUPID are you? that guy was mentioning that morgan freeman is an accomplished actor (who has had many different types of roles). is he my favorite actor? hell no, but he isnt bad at what he does (which includes more than one role over and over again). cera on the other hand is a one note song, and its getting old FAST. like will ferrell he will soon just be a joke that nobody laughs at anymore. will he continue to find work? probably, there are enough retards like you who enjoy the same joke recycles 50 times and will pay to see his un-funny trash, but society as a whole is done with him. superbad was funny, everything hes done since has been a steady steram of less and less funny.

and "so DEAL with it." wtf are you like a high school cheerleader? stop being such a bitch lol "

-- midshipman_18

Wow that's the stupidest response I have ever read on this site. You clearly didn't understand what I had typed. I wasn't even saying I LIKE Cera -- you tool!

You are a sad piece of life.

For everyone else "sticking up" for Freeman -- good! He's a great actor. If you can't see what I meant to say you got issues and urge you to turn the computer off and go for a walk.


You have too much anger for this to make sense. It is highly likely that when you look at Cera you see a reflection of yourself, that is your own insecurities. Cera is on the big screen so this emphasizes it even more. He is everywhere you look, and like an itch on the top of your mouth you can't stop tounging it. You really shouldnt have taken out your anger and frustration on an innocent poster. When you stand up and fight the monster becareful you do not become it.

By the way, Freeman plays the same role in all his movies, apart from lucky number sleven, where he played his character from Dreamcatcher. Cera also plays the same role in all of his movies. Millions of actors play the same role in all of their movies.
Tag:These are my thoughts, there are many like them but these ones are mine(fulLmetaLjackeT)


Yeah, but the whole point of being an actor is to tackle different roles and to be good at acting. If he can only do the same role then he isn't that great of an actor at all. He's not really good at playing these roles because it honestly doesn't seem like it takes that much effort after doing the same thing for so long. The point of being an actor is to try different roles and succeed.


maybe he's being an actor to make money. if one can make lots of money playing the same person over and over and its easy then why not?! not all people are actors to try different roles and succeed in them. some want to just make good money and right now he is succeeding at that.


Actually, his alter ego is the exact opposite of him, so it's kinda like him playing a totally different character and his original character at the same time....Awesomeeeee :P.


Yeah it is starting to get a bit that way. At least in this film it seems like he has the other persona.



Let's remember though that it all started with Arrested Development...not Juno or Superbad.



Unless, comedic actors are playing a dramatic role, I think they'll always play the same type of characters cuz thats where there comedy comes from - a timing and delivery specific to them. Like Jack Black will always jump around, wave his hands and spit out some non sense vocabulary and Jim Carrey will make stretchy faces. I mean do comedians change their style for different comedic roles?

So is it a fair criticism to say they always play the same character? I guess but I think thats just nature of the beast rather than a disability.


Well said.


The difference is Jim Carrey has actually shown quite a range in his acting abilities, and he's actually a very talented actor well beyond his comedic roles. His roles in The Truman Show, Man on the Moon, Eternal Sunshine all showed that he can be much, MUCH more than a slapstick comic. Will Ferrell and Jack Black haven't shown this kind of range.

Even his comedic roles aren't cookie-cutter copies of each other like Cera's are. Dumb and Dumber, The Mask, Ace Ventura, The Cable Guy, Liar Liar, Me Myself and Irene, Lemony Snicket. Some of these characters have things in common (eccentricity, insanity, stupidity), but none of them are carbon copies of another.

Cera is awkward teen, and awkward teen seems to be his limits.


It's not uncommon for actors to stick with performing the same kinds of roles over and over again, especially if it's something that attracts an audience. People keep preaching that actors should strive for diversity in their performances, but that's not something that would work for every actor. This isn't even a new concept in Hollywood; Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, and basically every other actor in early cinema developed their career based on a single style of performance (Chaplin is almost solely known for his work as the Tramp).

Honestly, people don't look to Cera's work for a diversity in his performances. The fact that he plays the same character over an over again is, believe it or not, actually a draw for some people, as they at least know what to expect with his comedic style and, hopefully, won't be in for an unpleasant surprise.


I think that he is a young actor, and is still learning the ropes. Part of the maturation process is to take on roles that are seemingly "out of one's element," and then make something out of them. I mean, these roles seem to fit him, because he can still play people in that awkward adolescent stage. I'm pretty sure he won't be able to pull them off when he's 35 heh - but hey why not ride the wave till it lasts.


So does
Will Farrel
Seth Rogen
Jonah Hill
Morgan Freeman

but I love them all

What happens when you spill carpet cleaner?


You guys need to C A L M D O W N .
the OP is right, to some extent.
& whoever said 'if YOU were good at something, wouldn't you keep doing it?' is right TOO.
There are A LOT of actors that portray characters with characteristics reminiscent of previous movies, but whatever.
Its not your life, its Michael Cera's.
& when he (or his agent) decides to stop doing the same role,
youre gonna have to DEAL WITH IT, my friend. So there.
Either way, he's making bank playing the same characters anyways.
He's probably reading all your posts and chuckling quietly to himself. (:

I had no problem with Michael's limited acting abilies
until Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. He just couldnt captivate my attention & make me laugh like he did in Juno. Yanno?

Im excited for Youth in Revolt (:
Someone said his alter ego is almost EXACTLY like his regular self.
wtf, Michael. I hope that isnt true.
