Best Film of 2007
Simply stated, this is the best film of 2007. Does anyone agree?
shareThis movie is a combination between "Mar Adentro" (The Sea Inside) (2004), "Johnny Got His Gun" (1971) and very little with one of my prefered comedy/dramas ever "Whose Life Is It Anyway?" (1981) with an all time incredibile performance by Richard Dreyfuss.
From 2007 I didn't seen yet "Juno", "There Will Be Blood" or "The Savages", but I can say I have a top 5 Best movies from 2007 (and "Le Scaphandre et le Papillon" is not a great movie is just very good).
Top 5 from 2007 is :
2)4 MONTHS, 3 WEEKS AND 2 DAYS (this is a real revelation from Romania),
And a few special recommendations: Reign Over Me, Grindhouse, Hot Fuzz, La Vie en Rose, Hairspray, Stardust, Superbad, 3:10 to Yuma, August Rush, The Mist, Waitress, Persepolis, Klass, Le Scaphandre et le Papillon, Before the Devil Knows You're Dead, Izgnanie and one of may fav adventures of the hole year: Pirates of the Carribean : At World's End.
P.S.: Movies from 2006 seen in 2007 as This Is England, Away From Her, Amazing Grace, Once and Ostrov.
1. There Will Be Blood
2. No Country For Old Men
3. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
4. Ratatouille
5. I'm Not There
I've not see 4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days, but I think I will when it comes out in the US (Jan. 25). Juno and Atonement were good, but not quite top-five-worthy.
I do not agree. I thought it was long and average. I never connected with the lead character. The shallow part of me says that the beauty of the women in this film is its strongest appeal. The two scenes with Max Von Sydow are strong and I felt bad for his condition of course, but I had no feel for the man ... and I was physically uncomfortable for the first 20 minutes of the film due to the in and out focus and jump cuts -- i understand that was the director's way of getting us into Bauby's condition -- nonetheless it was unpleasant.
shareI liked the unpleasantness, but I can easily understand someone being put off with it. The friend I saw the movie with was put off by the first twenty or so minutes as well.
shareI agree with you. The women did add a huge appeal to an otherwise painful feeling when watching this movie. There Will be Blood, Juno, No Country are all better (for me atleast).
shareratatouille? really? are you on crack? or are you 5? holy bananas
shareHave past 12 days from my last post (is January 25th now).
I have a 99% Top 8 movies from 2007:
8) JUNO.
And supplemental very special mention for: Charlie Wilson's War, Sicko, Du Levande and Beaufort.
Movies very well known but that didn't convince me: Ratatouille, The Bourne Ultimatum, The Man from Earth, Sweeney Todd, Michael Clayton, Gone Baby Gone, Assassination of Jesse James, Atonement, Lust Caution, The Darjeeling Limited, Zodiac, Enchanted, The Kite Runner, Eastern Promises, The Great Debaters, Across the Universe, El Orfanato, Trade, The Simpons Movie, In The Valley of Elah, Die Falscher, I'm Not There, Knocked Up.
Still to see: The Savages, The Air I Breathe, Lars and the Real Girl, The Edge of Heaven.
Le Scaphandre et le Papillon is in the first 20 movies from 2007.
1. There Will Be Blood
2. The Diving Bell and The Butterfly
3. No Country for Old Men
4. Gone Baby Gone
5. Sicko
Granted, I have yet to see some films which I was highly anticipating, like Eastern Promises, Micheal Clayton, Assassination of Jesse James, and Lust Caution. IMO, I think Juno is overrated, maybe it's just me, I don't see how a coming of age story compares to a character study of a man descending into maddness like There Will Be Blood, a symbolic story of people and destiny like No Country for Old Men or a look at the beauty of life that so many take for granted like The Diving Bell...I seriously think The Diving Bell and The Butterfly should have been nominated instead of Juno.
Juno is very overrated...hasn't anyone seen Marion Cotillard in "La Vie En Rose"...unbelievable acting!
i don't know if it's the best film of the year cause i didn't see that many '07 films really but it was easily as good as no country for old men or there will be blood which are getting more praise.
Your top five is exactly the same as mine, although No Country needs to be in there, so I guess it's a top 6 for me (in no particular order though, as I find it too hard to decide).
Ironically, this isn't even ironic at all.
I think those are a very good choice for best films of 2007. THE ASSASSINATION OF JESSE JAMES BY THE COWARD ROBERT FORD never gets old, along with INTO THE WILD.. I can watch those once a month.
How's your mother?
She's on her way out.
We all are. Act accordingly.
my god. anyone who puts american gangster on any list other than pathetic *beep* list does not get my vote.
this movie :diving bell" was absolutely amazing. American gangster was hollywood *beep*
I think it's a tie between The Diving Bell and Jesse James. Those were indefinitely the top 2 movies of 2007. I have yet to see There Will Be Blood, and yes, I've seen No Country. Juno's good, but average, and Atonement is great but not the best.
FYC: Best Supporting Actor- Casey Affleck, The Assassination of Jesse James
I definitely agree. I still need to see The Savages, Once, Persepolis, Away From Her, La Vie En Rose and There Will Be Blood. Here's my list so far:
1. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
2. No Country for Old Men
3. Control
4. Rescue Dawn
5. Eastern Promises
6. Lust, Caution
7. Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
8. King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters
9. Juno
10. Sweeney Todd
1. No Country for Old Men
2. Diving Bell & Butterfly
3. There Will Be Blood
4. 12 (Russian remake of 12 Angry Men)
5. Juno
Cant wait till Persepolis
No. We didn't get to see this until 2008. Last week, in fact.
sharei agree. i have yet to see "4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days," "the savages," "12:08 east of bucharest," and "syndromes and a century," but here is my list so far:
1. the diving bell and the butterfly
2. there will be blood
3. control
4. once
5. michael clayton
6. eastern promises
7. persepolis
8. atonement
9. i'm not there
10. lars and the real girl
5. There Will be Blood
4. Zodiac
3. No Country for Old Men
2. Juno
1. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Just saw Diving Bell tonight and must say....amazing
1. Diving Bell and the Butterfly
2. Into the Wild
3. There Will Be Blood
4. No Country for Old Men
5. Atonement
6. Sunshine
7. Assassination of Jesse James
8. Sweeney Todd
9. Across the Universe
10. Darjeeling Limited
I certainly agree that this is one of 2007’s “Greats.” I am not in any way familiar with ‘Elle’ or the man that served as its’ editor- but this story is one that any human being could and should relate to with admiration and respect. The film was done with great taste and a good eye. No pun….
shareSimply stated, I'd say probably the best of 2007